simple passive

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Temat: co tak cicho?

#: | Nie musi miec sensu po polsku.
#: | to w ogole nie mialoby sensu nie tylko po polsku :-/
#: |
#: | Bzdura. Bart will have been killed by six o'clock tomorrow. Sprawdz
#:                     ^^^^^^^^^ be, jak juz
#: Bart will be killed - to jest czas future simple
#: Bart will have been killed - to jest passive w czasie future perfect
#Dzieki z gory :-))

Nie. Pierwsze zdanie to jest passive w future simple, a drugie - passive w
future perfect. Zalezy co chcesz powiedziec - czy to ze Bart bedzie martwy
_o_ szostej (f. simple) czy _do_ szostej (f. perfect).


Temat: Opinie o metodzie callana
Nie mam przy sobie akurat książki. Ale z tego co pamiętam w 3 książce są passive, present, past continuous i first & second conditional . W 2 książce jest past simple, present simple, present perfect, past perfect.
Powyższe czasy ja POZNAWAŁEM. Kiedy je się używa, konstrukcję itd. Aha, od 2 książki aż do 3 (i pewnie dalej) wymagana była znajomość 3 odmian czasownika, które też POZNAWALIŚMY.

Lived chodziłaś w ogóle na tą metodę, czy słyszałaś od koleżanki kolegi?

Nie jestem pewien czy w danych książkach były dane czasy, bo mogło być na odwrót.. jednak pamiętam, że o danych czasach wszystkiego się UCZYŁEM. To jest tak zwane "new job", albo "new words". Najpierw poznawaliśmy nowe słowa, lub czasy po czym było full pytań do nich.

Temat: FOnline open test
we are currently forming a Brotherhood of Testers (people who were in the testing team before open test begun) so i'm kinda can't be in two factions at the same time so no extra repair man for you, sorry the reason we're teaming up is simple - survival.

However, i hereby offer you an alliance. It's up to you to decide whether you want to be our "passive" ally (neutral to us) or an "active" one (mutual help, trading/barter, maybe even teaming up) or even be hostile to us. Do whatever you think is right and praise the Master, the Holy Flame, the Unity or whatever you're praising

You might want to know that one of our leaders is Vampire. I talked to him, he said it was a self-defence.

I shall also tell you one of my thoughts - the more the better. We might become THE force of the Wastelands.

Temat: co tak cicho?

Sorry za cross, ale wystapil taki oto problem - czy ktos by sie
podjal komentarza ? :-)

: [ Article reposted from pl.rec.hihot ]


: | | | (i'll have been skisniety)" - przez
: | | |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ erm, może ja się nie znam..ale takiej
: | | | konstrukcji ni ma.
: | | afaik jest.
: | | siur, ze jest - strona bierna w czasie future perfect :)
: | | yeah right, podaj przykład zdania..i potem przetłumacz na polski.
: |
: | Nie musi miec sensu po polsku.
: | to w ogóle nie miałoby sensu nie tylko po polsku :-/
: |
: | Bzdura. Bart will have been killed by six o'clock tomorrow. Sprawdz
:                     ^^^^^^^^^ be, jak już
: Bart will be killed - to jest czas future simple
: Bart will have been killed - to jest passive w czasie future perfect

Dzieki z gory :-))


Sławomir Witold Górniak  * Instytut Telekomunikacji Politechniki Warszawskiej

Temat: Haro sur les homos ! : enquĂŞte sur l"homophobie

afil a ĂŠcrit:
c'est parce que tu te rends sans doute pas compte que la simple idÊe de subir une sodomie passive par un autre homme, du point de vue d'un hÊtÊro, est absolument insupportable. ceci, je prÊcise, d'un poit de vue physique pas moral, ça ne me dÊrange pas que tu apprÊcies ça.

question de paradigme

j'ajouterai encore que certaines expĂŠriences personnelles sur lesquels, par pudeur, je ne veux pas m'ĂŠtendre ajoutent encore Ă  mon dĂŠgout physique.

Maintenant nous savons que tu es un passif. Voila. Lâches le disque

je garde ce message pour que tout le monde sache

Temat: Haro sur les homos ! : enquĂŞte sur l"homophobie

c'est parce que tu te rends sans doute pas compte que la simple idÊe de subir une sodomie passive par un autre homme, du point de vue d'un hÊtÊro, est absolument insupportable. ceci, je prÊcise, d'un poit de vue physique pas moral, ça ne me dÊrange pas que tu apprÊcies ça.

question de paradigme

j'ajouterai encore que certaines expĂŠriences personnelles sur lesquels, par pudeur, je ne veux pas m'ĂŠtendre ajoutent encore Ă  mon dĂŠgout physique.

Maintenant nous savons que tu es un passif. Voila. Lâches le disque.

Temat: Haro sur les homos ! : enquĂŞte sur l"homophobie
c'est parce que tu te rends sans doute pas compte que la simple idÊe de subir une sodomie passive par un autre homme, du point de vue d'un hÊtÊro, est absolument insupportable. ceci, je prÊcise, d'un poit de vue physique pas moral, ça ne me dÊrange pas que tu apprÊcies ça.

question de paradigme

j'ajouterai encore que certaines expĂŠriences personnelles sur lesquels, par pudeur, je ne veux pas m'ĂŠtendre ajoutent encore Ă  mon dĂŠgout physique.

Temat: magic crits..

End this emodrama plox.... Im also warrior, and fight with mage in similliar gear is in 70-80% won(including his crits etc). Final changed many things in skills and chars, try to find NEW way to fight..

Hahaha, New way to fight?! You're biggest noob I've ever seen. Really...
Let's consider few things:
1) with lvl 79 hierophant buffs (including all elemental resists, magic barrier, PoF)
I have 1100+ mdef and elemental resists as follows:
fire 50 / water 40 / wind 40 / earth 45
2) I get over 5k dmg by one hit from spellsinger with AM, moreover
During exping I've met some sps few times in a row
and in all cases he killed me by one hit dealing 5.5k dmg becaue I had half of HP,
even with full HP he would kill me by 2nd nuke before I would get him on my target,
so m.crit rate 100%? or nuker with lowest m.atk deals so much dmg by normal hit?

So... only NEW way to fight against nuker I see is to press bsoe.
Most of classes have CP+HP < 10 000, so what's the point for fighting
if nuker deals 5-8k dmg almsot every time with few simple buffs
like empower and acumen + maybe prophecy? Without wild magic, crit rate seems to be like 30-40%, so with that insane cast speed it's is crazy.
Dagger users and archers are now nothing against nukers
even with PP+SwS+BD buffs... they seemed to be most dangerous
opponents for nukers, but now they are free frags.
On l2j servers always nukes was bit stronger that fighters but in pvp
situations the difference wasn't so big. Now it's sick... few times when playing SH
I killed group of fighters like destroyer/dagger/glad, by using 2 nukes...
hurricane, death spike, and sometimes dark vortex (almost everytime it does critical hit, so 5k dmg = 5k HP restored o.O).
Actually nuker with sword of valhalla is more dangerous than archer with draco bow, so GL & HF.

Actually, playing nuker is boring, because all I need to do is to press F1, F2 all the time and I can kill almost everyone in 3-4 secs this way,
and playing archer is pointless, because I can't kill robe users (classes with lowest p.def)
while having 4000+ p.atk and 720 atk speed o.O ...stun +7 chance never lands neither on robe users in pvp nor mobs (unless we are talking about mobs 20 lvl lower than me xD)
And don't tell me that to handle single hit from nuker I need full S jewelery set +10, magic barrier, song of warding, prahnah, CoV and passive magic barrier in augmentation >.<
I was playing nukers and archers on few servers and I've never seen before so big lack of balance.

Where is the class balance? damn it!
I would like to see nukers winning around 50% of battles instaed of 99%...
It's called balance junior

Temat: rezystancja czujnika ABS
Mogę Ci podłączyć rozpiskę wtyki od modułu ABS, to sobie wypniesz i posprawdzasz miernikiem obwody czujników poszczególnych kół. Ja mam niebieskie wtyczki od czujników (od 09/1998, inna zasada działania) i tak dla swojej ciekawości mierzyłem, choć w zasadzie powinno się sprawdzić oscyloskopem i wyszło mi na uszkodzonym coś koło 200-300 Ohm, a na pozostałych 7 MOhm, 12 MOhm i 15 MOhm. I rzeczywiście ten o rażąco mniejszej rezystancji był walnięty, co potwierdziłem po podłączeniu do kompa. Po wymianie OKI...



P.S. Opis sygnałów z WDS:

Speed signals
Input signals
The wheel speed signals are made available by four "active" speed sensors.

These active speed sensors operate in accordance with the Hall principle, in which changes in the magnetic field strength produce alternating voltages with the frequency used as a measure for the wheel speed. In contrast to the passive speed sensors, the actual sensor element and electronics for signal conditioning are integrated in the active speed sensors.

Advantages of active sensors:

Speed sensing down to almost 0 km/h

Signal amplitude independent of speed

Compact size, low weight

Installation directly in wheel bearing possible

Simple sensor monitoring

The speed signals are square-wave signals with constant amplitude (low level = 0.75 V, high level = 2.5 V), frequencies within the range from 0 ... approx. 1700 Hz are obtained for the speed range from 0 ... 250 km/h dependent on the tyre circumference.

The ABS/ASC control unit provides the voltage supply to the active sensors (7.6 ... 8.4 V direct voltage).

Output Signals
Since other control units also require the wheel speeds, such as the instrument cluster electronics (IKE) or electronic damper control (EDC), the speed signals are processed accordingly in the ABS/ASC control unit.

These speed output signals are square-wave signals with constant amplitude (low-level < 1 V, high-level> 11 V). The frequency is dependent on the wheel speeds and lies in the range between 0 ... 1700 Hz (0 ... 250 km/h).

Temat: Banlieue

Pourquoi ne pas faire visiter les prisons aux petits caids qui n'en sont encore qu'au simple petit acte d'incivilitÊ en leur faisant comprendre que la prochaine fois sera plus sÊrieuse, ça c'est de la prÊvention (tout comme on fait visiter les centres de rÊÊducation d'accidentÊs de la route aux chauffards pris en Êtat d'alcoolÊmie pour leur faire prendre conscience de leurs actes).
Ca changera rien malheureusement. Franchement qu'est ce que le gamin qui n'a rien a perdre va penser de la prison? RIEN. Au contraire quelque soit le traitement la bas il sortira grand aupres de ses potes de citĂŠ. Eh oui! c'est la malheureuse veritĂŠ parce que ca vient de la "culture de la delinquance" dans laquelle Prison = vrai.

D'autre part la prison n'apprend pas grand chose aux delinquants, a l interieur c'est le meme systeme qu'a l'exterieur, en pire, ils vont faire des plans pour quand ils vont sortir, rencontrer plus caid qu'eux, et se proteger en devenant eux meme pire (la loi naturelle, face a agression tu deviens plus agressif ou tu perds).

Sans compter ce qui se passe en maison d'arret ou toute la criminalite de france se retrouve en etat transitoire, tout le monde dans le meme panier melangeant stupidement un violeur avec un voleur de voiture, avec un tueur meme, 18 ans, 45 ans, meme topo... Les violeurs se font demonter, les voleurs et braqueurs se font aduler...

Je vais te dire je suis pas pour le fait qu on raccourcisse les peines mais de quoi ont besoin ces jeunes? RE-EDUCATION. Alors un camp ultra disciplinaire ca les ferait marcher droit beaucoup plus que la prison qui est une punition passive selon moi.

Il y a quelques annees, j'avais vu un film sur les camps de redressement aux US : First Time Felon avec Omar Epps basĂŠ sur une histoire vraie. Je pense que ca ferais reflechir des centaines de delinquants en puissance dans ce pays... Parce que ces camps sont des punitions actives qui agissent sur l'esprit du delinquant et non pas seulement sur sa condition. Et je vais te dire au rythme imposĂŠ tu as pas besoin de 10 ans pour calmer un gars...

Parce que le probleme de la prison c'est pas le temps passĂŠ a l interieur, comme tout, l'humain s'adapte a tout... le probleme c'est la sortie.

Temat: Way Ahead Way Behind Concept
The way ahead / way behind concept (WAWB or WA/WB concept depending on which forum you are coming from) is a fairly simple one that occurs quite frequently in Texas Hold em. Essentially, the way ahead / way behind concept addresses the fact that in some situations you will either be ahead in a hand with your opponent drawing slim or dead, or your opponent will be ahead in a hand, and you will be drawing very slim or dead.

Basically, you can tell that you might be in a WA/WB situation when you have a strong hand, but the board and the plays being made indicate that you may be in some trouble. The best way to describe this concept is to give you a nice example of a situation where you could either be way ahead or way behind.


Lets say you are in middle position with A T and you make a 4BB raise and get called by a player in late positions, leaving you heads up going to the flop. The flop comes down A 9 9, giving you top pair with a King kicker. Now the action is on you to make your decision.

This hand is a good example of you either being way ahead or way behind. This because your opponent will either have a hand that has you beat ( AK, AQ, AJ or a 9), or a hand that is easily beaten by yours ( TT+, KQ, KJ, QJ). In each of these situations one of the players is unlikely to win the hand if they are behind. So in this spot you either have little chance of losing, or little chance of winning.

How Should You Play?

The problem with WA/WB situations is that if you are aggressive, you will either be scaring your opponent away from the hand or digging yourself into a hole. If your opponent is behind, they will simply fold and save their money. However, if you are the one that is behind, you are throwing money into a pot that you have little hope of winning.

Therefore the best approach in these situations is to play passively, and allow your opponent to make the plays in such a way ahead / way behind situation. If you're opponent has the worst hand, you are offering them the opportunity to make the mistake of betting with the worst hand. Conversely, by checking to them, you are minimizing your losses if you are indeed way behind in the hand.

The biggest problem with WA/WB situations is that it is difficult to work out whether you are losing or if you are ahead. This is why the best approach in these situations is to play passively, and check/call on betting rounds to reduce the amount of money you are losing if you are behind. So essentially, you are going into damage limitation mode rather than all out all or nothing mode by playing aggressively.

The key point is that you cannot bet for value, and so you want to induce a bad value bet or a bluff from your opponent. Any other play would be losing you money in the long run, so play it cool and make the optimum plays in these particular pots.

Be Sure Of WA/WB Situations

Always try and be sure of when you are in a WA/WB situation before you decide to play passively, otherwise it could have unfortunate consequences.

For example, in a hand where there are two cards of the same suit on board, it is less likely that you will be able to confidently place yourself in a way ahead / way behind situation, as the way your opponent is betting can easily be influenced by the fact that they might have a flush draw. So always consider this when you notice that there are two cards of the same suit on the board.

Similarly, if the board is straightening up and there is a possible straight draw available, it again makes it less likely that you could be in a WA/WB situation. If you were to play passively, there is a good chance that you will let your opponent catch up and take the hand away from you. So essentially, there is a greater probability of the WA/WB situation arising on a dry board than there is on a wet board.


Way ahead / way behind situations are quite common in No Limit Texas Holdem, but it should not be an excuse for you to play passively if you are not sure where you stand. If you are confident that you are WA/WB, then passive play is the key, but if you are not then you are going to lose money through making weak plays and allowing your opponents to catch up.

The best way to identify a WA/WB situation is to consider how the rest of the hand could play out, and think about what you opponent could possibly be calling or betting with. Having a throughout think about each situation always helps to identify what is going on in the hand, and thus you are able to make the best plays. As a rule of thumb, if there are no possible draws, then its a good idea to consider whether you might be way ahead or way behind, and play accordingly.

Temat: Songs....
Just walked in from my hot date and wanted to share what I've been listening to the last week....LOL India Arie's new album ROCKS!!!!

LOVING (Intro)

Oh God grant me the serenity
To accept the things that I can not change
The courage to change the things that I can
The wisdom to know the difference
And God give me the courage
To love with an open heart x 3
I wanna love with an open heart
With an open heart


These eyes never saw you leavin
This heart is in need of some healing
These arms are letting you go
Our life is the greatest story never told

How many more ways can I
explain this to you boy
We had had this conversation
several times before
I will except nothing less
than your complete respect
If you cannot give me that then
maybe I should step

These eyes never saw you leavin
This heart is in need of some healing
These arms are letting you go
Our life is the greatest story never told

All this cryin all this fightin
simply ain't my style
Though you're one of the most important
people in my life
I love you from the day we met,
I know you love me too
But at this point walking away
is the best thing we can do

These eyes never saw you leavin
This heart is in need of some healing
These arms are letting you go
Our life is the greatest story never told

Are we meant to be man and wife?
The answer I don't know
Of life's many mystery's what intrigues me the most
Is who our children would have been
I guess we'll never know
Even as I walk away
I'll always keep the hope

These eyes never saw you leavin
This heart is in need of some healing
These arms are letting you go
That's life
That's the way the story goes

Truth is every relationship is a lesson
Truth is I saw it coming but it hurts anyway
Truth is I'm not the reason you're so angry
Truth is you're not the reason I'm so passive
Truth is I've got to take back my power
Truth is
The reason why it hurts so bad to walk away from you

These eyes I never saw you leavin
This heart my heart is in need of some healing
These arms,
These arms are letting you go
That's life is the greatest story never told [2x]
Our love is the greatest story never told
Our life is the greatest story never told [2x]

And that's the way the story goes...



I got the call today,
I didn't wanna hear
But I knew that it would come
An old true friend of ours
was talkin' on the phone
She said you found someone

And I thought of all the bad luck,
And all the struggles we went through
How I lost me and you lost you
What are these voices outside love's open door
Make us throw off our contentment
And beg for something more?

I've been learning to live without you now
But I miss you sometimes
The more I know, the less I understand
All the things I thought I knew,
I'm learning them again

I've been tryin' to get down
to the Heart of the Matter
But my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it's about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore

These times are so uncertain
There's a yearning undefined
And people filled with rage
We all need a little tenderness
How can love survive
in such a graceless age

And the trust and self-assurance
that lead to happiness
They're the very things we kill, I guess
Pride and competition
cannot fill these empty arms
And the war they put between us,
You know it doesn't keep us warm

I've been trying to live without you now
But I miss you, baby
The more I know, the less I understand
And all the things I thought I figured out,
I have to learn again

I've been tryin' to get down
to the Heart of the Matter
But my will gets weak
And my heart is so shattered
But I think it's about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore

All the people in your life who've come and gone
They let you down, you know they hurt your pride
Better put it all behind you; cause life goes on
You keep carryin' that anger, it'll eat you up inside

I wanna be happily everafter
And my heart is so shattered
But I know it's about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore

I've been tryin' to get down to the Heart of the Matter
Because the flesh will get weak
And the ashes will scatter
So I'm thinkin' about forgiveness
Even if you don't love me anymore
Even if you don't love me anymore


Do do do
Do do do
Do do do do do do dooooooo [4x]

Good morning silence
Good morning to myself
Good morning to the pain
in the center of my chest
It's crazy how much I miss
a simple good morning kiss oh ohhhhh...

Good morning independence
or is it loneliness?
I know I said I wanted this
but I have regrets
I pray for God's will to be done
The very next day you were gone Oh Ohhhhhh

Good morning to the harsh realities of life
and good morning to the fact
we're not husband and wife
We made a promise to stay
But destiny got in the way oh ohhhhhhhh

Good morning...

Good morning acceptance
Good morning inner strength
I'm loving every moment even the strain
It's crazy how much I miss
a simple good morning kiss
It's crazy how much I've missed
Now it's time for me to live oh ohhhhhhhhhh

Good morning...

Good morning optimism
Good morning to my faith
Good morning to the beginning of a brand new day
I know that God's will be done
So I lay down my pain and I'm moving on
I know that God's will be done.
So it's a good morning after all
