Silver Findings
Widzisz posty znalezione dla hasła: Silver Findings
Temat: oferta pracy
Dostaliśmy takiego maila do klubu, może ktoś będzie zainteresowany
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Silver Travel is a tour operator serving travel agencies in Germany, Italy, Spain
and the Czech Republic.
We have several requests for tours and excurisions in Krakow and surrounding.
Can you help us? Finding a Student who need extra job as tour guide and translator?
Languages required, English and Swedish!
Kind Regards
Silver Travel GmbH
Stefan Asang, Director
Silver Travel GmbH
Krausnickstrasse 10
10115 Berlin - Mitte
Tel: +49 30 788 90 86 0
Fax: +49 30 788 90 86 7
Temat: [ADDED] Dispatched - Motherwar [Melodic Death Metal]
Dispatched - Motherwar
Genre : Melodic Death Metal
Year : 2000
Releaser : Knokkelmann
Quality : Q5
Download : ed2k://|file|Dispatched.-.Motherwar.EAC.MPC.Q5.[].rar|66313581|7305C814158A26C1F5BC05DA1195278A|h=HU2XUXQWGXBUFPXA526NFCFRGJYO57DJ|/
It seems I have a talent for finding and getting into bands that don't exist anymore -
if you take a look at my release list: Blackstar, Carcass, Cryhavoc, Death, Mithotyn and Joint Venture don't exist anymore, Bloodbath, Ophthalamia and Ten Masked Men are strange projects that one will probably never have a chance to see live (Well, I will see Bloodbath at Wacken, this will be the first and probably the last show ever). Oh, and Sentenced will disband after this Summer (last german show ever at - you guessed it: Wacken)
So let me add another disbanded band: Dispatched, fast melodic Death Metal from Sweden
01 Intro
02 Motherwar
03 To Sleep you go
04 She's lost
05 Down
06 Templar
07 The final Countdown (Europe Cover)
08 Silver Waves
09 Dispatched
Temat: G4 vs P4
| Degiecece degiececem, ale w wielu sprawach recenzenci bywają zaskakująco
| High but awkward style
| While the iMac appears light and playful, the Profile 4, which is
| covered in a matte-black finish and silver accents, feels ponderous and
| clumsy, like a big bottle of 1980 vintage Drakkar Noir. Good luck
| finding any matching furniture at IKEA.
Bo ja wiem... Gateway pasuje mi bardziej do wystroju nowoczesnego biura,
niż do IKEA style. iMaka za to jakoś w tym biurze nie widzę.
A propos IKEA. Skoro iMaczki są takie ładne, to dlaczego IKEA woli
swoje meble fotografować z komputerami HP? Wystarczy spojrzeć w
ostani katalog.
Temat: The Fall not in 1 quarter
So the rumours were true, The Fall won't be released in the first quarter this year. Here's what Carsten Strehse wrote on Silver Style forum:
Q1 isn't possible anymore. We put together so much new interesting features in the last couple of months and we want to put them into the game. I think you will be very pleased with the new ideas.
We will let you know about the new features and the new release date shortly.
This little delay could be also caused by the problem in finding a publisher in some countries. But it's only my guess.
All we can do is wait.
Temat: Krotkie recenzje Filmowe - Zero dyskusji i OT - continued
na finding nemo sie juz nie moge doczekac. zapowiada sie poteznie, ale konieczny oryginal.
bylem na Hero - zajebisty film fajny. piekne zdjecia, fajna historia (choc kolega sinolog uwaza ze przeinaczona) zajebista muzyka, tylko niestety w Silver Screenie pracuja glusi ludzie i woljum byl podkrecony na maksa. musielismy ogladac z zakrytymi uszami. sceny walk fajne, ale widzialem lepsze. 8/10
Temat: Czego teraz słuchacie
Oto moja lista utworów ,które czekaja w kolejce do wysłuchania:
1.Ron Boots - Liquid sructures in solid form
2.Rainbow serpent -Entrance/cd Silver Blue/
3.Syn/DavidT.Dewdney/- Cydonia / cd Synphara/
4.Craig Padilla -Moon Tides /cd Genesis/
5.Volt - Soaring beneath the surface /cd Through the rings/
6.Volt - Extinction /cd Volt.HjVi//
7.Free System Projekt - Moyland part 3/ cd Gent Live/
8. Ron Boots- Acustic shadows /cd Acustic Shadows/
9. Gert Emmens&Ruud Heij - Liquid ore finding its way /cd Silent witnesses.../
Temat: Na Uniwersytecie Jagiellonskim
Good site. Thanks!
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Temat: Przychodzi mama z synkiem do lekarza.
Very good site. Thank you:-)
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Temat: Małżonkowie jadą samochodem
Cool site. Thank you:-)
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Dostalem przed chwila maila z wow , jak ktos chetny to zapraszam wjazd £10 i niewazne czy jestes czlonkiem czy nie , narazie nie ma ograniczen jak w SC
a oto tresc maila:
This Sunday the 7th June at 09.30 we are near CROCKHAM HILL in KENT
Taking a look at the OS map on the link and you will see the Roman villa at Titsey on the other side of the M25. If you get the chance to drop into Clacket Lane services on the M25 there is a display of Roman finds there that were made during construction work. You will also see the Roman road leading directly from the service station in a S.S.E direction and this road passes through some of our farmers land. The land that we are searching this Sunday is off Dairy Lane to the S.W of Crockham Hill. At the moment there is available 55-acres of silaged pasture therefore the grass is very low and detecting conditions should be just right as long as the ground is not too hard. Thursday’s forecast predicts showers on Saturday and Sunday which may soften the soil somewhat.
The whole area surrounding Crockham Hill has been designated an area of outstanding beauty so it’s an ideal place for scenic photography. You may have seen the absolutely beautiful Moat Farm and pond last Sunday and also enjoyed the lovely rural drive to the dig. I am heading that way again to meet the farmer on Friday so he can show me which of his fields along Dairy Lane we can use. It’s somewhere in the circled area on the maps but not yet sure what side of Dairy Lane he means.
Thanks to all our excellent members last Sunday for doing a flawless job filing in holes! It was a job to see where you had been and I am sure more land will come of it as the farmer is happy and has plenty of referrals for us at a later date. Finds close to the oast house and farm dated mainly Tudor to modern with some nice hammered coin finds. A nice silver Roman was discovered at the other end of the vast field which proved to be quieter away from the buildings. At the end of the day a magnificent and rare gold ¼ stater of the Celtic Cantii tribe came up on this part of the farm. Don’t you just love those quiet fields! Well done to Richard Newcombe for finding his first gold coin!
Junction 6 on the M25 is your nearest motorway exit. Come off onto the A22 southbound to link up with the A25 and turn towards Oxted. Stay on the A25 passing under the high iron railway bridge. Keep going passing the turning for Limpsfield and turn right sign posted Edenbridge (B269) called Kent Hatch road. Stay on Kent Hatch Road and pass through Crockham Hill. Pass the Royal Oak and turn right into Dairy Lane.
POST CODE TN8 6RD to The Royal Oak pub
Temat: 1
tekst z tej strony, nie bijcie, jesli znacie inn± wersję a ta to jaka¶ podróba. :roll:
A wizard's staff has a knob on the end
It never will buckle, it never will bend
He cherishes it, and he calls it his friend,
and he frequently takes it in hand.
A wizard's staff is the source of his power.
He checks up on it every hour on the hour
And he's never surprised when it turns to a flower --
The fairest throughout all the land.
The staff of a wizard with honour is crowned.
Without it a wizard will rarely be found.
'Tis big and its round and weighs three to the pound
And without it he's truly unmanned.
The staff of a wizard can do mighty deeds.
It protects him from harm and attends to his needs,
Provides him with banquets upon which he feeds
And potions on which he gets canned.
Whenever a wizard is lonely or sad,
Or feeling dejected, or puzzled, or mad,
He turns to his staff, and things don't seem so bad --
By it he is never trepanned.
The staff of a wizard is dear to his heart
The source and the succour of his magic art.
They travel together, are never apart,
A relationship few understand.
A wizard is rarely of heroic build
Were it not for his staff, he would surely be killed.
By demons or monsters his blood would be spilled
All over the pitiless sand.
A wizard in thought, word, and deed should be chaste
If he is not, he's considered disgraced.
Although in his dreams he is often embraced
By ladies both lissom and tanned.
The staff of a wizard is polished with care.
He anoints it with spices and unguents rare,
Bedecks it with silver and jewels most fair,
And on feast days he has it japanned.
* A wizard when young has a staff that is small.
It's puny and weak, ineffective withal.
It grows with his power until it stands tall
As his fame and his glory expand.
*The staff of a wizard can hold many spells
For finding lost objects or dowsing new wells
For banishing demons to bottomless hells
Or bringing them back on demand.
A wizard's staff can do manifold tricks
To puzzle the nobles and fuddle the hicks
It rescues the wizard from many a fix --
It is totally at his command.
*When a wizard is old, and is starting to fade
He looks on his staff that with cunning he made
The crown of his life and the tool of his trade
And together they make their last stand.
Temat: Album roku 2007 - komentarze
Beats Friendly People
Albumy zagraniczne 2007
1. M.I.A. – Kala / XL Recordings
2. Ben Westbeech – Welcome To The Best Years Of Your Life / Brownswood
3. LCD Soundsystem – Sound Of Silver / EMI
4. Outlines – Our Lives Are Too Short / Sonar Kollektiv
5. Sa-Ra – Hollywood Recordings / Babygrande
6. Common – Finding Forever / Geffen
7. Radiohead – In Rainbows / XL Recordings
8. Pharoah Monch – Desire / Universal
9. Bjork – Volta / Universal
10. Talib Kweli – Eardrum / Warner
11. DJ Vadim – Soundcatcher / BBE
12. Tracey Thorn – Out Of The Woods / Virgin
13. Little Dragon – Little Dragon / Peacefrog
14. Elektrons – Red Light Don’t Stop / Wall Of Sound
15. G & D - The Message Uni Versa / LOOK
16. Dizzee Rascal – Maths & English / XL Recordings
17. Mark Ronson – Version / Sony BMG
18. The Black Seeds – Into The Dojo / Sonar Kollektiv
19. 4Hero – Play Witch The Changes / Raw Canvas
20. Justice - † / Ed Banger
Albumy polskie 2007:
1. Nosowska – UniSexBlues / QL Music
2. O.S.T.R. – Hollywódź / Asfalt
3. The Complainer – The Complainer & The Complainers / Mik.Musik
4. Digit All Love – Digit All Love / Open Sources
5. Łona i Weber – Absurd I Nonsens / Asfalt
6. Lady Aarp – Soma / Open Sources
7. Stealpot – Indian Salon / Vivo
8. L.U.C. Rahim – Homoxymoronomatura / Kayax
9. Eldo – 27 / My Music
10. Plazmatikon – Dżemsesje / Erem Nagrania
Kompilacje / mixy:
Polish Funk
Daniel Drumz – Nightsessions At Seventh Floor
Dj Mentalcut – Boom, By, Yeah
Hey – MTV Unplugged
Temat: G4 vs P4
| Nie wiem jak wygląda ten zasilacz do Gatewaya. Być może ma kable wpinane,
| a nie przymocowane na stałe - wtedy problem z UPS-em odpada.
Jednak nie, bo sam wiem, jak upierdliwe jest ustawienie gdzieś w tym
wszystkim UPSa. Im więcej pośredników między komputerem a gniazdkiem,
tym gorzej.
I czym się pod tym względem różni iMak?
| Gateway nie może konkurować z iMakiem pod względem designu ani
| prędkości, a i różnica cenowa jest mało istotna - z kolei nie może też
| Ooo... nie rozpędzaj się tak. Prędkością może konkurować jak najbardziej.
Bo najszybszy model nieznacznie przewyższa? A ciekawe, jak sobie radzi
ten model z Selerem 1.7.
No właśnie: bardzo ciekawe. Prawdopodobnie w testach karty graficznej (a
takie przeprowadzono) osiąga wyniki niewiele gorsze od tego z 2.8.
High but awkward style
While the iMac appears light and playful, the Profile 4, which is
covered in a matte-black finish and silver accents, feels ponderous and
clumsy, like a big bottle of 1980 vintage Drakkar Noir. Good luck
finding any matching furniture at IKEA.
Phi! Komputer dopasowany do mebli z ikei? I jakiś sybaryta to weźmie do
| Co do różnicy cenowej - jak już pisałem w innym post'cie, chciałbym
| zobaczyć porównanie iM i Gw z Celeronem.
No ale iM tutaj też wzięto z górnej półki.
I w tym właśnie rzecz: Profile 4 był z górnej półki, ale karta graficzna z
dolnej. W efekcie, PC wypadł dużo słabiej, niżby jego procesor sugerował.
PC z dolenj półki, a z taką samą kartą graficzną byłby niewiele (pomijalnie)
Temat: Fallout 3 Trophies Revealed
For the PS3 owners out there, PS3Trophies has a list of trophies to hit with the next patch.Yep, you've been waiting for this one for a while but PS3 Trophies is proud to present you with the full trophy list for Fallout 3! All 51 of them.
No news yet on when the patch will arrive but it won't be long.
Platinum: 1
Gold: 2
Silver: 10
Bronze: 38
Platinum: Platinum Trophy
Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy
Bronze: Vault 101 Citizenship Award
Got the Pip-Boy 3000
Bronze: The G.O.A.T. Whisperer
Took the G.O.A.T.
Bronze: Escape!
Completed "Escape!"
Bronze: Following in His Footsteps
Completed "Following in His Footsteps"
Bronze: Galaxy News Radio
Completed "Galaxy News Radio"
Bronze: Scientific Pursuits
Completed "Scientific Pursuits"
Bronze: Tranquility Lane
Completed "Tranquility Lane"
Bronze: The Waters of Life
Completed "The Waters of Life"
Bronze: Picking up the Trail
Completed "Picking up the Trail"
Bronze: Rescue from Paradise
Completed "Rescue from Paradise"
Bronze: Finding the Garden of Eden
Completed "Finding the Garden of Eden"
Bronze: The American Dream
Completed "The American Dream"
Silver: Take it Back!
Completed "Take it Back!"
Bronze: Big Trouble in Big Town
Completed "Big Trouble to Big Town"
Bronze: The Superhuman Gambit
Completed "The Superhuman Gambit"
Bronze: The Wasteland Survival Guide
Completed "The Wasteland Survival Guide"
Bronze: Those!
Completed "Those!"
Bronze: The Nuka-Cola Challenge
Completed "The Nuka-Cola Challenge"
Bronze: Head of State
Completed "Head of State"
Bronze: The Replicated Man
Completed "The Replicated Man"
Bronze: Blood Ties
Completed "Blood Ties"
Bronze: Oasis
Completed "Oasis"
Bronze: The Power of the Atom
Completed "The Power of the Atom"
Bronze: Tenpenny Tower
Completed "Tenpenny Tower"
Bronze: Strictly Business
Completed "Strictly Business"
Bronze: You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head
Completed "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head"
Bronze: Stealing Independence
Completed "Stealing Independence"
Bronze: Trouble on the Homefront
Completed "Trouble on the Homefront"
Bronze: Agatha's Song
Completed "Agatha's Song"
Bronze: Reilly's Rangers
Completed "Reilly's Rangers"
Bronze: Reaver
Reached Level 8 with Bad Karma
Bronze: Mercenary
Reached Level 8 with Neutral Karma
Bronze: Protector
Reached Level 8 with Good Karma
Bronze: Harbinger of War
Reached Level 14 with Bad Karma
Bronze: Pinnacle of Survival
Reached Level 14 with Neutral Karma
Bronze: Ambassador of Peace
Reached Level 14 with Good Karma
Silver: Scourge of Humanity
Reached Level 20 with Bad Karma
Silver: Paradigm of Humanity
Reached Level 20 with Neutral Karma
Silver: Last, Best Hope of Humanity
Reached Level 20 with Good Karma
Silver: Weaponsmith
Made one of every custom weapon
Bronze: Doesn't Play Well with Others
Killed 300 people
Bronze: Slayer of Beasts
Killed 300 creatures
Silver: Silver-Tongued Devil
Won 50 Speech Challenges
Silver: Data Miner
Hacked 50 terminals
Silver: Keys are for Cowards
Picked 50 locks
Silver: One-Man Scouting Party
Discovered 100 locations
Bronze: Psychotic Prankster
Placed a grenade or mine while pickpocketing
Gold: The Bigger They Are
Kill all the Super Mutant Behemoths
Silver: Yes, I Play with Dolls
Collected 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
Gold: Vault-Tec C.E.O.
Collected 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
Last edited by Brother None on Fri Dec 12, 2008 13:34; edited 1 time in total
Temat: FALLOUT 3

* Vault 101 Citizenship Award - Zdobądź Pip-Boy 3000
* The G.O.A.T. Whisperer - Zalicz G.O.A.T.
* Escape! - Zalicz "Escape!"
* Following in His Footsteps - Zalicz "Following in His Footsteps"
* Galaxy News Radio - Zalicz "Galaxy News Radio"
* Scientific Pursuits - Zalicz "Scientific Pursuits"
* Tranquility Lane - Zalicz "Tranquility Lane"
* The Waters of Life - Zalicz "The Waters of Life"
* Picking up the Trail - Zalicz "Picking up the Trail"
* Rescue from Paradise - Zalicz "Rescue from Paradise"
* Finding the Garden of Eden - Zalicz "Finding the Garden of Eden"
* The American Dream - Zalicz "The American Dream"
* Big Trouble in Big Town - Zalicz "Big Trouble to Big Town"
* The Superhuman Gambit - Zalicz "The Superhuman Gambit"
* The Wasteland Survival Guide - Zalicz "The Wasteland Survival Guide"
* Those! - Zalicz "Those!"
* The Nuka-Cola Challenge - Zalicz "The Nuka-Cola Challenge"
* Head of State - Zalicz "Head of State"
* The Replicated Man - Zalicz "The Replicated Man"
* Blood Ties - Zalicz "Blood Ties"
* Oasis - Zalicz "Oasis"
* The Power of the Atom - Zalicz "The Power of the Atom"
* Tenpenny Tower - Zalicz "Tenpenny Tower"
* Strictly Business - Zalicz "Strictly Business"
* You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head - Zalicz "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head"
* Stealing Independence - Zalicz "Stealing Independence"
* Trouble on the Homefront - Zalicz "Trouble on the Homefront"
* Agatha's Song - Zalicz "Agatha's Song"
* Reilly's Rangers - Zalicz "Reilly's Rangers"
* Reaver - Zdobądź Level 8 ze Złą Karmą
* Mercenary - Zdobądź Level 8 z Neutralną Karmą
* Protector - Zdobądź Level 8 z Dobra Karmą
* Harbinger of War - Zdobądź Level 14 ze Złą Karmą
* Pinnacle of Survival - Zdobądź Level 14 z Neutralną Karmą
* Ambassador of Peace - Zdobądź Level 14 z Dobrą Karmą
* Slayer of Beasts - Zabij 300 potworów
* Psychotic Prankster - Umieść granat bądź minę podczas kradzieży
* Doesn't Play Well with Others - Zabij 300 ludzi

* Scourge of Humanity - Zdobądź Level 20 ze Złą Karmą
* Paradigm of Humanity - Zdobądź Level 20 z Neutralną Karmą
* Last, Best Hope of Humanity - Zdobądź Level 20 z Dobrą Karmą
* Weaponsmith - Zrób jedną z każdej możliwej custom weapon
* Take it Back! - Zalicz "Take it Back!"
* Silver-Tongued Devil - Wygraj 50 Speech Challenges
* Data Miner - Shackuj 50 terminali
* Keys are for Cowards - Otwórz 50 zamków
* One-Man Scouting Party - Odkryj 100 lokacji
* Yes, I Play with Dolls - Zbierz 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads

* The Bigger They Arer30 - Zabij wszystkie Super Mutant Behemoths
* Vault-Tec C.E.O. - Zbierz 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads

* Platinum Trophy - Zbierz pozostałe trofea
Temat: Lyrical overload
taking back sunday - you're so last summer
"the truth
is you could slit my throat
And with my one last gasping breath
I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt"
for those who know of the elaine saga, ironic huh? :>
Park Saga
park have possibly got, the best lyrics, ever.
Park - Gasoline Kisses To Everyone
"I think I'd be lying
if I said I didn't miss this.
slipping off the edge of the bed,
I know I could kiss you better than that.
one more try, one more goodnight.
don't pull away so fast.
10 more seconds is all I ask."
Park - Numerous Murders
All night long
I am watching you connect the gaps and cracks which make me famous
I'll pull this knot out from my throat
Recite the reasons how not to choke
(You are the one that keeps me far from asking)
Far from now
You will hear me say "I'm addicted to the sleep you're taking"
I'll cut my throat to make this right
And bleed all the words I've left inside
(You are the one that keeps me far from asking)
All this talk
Has given in to ache from the noise you use that makes me jealous
I'll cut my throat to make this right
And bleed all the words I've left inside
(You are the one that keeps me far from asking)
Free the tension around my neck
Bleed all the words I've left inside
Free the tension bleed all the words I've left inside
Bleed all the words around my neck
(Breathing believing)
An unexpected expectancy
An ending an opening
A catch phrase uncaught but still complete
A smile and a grin
The perfect moment
The bitter end"
Park - Which Wrist First
"Don't let me shut this light
For the killer in my head
Needs a signal to prove that I am not dead just yet
But burned out and going blue
The salt is set with open wounds
Doused and fresh
Just act as if I'm gone
And decaying in my room
I hold a shadow as close as a silver ghost
Grasps onto an image known to him as you
At this fast rate, I'll be lucky if I'm dead by morning
Tonight I'm spent
Pretend this razor is your lips
You're finding ways to kiss
(Ways to kiss me)
Deeply on the wrists
I loved what I had
It's impossible to get it back"
Park - Pomona For Empusa
"Are these lungs desperatley filled by someone
starving and sad,
because you know your lover,
won't be back?
Are these words useless and absurd?
Such a sight of this,
makes the harbor and the water sick.
I understand your reasons,
for this awkward dance.
I'd leave me, too,
if I thought I had the slightest chance.
I cry loud to these sheets they grip back tight.
Fall asleep to the sound of my own life.
If I drink this bottle fast enough,
I might get lucky and won't wake up. "
Makahunu, koe ki'i afe mai pe keta inu-inu kava pe mo talitali 'a Lopau, I believe he is very much occupied at the moment. Any way, here is my 2 cent opinion of the subject, just to keep the fire burning.
Sounds good to me.
In spite of this DNA research which many "Christian" Ministries now believe in, some Christians still hold the Genesis account in the Bible to be the infallible word of God. On the other hand, many atheists do not believe in the Bible, and have constituted their own philosophies with the purpose of refuting those who believe in God and the Bible. Unfortunately, the field of science have been one of them, supporting atheist claims.
Correction, the scientific community did the DNA research and published it for the world to benefit from. Of course, the Christian Ministries are using it to prove their argument. Can you imagine if Thomas Stuart Ferguson archaeological research in the Mexico and Central America turn out any evidence that could have proven the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon? But he did not despite the fact that the Church was bankrolling the expedition raising a lot of questions.
I am very well aware of the argument regarding the DNA and the Bible but that is not the issue we are talking about. The Book of Mormon was translated in 1830 directly into English by means of divine assistance and should not have raised so much controversy. The Book of Mormon consisted mainly of the story of Lehi and his descendents starting from 600 BC to 435 AC, a time span of 1,000 years.
During that period millions of people walked the two American continents building large cities. It was clear from the Book of Mormon that those people were highly advanced in technology, science, civil and structure engineering, to name a few. They had a sophisticated judiciary system. It should be correct to assume that 1,000 years of developing technology should have left behind plenty of evidences yet none was ever found. There were no traces of Hebrew any where in the ruins in Mexico and Central America. This was the same period the Roman occupied England and the archaeologists uncovered tons of artifacts that tells us when the Romans arrived in the Isles, how they lived and what they ate. Some of the finds were swords, iron arrowheads, silver and gold coins, written documents etc.
I find it very hard to believe that none of the Book of Mormon artifacts were ever found. I don't believe God purposely hid every little bits of evidence from the 1,000 years of civilization. Joseph Smith claimed angel Moroni took the Golden Plates providing a convenient excuse to divert a reasonable explanation and to which left us to rely solely upon his word.
There are other scientific methods available to authenticate the Book of Mormon but every single one of them failed to provide one shred of evidence that any Hebrew ever walked the face of the Americas during the Book of Mormon period. If DNA proves that the Book of Mormon was true I am sure you won't have any trouble approving it. The Book of Mormon must stand up to all scrutiny without going into motion of finding every excuse to defend it.
Temat: Our Man Flint (Daniel Mann, 1966) [RePoPo]
[size=24]Our Man Flint (Daniel Mann, 1966) [RePoPo][/size]
Plik [b]Our Man Flint (Daniel Mann, 1966) [RePoPo][/b] jest tylko linkiem dla programu Torrent nie jest to dana aplikacja lub plik, dokument, itp. Posiadanie linków Torrenta nie łamie prawa a ściągane za ich pomocą programy należy usuwać po upływie 24 godzin.
General Information
Type.................: Movie
Container file.......: AVI
Video Format.........: AVC (Intel H.264)
Total Bitrate........: 1815Kbps
Audio format.........: AC3
Audio Languages......: English 2.0
Subtitles Ripped.....: English, Spanish
Resolution...........: 704x304
Color................: Color, 24 bits
FPS..................: 23.976
Source...............: DVD
Duration.............: 01:47:41
Original Format......: Anamorphic NTSC DVD
Genre................: Spy, Action, Comedy
IMDb Rating..........: 6.4
Movie Information....:
Release Notes
James Coburn stars as super-spy Derek Flint in this action comedy which takes
the tongue-in-cheek wit of the James Bond series and shifts it into high gear.
Flint is an ultra-sophisticated operative of international intelligence agency
Z.O.W.I.E. He's a master of martial arts, electronic gadgetry (his cigarette
lighter can perform 83 special functions), languages both human and animal (he
can communicate with dolphins in a pinch), and even gives ballet lessons to the
dancers of the Bolshoi. So when his fellow agents begin dropping like flies,
Z.O.W.I.E. assigns Flint the task of finding out who the killers happen to be.
Eventually, Flint discovers that the killings are all part of the wicked
machinations of G.A.L.A.X.Y., a cadre of world-wide villainy that plans to take
over the world through weather control. Our Man Flint also stars Lee J. Cobb,
Gila Golan, and Edward Mulhare. A sequel, In Like Flint, followed two years
later, and in 1976, the character was revived for a TV movie, Our Man Flint:
Dead on Target, with Ray Danton taking over the role of Derek Flint.
Daniel Mann - Director
Saul David - Producer
Hal Fimberg - Screenwriter
Ben Starr - Screenwriter
Daniel L. Fapp - Cinematographer
Jerry Goldsmith - Composer (Music Score)
William H. Reynolds - Editor
Ed Graves - Art Director
Jack Martin Smith - Art Director
Raphael Bretton - Set Designer
Walter Scott - Set Designer
Ray Aghayan - Costume Designer
Elmer Raguse - Sound/Sound Designer
Ben Nye, Sr. - Makeup
L.B. Abbott - Special Effects
Emil Kosa, Jr. - Special Effects
Howard Lydecker - Special Effects
David Silver - First Assistant Director
James Coburn - Derek Flint
Lee J. Cobb - Cramden
Gila Golan - Gila
Edward Mulhare - Malcolm Rodney
Benson Fong - Dr. Wu
Shelby Grant - Leslie
Sigrid Valdis - Anna
Gianna Serra - Gina
Helen Funai - Sakito
Rhys Williams - Dr. Krupov
Russ Conway - American General
Ena Hartman - WAC
William Walker - American Diplomat
Peter Brocco - Dr. Wu
James Brolin - Extra
Harry Monty - Uncredited
Michael St. Clair - Gruber
[code]Seeders: [color=green]0[/color]
Leechers: [color=red]0[/color]
Pliki: 6
Rozmiar: 1.37 GiB (1469692608 Bytes)
Załadowany: 2008-05-24 12:19:21 GMT
Przez: repopo
Aby prawidłowo otworzyć plik [b]Our Man Flint (Daniel Mann, 1966) [RePoPo][/b] powinieneś zainstalować klienta sieci p2p.
Temat: G4 vs P4
| To koszmarnie wszystko komplikuje, zwłaszcza taki
| "drobiazg" jak UPS. Do iMaka pasuje standardowy kabel zasilający (taki z
| trzema bolcami - nie wiem, czy ta wtyczka ma jakąś nazwę typu RS czy RJ).
Nie wiem jak wygląda ten zasilacz do Gatewaya. Być może ma kable wpinane, a
nie przymocowane na stałe - wtedy problem z UPS-em odpada.
Jednak nie, bo sam wiem, jak upierdliwe jest ustawienie gdzieś w tym
wszystkim UPSa. Im więcej pośredników między komputerem a gniazdkiem,
tym gorzej.
| Gateway nie może konkurować z iMakiem pod względem designu ani
| prędkości, a i różnica cenowa jest mało istotna - z kolei nie może też
Ooo... nie rozpędzaj się tak. Prędkością może konkurować jak najbardziej.
Bo najszybszy model nieznacznie przewyższa? A ciekawe, jak sobie radzi
ten model z Selerem 1.7.
design to DGCC. Mnie np. bardziej podoba się 'industrialne' wzornictwo
Gatewaya (z tego samego powodu podobają mi się kanciaste kształty
apple'owskich notebooków, iMac - już średnio).
Degiecece degiececem, ale w wielu sprawach recenzenci bywają zaskakująco
High but awkward style
While the iMac appears light and playful, the Profile 4, which is
covered in a matte-black finish and silver accents, feels ponderous and
clumsy, like a big bottle of 1980 vintage Drakkar Noir. Good luck
finding any matching furniture at IKEA.
However, you should blame this heavier design on technology, not simply
misguided aesthetics. Because Apple long ago did away with legacy
serial, printer, and VGA ports, only the iMac's optical drive limits its
chassis size. But PCs, including the Profile 4, must be backward
compatible. Thus, the Profile 4's much larger CPU housing proffers a
full complement of standard connectors supplemented with six total USB
ports and two FireWire connectors. Also, the Profile's built-in display
doesn't provide the same range of motion as the iMac's; whereas the
iMac's screen moves in a smooth semicircle, the Profile 4's moves only
up and down and not very fluidly at that.
Co do różnicy cenowej - jak już pisałem w innym post'cie, chciałbym
zobaczyć porównanie iM i Gw z Celeronem.
No ale iM tutaj też wzięto z górnej półki.
| konkurować ze znacznie tańszymi i szybszymi Zeneksami. Pewnie skończy
| tak, jak wszystkie pecetowe klony iMaka G3.
Pewnie tak, ale czego to dowodzi? Tylko tego, że domowi użytkownicy
komputerów Apple mają wybór między iMakiem a... iMakiem. Sam pisałeś, że
Apple zmuszone było wykupić jakiegoś producenta klonów, bo brzydsze, ale
_tańsze_ komputery znajdowały zbyt wielu amatorów.
Teraz pomyliłeś dwie rzeczy. Apple wykupiło firmę Power Computing, która
produkowała legalne klony mekintoszy - klony nie w sensie skopiowania
wzornictwa, tylko zdolności do odpalenia MacOS (miały Motorole 604). Nie
mogli im odebrać licencji, więc ich wykupili. Mówiąc o klonach iM mam na
myśli zwykłe Wintele, tyle że pakowane w obudowy mające udawać iM G3 czy G4.
Temat: Dzieki :-(((
Ponieważ atmosfera strasznie zgęstniała i zrobiło się trochę smutno i
niesmacznie proponuję "lotniczy" kawał.
Dobry pomysl. To Buslikowa komedia, grana tu juz drugi raz, robi sie nudna.
Troche wojskowego humoru:
The Snake Model: The Differential Theory of U.S. Armed Forces upon
encountering a snake in the area of operations (AO):
a. AIRBORNE: Lands on and kills the snake.
b. ARMOR: Runs over snake, laughs and looks for more snakes.
c. ARMY AVIATION: Has GPS grid of snake. Couldn't fine snake.
Flies back to base for crew rest and a manicure.
d. RANGER: Plays with snake and then eats it.
e. FIELD ARTILLERY: Kills snake, but in the process kills several
hundred civilians with massive TOT barrage with three FA brigades in support.
Mission is considered a success and all participants (cooks, mechanics, clerks)
are awarded the Silver Star.
f. COMBAT ENGINEERS: Studies snake. Prepares in-depth doctrinal thesis in
obscure 5 series FM about to defeat snake using countermobility assets.
Complains that the maneuver forces don't understand how to properly conduct
doctrinal counter-snake operations.
g. NAVY S.E.A.L.: Expends all ammunition, several grenades and calls for naval
gunfire support in failed attempt to kill snake. Snake bites SEAL and retreats to
safety. (SEAL blames bad intel for mission failure.)
h. AIR FORCE FIGHTER PILOT: Mis-identifies the snake as a HIND helicopter and
engages it with missiles. Crew chief paints a snake on airplane.
i. COMBAT CONTROLLER: Guides snake elsewhere.
j. PARA-RESCUE: Wounds snake in the first encounter, then feverishly works
to save the snake's life.
k. MARINE RECON: Follows snake and gets lost.
l. SPECIAL FORCES: Makes contact with the snake, builds rapport, win its heart
and mind, and then trains it to kill other snakes.
m. US ARMY MILITARY INTELLIGENCE: Locates snake without snake knowing it.
Studies snake and it's movements. Reports back to Company Commander
on snakes location and movement. Snake discovers it's location has been
compromised. Snake disappears.
n. US ARMY QUARTERMASTER: Captures snake, applies a National Stock Number
(NSN) to it. Implements a Found On Installation (FOI). Inputs information
into property book. Has Company Commander sign for snake, one green,
on Non-Expendable hand receipt.
Army cooks: See snake, throws snake in pot, feeds snake to troops.
Army OBC: Mis-Indetifies snake as stick, reaches down to examine stick, gets bit.
Army NBC: Hears about snakes existance. Immediately releases nuclear strike
killing all nearby towns and causing huge radioctive cloud to travel downrange.
Immediately follows nuke strike with nerve agent attack, and then releases
biological agents to insure snakes destruction, while whipping out the entire
population in a 500 mile radius. Rest of Nbc team immediately rush in,
and decontamite remaining ashes in the area attacked and call mission a success.
JCS: Hears that a snake exists in the theater. They release another division to
hunt down snake. Sattelites are recalibrated in orbit to pinpoint snakes location.
division rolls past snake and blows up a bunny hole, JCS tell president operation
was a success.
Congress: Immediately allocate 10 billion dollars more to rid the area of the
snake in question. Huge television debates take place over the snake threat.
Call for mobilization of an entire corps to deal with snake. 4 gang-pressed
clerks playing infantry end up being corps and are immediately bitten once
finding snake. Clerks get puple hearts while media is told snake has been
neutralized, while they pocket the 10 billion.
Temat: [PSX] Ronin Blade (Soul of the Samurai) - Haiku
Chciałbym przedstawić Wam efekty mojej pracy nad tłumaczeniem haiku z gry nad którą pracuje Cosmaty.
Pojawiają się one podczas zapisywania stanu gry. Błędy mogą się pojawić w wersji angielskiej (przepisywałem je na kartkę kilka lat temu i w jednym czy dwóch wyrazach miałem wątpliwości ale poprawiłem je według uznania:)
W dwóch słowach, przy haiku należy (starać się) zachowaćformę 5-7-5 (sylab) i to właśnie starałem się osiągnąć (jeśli tłumaczenie "dosłowne" nie mieściło się w 5-7-5, zamieniałem ewentualnie kolejność lub zmieniałem lekko tekst). Proszę żebyście się wypowiedzieli jeśli chcecie, będzie mi bardzo miło^^
Miejscie też na uwadze że to moja druga próba przy tłumaczeniu haiku (pierwsza była na zajęciach z literatury japońskiej:)
First storm of the year
Holding an umbrella over
Small chrysantemums
Pierwszy deszcz roku
trzymając parasolkę
nad chryzantemą
Bellflowers in sight
My heart bouncing up and down
From pure nostalgia
Dzwoneczki widzę
moje serce kołacze
zwykła nostalgia
Cape Jasmine flowers
Remind me of dear mother
Lone clouds in the sky
Kwiaty jaśminu
wspomnienie drogiej matki
samotna chmura
Dews drop to the ground
This must be a demonâs lair
Or a nest of snakes
Tam krople rosy
pewnie nora demona
lub gniazdo węży
The moon hides her face
Digging sole for potatoes
Tell me the season
Księżyc ją zakrył
wykopując ziemniaki
jaka to pora?
Stems start bending down
The silver grass realizes
Itâs own weight increase
Łodyga zgięta
srebrna trawa rozumie
swój własny ciężar
Harvesting rice plants
The smell of fertility
Bring them hungry ghouls
Pola ryżowe
wabi głodne upiory
zapach żyzności
One autumn twilight
In the name of the Hell Lord
I slay those demons
Jesiennym zmierzchem
w imieniu Pana Piekieł
gładzę demony
Giant katydid
Finding no good place to die
Keeps on walking âround
To konik polny
nie mogąc nigdzie umrzeć
podąża dalej
The hem of garments
Turn vermilion in autumn
Hoping it never ends
Rąbek ubrania
jesienią cynobrowy
chcę by trwał wiecznie
Devouring the souls
Of evil ghosts and goblins
Earthworms making cries
Wchłaniając dusze
złych duchów i goblinów
robaki płaczą
An injured wild boar
Wiblow branches are scattered
By winter winds
Poraniony dzik
gałęzie rozrzucone
zimowym wiatrem
Cold autumn showers
Pour over and soak thousands
Of wandering souls
Jesienne deszcze
spływają na tysiące
wędrujących dusz
The calm autumn sky
Following from underneath
The swallow on its way
Jesienne niebo
chmury płyną spokojnie
jaskółka w drodze
Butcher-bird is gone
I frown that no longer can
I hear the bird sing
Srokacza nie ma
marszczę czoło ponieważ
już nie zaśpiewa
Gilding in the winds
The wagtile flies and feels like
King of the whole sky
Błyszcząc na wietrze
pliszka czuje się lecąc
królem w przestworzy
The high autumn sky
After loosing ones calmness
The thrush will return not
Jesienne niebo
gdy raz straci cierpliwość
drozd nie powróci
Walk the many roads
Dance and turn to blow away
The dews on the way
Krocząc po drogach
w końcu będzie zdmuchnięta
rosa na przejściu
Rice plants been pecked on
Scarecrow chases birds away
It is just his job
Ryż rozdziobany
strach na wróble wciąż stoi
taką ma pracę
The storm blows strongly
Among the waves up and down
Bobs the helpless boat
Wiatr dmie potężny
pośród fal samotna łódź
płynie bezradnie
Swallow in sunset
With dreams never coming true
Thin clouds remain calm
Sny niespełnione
jaskółka o zachodzie
chmura bez ruchu
In the sunset sky
The swallow flies far away
Beyond the thick clouds
Wieczorne niebo
jaskółka odlatuje
za gęste chmury
Tohjo castle
Evil presence in the dark
Fills the air and night
Na zamku TĹjo
zło okryte ciemnością
wypełnia przestrzeń
Meaning no hatred
Kill with the sword to make bloom
The Patrinia
Bez nienawiści
zabić aby zakwitły
kwiaty Patrinii
Right at this moment
A winter cherry ripe enough
To fall and disappear
Właśnie w tej chwili
wiśnia ledwo rozkwitła
spadła na ziemię
The storm is now gone
Colors of the sunset sky
Paint your cheeks bright red
Burza ustała
twe lico na czerwono
zabarwia niebo
Temat: 100 najlepszych gier wszechczasów
100 gier wszechczasów według InQuesta
13-09-2007 17:14 (InQuest) Koment.: 16
Magazyn InQuest opublikował listę 100 najważniejszych, według redakcji, gier wszechczasów. Wśród tytułów znalazły się gry planszowe, karciane, bitewne i fabularne.
Wymieniam co ciekawsze pozycje i top 5 Mythos lepsze od CoC ccg
We © Cthulhu. Cthulhu games are seldom crap, and this baby broke new ground with domain-based resource mechanics and great integration of the requisite horror and madness themes.
With cards like “Fetus Alteration,” “Putrefy Other’s body” and “Meat Hook,” morbid horror is the sort of thing you can expect from this grotesque game, whose mechanics are a nice hybrid of tarot and a board game.
From visiting the Dreamlands to joining the Silver Twilight Lodge to waking up crazy in Arkham Asylum and trying to drive back Cthulhu himself, this bulky-but-fun board game plays like a wild self-GMing RPG.
No other minis game has had the staying power of Warhammer, and quite frankly only a few reach the level of fun you’ll experience as your Skaven race across highly detailed terrain towards ranks of finely painted Bretonnian bowmen.
One more killer Cthulhu game that deserves our lovin’s, this one opens up the whole of Lovecraft’s multiverse with a design ironically akin to traditional family-style card games.
We have nothing but adoration for a game that dares to deny PCs any and all special powers or hidden tricks, instead making them just everyday dudes…one step away from losing their sanity!
This TCG dug into the fan-demonium of Peter Jackson’s films and has stayed strong with its never-before-seen “pooling” mechanic that’s faithful to Tolkien’s concept of great good bringing on great evil. And the amazing depth of still shots pulled from the Rings movies made the game visually stunning.
The best board game ever, Settlers embodies everything that’s right with brettspieles. It’s got building, resource management and cooperative play; it’s even got that pesky robber to add an element of chance!
Titan ranks highest in the games-we-play-at-lunch category, not for being innovative but for perfecting an earlier game (Grand National Derby) so well. It keeps all the simplicity of Derby as a betting game but uses its kickin’ fantasy theme to give its critters special powers.
Perhaps it’s only a matter of time before this king of Clixdom pulls to the head of the IQ-ratings pack. Putting it at the 3-spot, though, we’re recognizing that it’s still just a kid finding itself in a very big gaming world. HeroClix is pound-for-pound the best superhero game we’ve ever played, not only for allowing players to cross universes beyond the standard DC/Marvel cliché, but also for featuring all the strengths of WizKids’ previous pre-painted, dialed-up minis.
Nothing comes close to topping those once-upon-a-time hours our pimply-faced selves spent slurping down sodas and scarfing nachos as we slashed our way through evening after evening of mysteries, monsters and mages. Some of us point to the vivid fight scenes as the most memorable moments, others the intricate plots of classic modules like Queen of the Demonweb Pits and Ravenloft. But the truth is, it was everything, from alignments to Mordenkainen to the Underdark, that put this game as close to our hearts as our first bicycles.
Over the years, our all-time favorite RPG has gone through so many changes it makes a person’s head spin, but we like it all. Change is just as crucial for a living RPG as is the language it’s written in. D&D has stood this test of time elegantly, and we expect just like Monopoly, Clue or even chess, it’s going to be around for a long, long time. And now Fourth Edition is on the horizon, too!
Surprise, surprise! Yes, you might have predicted this was No. 1, but that doesn’t mean we should sabotage it from the top spot, does it? As most of you already know, it’s our favorite CCG—the original and undisputed genesis of the whole genre—and Magic has delivered more hours of strategy and entertainment than probably all the other games we’ve ever played combined.
Not even when we had our doubts somewhere around Kamigawa Block or went through the depression era of Fallen Empires did we lose faith. For every step backwards, Magic has taken 10 in the right direction, making phrases like “Black Lotus” bywords among gamers worldwide. It’s also hit a second wind with the release of masterfully constructed blocks like Ravnica and Time Spiral, heralding a second Golden Age of gaming we wouldn’t miss even if Armageddon were knocking down our doors.