simple email

Widzisz posty znalezione dla hasła: simple email

Temat: przetwarzanie pliku mbox

Tak na pierwszy rzut oka to służy do analizy mboxa - ale nie do
manipulacji nagłówkami listów...

Może ktoś zna moduł perla, który to potrafi?

Wpisujemy w Google "perl mail header parse" i jako pierwszy hit dostajemy:
Myślę, że Email::Simple (zapewne w połączeniu z Email::Folder::Mbox) robi
to, o co Ci chodzi.

Temat: Co to jest FIDONET?

:Wszstko to dzieje się automatycznie, a jako medium można wykorzystać nie
:tylko modem, ale również e-mail, tcp/ip, ftp, albo w ostateczno ci nawet

trochę ci się pomerdała terminologia - bo o ile publiczna sieć
telefoniczna czy sieć internet czy dyskietka to faktycznie jakieś medium,
o tyle modem to tylko urządzenie dostępowe do tej pierwszej. email natomiast
to usługa bazująca na kilku protokołach tcp (simple mail xfer protocol, post
office protocol, internet mail access protocol), ftp to z kolei jeden z
protokołów tcp (file transfer protocol; tcp/21), zaś tcp/ip to platforma
transportowa wykorzystywana głównie w internecie (tak na prawdę to też
protokół, nadrzędny wobec arp/tcp/udp/icmp/snmp i jeszcze kilku innych).
a tobie w miejscu tcp/ip chodziło zapewne o protokoły iemsi (tcp/60179)
lub fido telnet session (tcp/60177).

tyle tytułem wyjaśnień :)

Temat: weryfikacja adresu pocztowego ze skryptu ?

| Jak mozna zweryfikować adres e-mail przed wysyłką poczty
| , przy automatycznej odpowiedzi wykonywanej przez skrypt ?
| "Odbite" - nieprzyjęte mail'e wracaja do root'a, bo nadawca
| (skrypt) jest nobody.
| Bogdan

No to jeszcze ja - znalezione w mojej biblioteczce :))

# Function: Checks an email address to see if it passes a simple
#           syntax check. (This routine will not check to see if the
#           address is an actual address.)
# Usage:    &email_check($email_address);
# Variables:$email_address - String containing the address to check
# Returns:       0 if the email address is invalid
#                1 if the address is in a valid format
# Uses Globals:  None
# Files Created: None

sub email_check {

  } else {



Temat: adres uznany za spam

I teraz pytanie: czy da sie cos z tym zrobic? Czy da sie zmianic dane w
tej bazie, czy tez juz do konca swiata moj adres bedzie
tam uznawany jako spammerski?

"You need to contact your ISP (the company you pay for internet access).
Write them or call them and tell them that you're having trouble with your
email, explain to them that you received this error message, and ask them to
visit our web site. If the server is owned by your school or employer, then
contact the folks that run the server and explain the same thing to them.

We know that email is important to you, and we want to help your ISP resolve
the problem of your mail bouncing. Correcting this problem is usually a very
simple process, involving your ISP changing a few lines of one configuration
file, or ticking a checkbox on a configuration form."

Temat: dziwny mail :/ .........
sprawdzam sobie konto unsnetowe a tam prosze:

Received: from (mx7 [])

X-mf: v0.6
Received: by (Postfix)

Received: from (mx7 [])
        by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5EB1F5C3ED

Received: from leopodas ( [])
        by (Postfix) with ESMTP


Content-Type: text/plain

X-Priority: 3
X-Library: Indy 9.00.10
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000




cos mnie tknelo zeby poza providerem:

sprawdzic mejla i prosze:

dorobek moze nie powalajacy ale zawsze cos....
konta email na ktore przyszedl w/w wiadomosc uzywam wylacznie na usnecie,
spotkal sie ktos z WAS z czyms takim?

(przy wszystkich adresach email dodalem nawiasy przed malpa np

Temat: postfix i tekst w poczcie
Postfix FAQ:

11. How can I add or append a disclaimer (or other text) to the bottom of every email that gets sent from my mail server?

By design this is not implemented in Postfix directly. It's not the job of an MTA, and it's not as simple a problem as it seems because of MIME and digital signatures. MIME messages have a structure that can be very complex. Digital signatures attest to the fact that a signed message has not been modified. Adding a footer to the bottom of a message, breaks both of these. Some people add short text to the headers of email messages, but the text is not likely to be seen by most users. The real solution is to configure your clients to add whatever text is required.

Having said that, it is possible to configure a content filter that appends the text for you. Follow the directions for configuring Postfix to work with a content filter. Your filter should be MIME aware, and you should be aware that digital signatures will no longer work.

Temat: Wojtkowi Orlińskiemu pod rozwagę ;-)
[ Miros/law 'Jubal' Baran ]

| Na zaostrzenie apetytu cytat:
i jeszcze jeden URL:

To je dobre, to je vyborne:

"In most cases, the user would need to click on the link to be
attacked. In the case of Entourage or Outlook Express, however,
just opening the email will cause this. This leaves the
potential for a worm. The magnitude depends on how many people
actually use Entourage and Outlook Express for Mac OS. In all
cases, writing shellcode to exploit this problem is simple.
Given that Mac OS X has a Unix interface, existing PowerPC
shellcode that runs /bin/sh will work. No complex shellcode
is needed to bind to a port or download an application off the
web. The /bin/sh shellcode would need to be changed from an
interactive shell to one that will execute a chain of commands.
There are enough commands on Mac OS X by default to allow an
attacker to download and execute an application off of a web
page.  The downloaded application could do any number of
things, such as read off the user's contact list and send the
same email to exploit to all of the user's contacts."


Temat: mail () w php5

| $headers .= "From: $cfg[SiteName] <$cfg[Email] ";

normalnie cos mna rzuca za kazdym razem jak to widze:
manual/typy danych/tanblice/"Dlaczego zapis $foo[bar] jest

Orcus, nie rozpędzaj się.
Types/Strings/Syntax/Variable parsing/Simple syntax


Temat: Zdalne wypelnienie formularza na innym serwerze.

| Powiedzmy ze mam na stronie formularz (dwa pola imie i email oraz guzik
| Submit ) i formularz obluguje skrypt  o nazwie
| Chce wypelnic formularz, nacisnac guzik Submit , nie chce tego robic
| recznie tylko posluzyc
| sie skryptem . Formularz jest oczywiscie na innym serwerze niz moj.
| Dzieki za kazda podpowiedz czy przyklad.

use LWP::Simple; #na przyklad (!!!)
$forma =

A tak w ogole, to FAQ ! (2 you...)

Twoj przyklad bylby dobry, gdyby formularz byl obslugiwany przez metode GET. A
co w przypadku, gdyby to byl POST?


Temat: sendmail i reklama

| Witam.
| Przeczytalem wła nie FAQ do sendmaila i nie znalazłem odpowiedzi
| na mój problem. Mianowicie, czy jest możliwe skonfigurowanie tak sendmaila,
| aby do każdego listu przyjętego do wysłania dopisywał na końcu tego
| listu krótkiej informacji, czy tekstu reklamowego (tak jak to robi np. hotmail)?

tak, jest mozliwe, przeczytaj podreczniki.

serek -------------------------------------------------------------net_man | on_irc: serek at #serek | icq#51081356

Które podręczniki ?
How do I add a footer/signature to all (outgoing) e-mails?

This is very complicated. At first sight it might be simple:
just "cat" some text (taken from a file or whatever) to the end
of an e-mail passing through sendmail. However, there is
a big problem: what is about structured e-mails, i.e. MIME e-mails?
These can be arbitrarily complex and just "cat"ting a footer
to the end of the body will break the MIME structure. Hence,
there is no easy solution to this problem! If someone comes up
with one, please let me know since this is a very often
asked question.

Temat: sendmail i reklama
How do I add a footer/signature to all (outgoing) e-mails?
This is very complicated. At first sight it might be simple:
just "cat" some text (taken from a file or whatever) to the end
of an e-mail passing through sendmail. However, there is
a big problem: what is about structured e-mails, i.e. MIME e-mails?
These can be arbitrarily complex and just "cat"ting a footer
to the end of the body will break the MIME structure. Hence,
there is no easy solution to this problem! If someone comes up
with one, please let me know since this is a very often
asked question.

pomyslu jego tworcow, komenda 'cat', z zaznaczeniem, ze nie nadaje
sie do wykorzystania z MIME. kto ci kaze korzystac jednoczesnie
z sendmaila i MIME?

Temat: Zdalne wypelnienie formularza na innym serwerze.

Powiedzmy ze mam na stronie formularz (dwa pola imie i email oraz guzik
Submit ) i formularz obluguje skrypt  o nazwie
Chce wypelnic formularz, nacisnac guzik Submit , nie chce tego robic
recznie tylko posluzyc
sie skryptem . Formularz jest oczywiscie na innym serwerze niz moj.
Dzieki za kazda podpowiedz czy przyklad.

use LWP::Simple; #na przyklad (!!!)
$forma =

A tak w ogole, to FAQ ! (2 you...)


Temat: Smieszne, czy tragiczne? lecz na pewno prawdziwe....

Wiadomości od zwykłych graczy
Od: Ving 22.03.2008, 09:37:41
chcesz moze kupic moją postac za sms 3,66 zl ! Po przyslaniu mi kodu wysylam nick haslo i email.Gram teraz na s3
pisz na GG 3596153

To gracz który jest w TOP 50
javascript:ShowInfoFrame('profile.php?pid=67946&simple=1') Jego profil

Temat: GOTM 16 (4) TROPICO

Polish text pages mean nothing to me

Understand MLL.

We have some rules here when we playing GOTM.When I put save to download U have time to send your best score till end of month (31.03) but we are not talking about our ways.It is only U ,your skill and target.
Discussion in this topic is about organization problem and my collegues want from me that I must show who is winning for some time ,but I not agreed with that So we brawl.

Just try to be patient ,U know my email so pls send score.When I public scores pls feel free to discussion about Your ways Till now I was recieve ca. 10 saves

BTW U have a two ways of playing: with save limit or without it -we calling this Ironman game and we have other classification for Ironman."Topico" GOTM is really simple so I expect many IRONMAN saves

p.s Your target will be very difficult to catch but maybe U can handle it I hope that no one saw that

Temat: Zasponsoruje serwer i domenę pl
mogę sponsorować miejsce na serwerze oraz domenę pl. Miejsce oraz transfer do uzgodnienia, domena do wyboru z tych poniżej:

W zamian reklama kontekstowa adkontekst gdzieś w górnej części oraz 2 linki w stopce.
Fora / strony mające powyżej 1k postów mają priorytet

Kontakt: PW lub email.

Temat: czy tak się da?

| Bo w najgorszym wypadku zostanie mi poczta :(

| Oczywiście nie chcesz wysłać kilkugigabajtowych plików VOB w załączniku?
| :-) ROTFL

Poczta Polska nie email.

| Skorzystaj z jakiegoś serwera publicznego, który ma wysoki limit
| pojedyńczego pliku i nie baw się do takich rzeczy w emule, bo po co?
| Jeśli to jest materiał tylko dla Twojego znajomego to wstawienie pliku/ów
| na serwer publiczny będzie sensowniejsze, Twój znajomy odbierze go bez
| czekania w żadnych kolejkach

ale jak to się robi? ja jestem laikiem w tych sprawach. Mogłbyś tak jak
blondynce - naprawdę blondynce :)

Słanie na serwer publiczny ma tą wadę, że plik musi być przesyłany
Jeżeli choć jedno z Was ma adres publiczny, to IMO najlepszym rozwiązaniem
jest freeware "Simple Socket File Transfer" (z wyborem portów).

Temat: Zdalne wypelnienie formularza na innym serwerze.

| use LWP::Simple; #na przyklad (!!!)
| $forma =


| il');

| A tak w ogole, to FAQ ! (2 you...)

Twoj przyklad bylby dobry, gdyby formularz byl obslugiwany przez metode
co w przypadku, gdyby to byl POST?

O Boze ! Pomysl !
Laczysz sie z sewrerem, wysylasz zapytanie, content-length i content.
Dostajesz odpowiedz. LWP ma chyba mechanizmy ulatwiajace to zadanie (User
Agent, czy jakos tak)


Temat: postfix - juz nie moge

Dzieki za podpowiedz. Niestety nie moge tej metody uzyc. Wielu userow
sie imap'em, a nie zmusze ich aby zaczeli korzystac z pop'a. Chyba, ze sie
myle i nie do konca jest tak jak w nazwie pop-before-smtp, czyli rowniez

pop-before-smtp dziala rowniez z IMAPem. osobiscie nie trenowalem
ale w dokumentacji stoi jak wol:
"The pop-before-smtp project is a simple daemon written in Perl, to allow
email relay control based on successful POP or IMAP logins. "

| uciazliwe ale ruch na serwerze
| znacznie spadl.
A w jakim znaczeniu ruch zmalal - tak z ciekawosci ???

Pomimo w miare porawnej konfiguracji postfixa
czasem (czesciej niz zadziej) zdazalo sie troche spamu wiec stad ta decyzja
o zastosowaniu popbsmtp<. Nie chodzi bynajmniej o odstraszenie
"swoich" userow i ograniczenie im ruchu ....

Temat: Simple Question
Hey guys, Im running 1.8 and yes I will be updating. But how do I currently turn on "email activation" I can seem to find it anywhere in the acp




Rozumiem, ze ten serwer nie jest ogolnodostepny ?

  Prosze wiec sprawdzic np.


Temat: problem z w skrypcie
Witam. Domyslam sie ze to trywialne ale jakos nie sobie poradzic ze
znacznikiem nowej linii w pozniszym skrypcie ktorego uzywam do wysylania
maili z nagiosa.

Skrypt uruchamiam w ten sposob:

ktory zawiera znaczniki nowej linii ktore sie zwyczajnie wyswietlaja
zamiast dzielic linie"

W przypadku gdy dla zmiennej body wpisze recznie do wnetrza skryptu
jakis "tekst ze znacznikami nowej linii to wtedy sa one respektowane"

Prosze o porade :)

use Email::Send;

    my $mailer = Email::Send-new( {
         mailer ='SMTP::TLS',
         mailer_args =[
             Host ='',
             Port =25,
             User ='nagios',
             Password ='tajnehaslo',
             Hello ='',
     } );

     use Email::Simple::Creator; # or other Email::
    my $email = Email::Simple-create(

         header =[

             To      ="$adresat",
             Subject ="$temat" ,
         body ="$tresc",

     eval { $mailer-send($email) };

Temat: ChoiceMail.One.v4.501.Incl.KeyMaker-DVT

Plik [b]ChoiceMail.One.v4.501.Incl.KeyMaker-DVT[/b] jest tylko linkiem dla programu Torrent nie jest to dana aplikacja lub plik, dokument, itp. Posiadanie linków Torrenta nie łamie prawa a ściągane za ich pomocą programy należy usuwać po upływie 24 godzin.


[code]ChoiceMail One 4.501

ChoiceMail is different. It's a permission based spam blocker that customizes itself to you. Permission-based means ChoiceMail assumes email is spam unless it knows otherwise. Only approved email gets into your inbox. ChoiceMail automatically approves email from people you know and trust. It lets you create simple rules to approve email that is important to you. And it lets you automatically query unknown senders to find out who they are and what they want before their email gets into your inbox. Then you get to decide if this is someone you want to hear from. Legitimate senders respond to this query, but spammers never do.

With this combination of features, ChoiceMail gives you the power to fight back against spam. Immunity is the best revenge. Look in the ChoiceMail Junk Box and watch the spam just bounce off. None of it gets to your inbox. But all of your legitimate mail does. Whether you have a single email account at home or are responsible for thousands of mailboxes in an enterprise, there is a version of ChoiceMail that's right for you.

ChoiceMail Enterprise works with Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino, Novell GroupWise, IMail and all other enterprise email servers. ChoiceMail One, our single-user version, works with any standard POP3 email program.

[code]Seeders: [color=green]2[/color]
Leechers: [color=red]0[/color]

Pliki: 1
Rozmiar: 11.81 MiB (12384198 Bytes)
Załadowany: 2008-05-16 20:01:08 GMT
Przez: fonsorr
Aby prawidłowo otworzyć plik [b]ChoiceMail.One.v4.501.Incl.KeyMaker-DVT[/b] powinieneś zainstalować klienta sieci p2p.

Temat: Audycje z muzyką elektroniczną w TOKSYNA FM
Grudzień jest miesiącem w którym przybliżamy twórczość grupy Depeche Mode oraz jej członków w projektach solowych. W najbliższy poniedziałek zaprezentujemy w ramach audycji Romantycy Rocka (od 20.00 do 21.30 e-mail: pierwszą solową płytę wokalisty zespołu Dave Gahan. Będzie to album Paper Monsters z 2003 roku. Album ten to wyraźne brzmienie i rockowy klimat stanowi on bezpośrednią kontynuacje drogi jaką poszedł zespół po odejściu Alana Wildera. Płyta ta otrzymała znakomite recenzje, jest doskonale dopracowana jak przystało na mistrza, bogata brzmieniowo, mocną stroną są także teksty. Natomiast nowa płyta Dave to już powrót do stylistyki opartej bardziej na elektronicznych brzmieniach.
Poniedziałek to również spotkania ze współczesną muzyką elektroniczną polskich artystów skupionych miedzy innymi wokół Warsaw Electronic Festiwal. Nasza cykliczna audycja "Wokół WEF" to także spotkania z artystami. W najbliższy poniedziałek rozpoczniemy nowy cykl audycji poświęcony stronie technicznej muzyki. Będą to pierwsze MUZYCZNE WARSZTATY ELEKTRONICZNE (od 21.30 do 23.00 - email:
Natomiast w najbliższej audycji Elektroniczne Pejzaże (od 23.00 do 24.00) zaprezentujemy po raz kolejny muzykę artystów Chill-label. Gościem audycji będzie Kacper Graczyk.
Po audycji Elektroniczne Pejzaże pozostaniemy przez kilkanaście godzin w nocnym bloku muzycznym przy dźwiękach elektronicznych oraz z kręgu rocka gotyckiego i new romantic.
W każdy poniedziałek proponujemy tematyczne bloki muzyczne skierowane do sympatyków rocka psychodelicznego i gotyckiego od 8.00 do 12.00. W tym bloku pojawią się Fields on the Nephilin, The Cure, Archive, Clan of Xymox, Dead Can Dance oraz Sisterhood.
W bloku elektronicznym od 12.00 do 16.00 będziemy słuchać muzyki artystów związanych z WEF i Chill-label oraz klasyków elektronicznego rocka. A będzie to Fire Shirt, Vitalis Poppoff( oraz muzyka z kompilacji poświęconej twórczości Stanisława Lema pt. Solarystyka wydana przez Chill-label. Blok zakończy muzyka Klausa Schulze, który jest ikoną a zarazem współtwórcą muzyki elektronicznej. Dla sympatyków new romantic, elektro, synthpop przygotowaliśmy blok od 16.00 do 20.00 z muzyką wykonawców jak Marc Almond, China Crisis, Tears for Fears.Icehouse oraz Simple Minds.

Temat: Active Link Exchange 1.39
[size=24]Active Link Exchange 1.39[/size]

Plik [b]Active Link Exchange 1.39[/b] jest tylko linkiem dla programu Torrent nie jest to dana aplikacja lub plik, dokument, itp. Posiadanie linków Torrenta nie łamie prawa a ściągane za ich pomocą programy należy usuwać po upływie 24 godzin.


[code]Active Link Exchange builds a profitable reciprocal link exchange for your website quickly and easily. This software helps you to build the right link exchange strategy, increases your web site popularity and takes your web visibility to the next level driving a continuous flow of high quality traffic, customers and sales to your site. It allows you to research the top web sites on the net and have them linking to your site fast and easy. With Active Link Exchange you can research the top rated web sites in your sector, find out key web pages that are linking to your competitors, extract the right business contacts from the web and automatically email the webmasters with a link exchange proposal. The software builds a simple reciprocal link exchange page or a complete directory divided by link categories for your site with a single click. Active Link Exchange contains all the tools you need for link exchange management, link popularity and for establishing a winning link strategy that will take your web site promotion to the next level. [/code]
[code]Seeders: [color=green]3[/color]
Leechers: [color=red]2[/color]

Pliki: 1
Rozmiar: 3.18 MiB (3334872 Bytes)
Załadowany: 2008-05-18 13:52:04 GMT
Przez: COMINWyusmi
Aby prawidłowo otworzyć plik [b]Active Link Exchange 1.39[/b] powinieneś zainstalować klienta sieci p2p.

Temat: Księga gości - dylemat moralny

Chyba nie widziałeś stron 6-7 lat temu!
Wyglądały dokładnie tak samo jak strona tego człowieka!
A to oznacza, że od tamtego czasu nie rozwinął się wiele.

Wiesz, webmasterzy powinni przestrzegać kilka podstawowych zasad:
- strony winny być estetyczne (nie bijące po oczach dziwnymi zestawami
fatalną grafiką, itp)
- przestrzegać podstawowych zasad składu tekstów (niektóre z tych zasad
  tylko i wyłącznie do druku).
- przejrzysty system nawigacji.

Hmm moze zanim bedziecie wypowiadac zdecydowane opinie o czlowieku
poczytajcie sobie troszke dokladniej jego strone.
1. Czlowiek ten nie kreuje sie na super duper webmastera - z tresci strony
jasno wynika ze jest programista
2. To jest jego home page wiec w sumie moze na nim robic co mu sie zywnie
podoba a i tak wole cos takiego niz chocby podany przyklad motorowerow
3. Taki wyglad stronki jest typowy dla srodowiska akademickiego..gdzie
ludzie od czasu do czasu korzystaja np z lynxa i zawsze maja kolejke
ciekawszych rzeczy do zrobienia niz zabawe z homepage'em

Zreszta polecam podstrony: szczególnie ten fragment:
"In 1991 I collaborated with Ray Gardner on a simple hypertext browser for
the Jargon File, called vh for "volks-hypertext". Tim Berners-Lee noticed it
and sent me email noting that he was working on some hypertext things and
suggesting we cooperate, but never replied to my reply. A year or so later
he invented the World Wide Web and made vh thoroughly obsolete. I have
withdrawn it."

Powiem szczerze, ze wczesniej o tym czlowieku nie slyszalem. Z ciekawosci
tam zajrzalem i zaczalem czytac, w ogole jest tam duzo fajnych smaczkow(np
testament) i moze strona nie jest wspaniala ale na pewno nie zasluguje na
cos takiego

Chyba nie widziałeś stron 6-7 lat temu!
Wyglądały dokładnie tak samo jak strona tego człowieka!
A to oznacza, że od tamtego czasu nie rozwinął się wiele.

Pozdrowka i no offense :)

Temat: WinRAR v3.70 + Vista Theme
WinRAR v3.70 + Vista Theme | SFX (self-extracting file) | 1,49 MB

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachment decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.

Features of WinRAR:
# Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.
# WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.
# WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.
# WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.
# WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.
# WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.
# WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.
# Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.
# WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.

What's New in WinRAR v3.70 Beta8
1. Bugs corrected:
a) WinRAR shell extension did not work in Windows NT 4.0;
b) when unpacking ZIP archives in command line mode WinRAR returned "write error" (numeric 5) code in situations when it should return "create error" (numeric 9).

Temat: Bazy danych i okolice :)
Sorka, ze po angielsku, ale tak potrzebowalem.
Tekst jest prosty, kazdy na pewno zrozumie, o co biega.

Poprosze o konstruktywana i niekonstruktywna krytyke :)
Od razu mowie, ze jest tu jeden cienki moment,
moze go znajdziecie :)

Database in an e-mail box

Lets make the following assumptions:

1) database is a set of e-mails located in e-mail box

2) e-mail can contain either set of text lines (records)
   or single text line (single record):


3) title of e-mail is calculated as MD5 digest of
   e-mail content + date and time of last modification (atomic clock)+
   8-digit random integer + suffix M(ultirecord) or S(inglerecord):

   5c29c73a81f8a55036eeaddc155cf02c 10-03-2003 12:54:22 95647345 M
   decd22c93e1ce26604ac38d7560ac092 10-03-2003 17:11:35 63423456 M
   decd22c93e1ce26604ac38d7560ac092 10-03-2003 17:11:40 46578878 M
   d1e61f5030f9b40960d489a8dace6e44 17-04-2003 04:22:48 17453623 M
   46934e560922b67fce01ef4682828f45 19-04-2003 09:54:11 65387597 S
   46934e560922b67fce01ef4682828f45 19-04-2003 09:54:19 23434324 S

   e-mails having the same MD5 are called 'duplicates':

4) size of multirecord e-mail is limited to SMR kb to reduce traffic (*)

(*) if size of e-mail - database part - exceeds arbitrary
    selected limit SMR, new e-mail is created to store records


1) get NEW emails ( both multirecords & sigle ) and insert new records
   into local database; database client stores list of e-mails titles
   ( Multirecords ) and is able to reduce traffic getting only
   new/modified ones


0) get all e-mail titles , store new record in your local database

1) check e-mail box for duplicates and delete all ones but oldest

   if duplicates has the same date and time are ( impossible,
   but shit happens ) detete e-mail having smaller random integer

   In the example above

   decd22c93e1ce26604ac38d7560ac092 10-03-2003 17:11:35 63423456 M
   46934e560922b67fce01ef4682828f45 19-04-2003 09:54:11 65387597 S

   are deleted

2) if number of Singlerecord e-mails is less than N (**)
   just add your record as singlerecord email:
   caclulate MD5 of record content, pick up date and time from atomic
   clock, generate 8-digit random number and send relevant post;

3) if number of Singlerecord e-mails is = N, insert N singlerecords
   into multirecord e-mail in the following way:

   a) sort Singlerecord e-mails by date/time ASC and select top N
   b) if Multirecord e-mail having size less than SMR exist
    1) add selected Singlerecords to Multirecord e-mail
    2) change Multirecord title, correct date,time and random
    3) delete selected Singlerecords and Multirecord from e-mail box
    4) send new ( corrected ) Multirecord to e-mail box

   c) if Multirecord e-mail of size less than SMR do not exist
    1) create new Multirecord e-mail
    2) calculate title, set date,time and random
    4) send new multirecord to e-mail box

   Do not worry if someone does the same. Next database user
   removes duplicates.

   d) add your record as singlerecord email
   e) discinnect

(**) arbitrary - in my opinion should be between 10 and 20 to reduce
     nubmer of e-mails in e-mail box


Feel free to implement your idea :) Its simple.


Temat: Kaspersky AntiVirus v7.0.1.32. Final (NEW KEYS-25.05)
[size=24]Kaspersky AntiVirus v7.0.1.32. Final (NEW KEYS-25.05)[/size]

Plik [b]Kaspersky AntiVirus v7.0.1.32. Final (NEW KEYS-25.05)[/b] jest tylko linkiem dla programu Torrent nie jest to dana aplikacja lub plik, dokument, itp. Posiadanie linków Torrenta nie łamie prawa a ściągane za ich pomocą programy należy usuwać po upływie 24 godzin.


[code]Kaspersky Anti-Virus provides you with traditional anti-virus protection based on the latest protection technologies. You can work, communicate, surf the internet and play online games on your computer safely and easily.


Email protection. Your email is secure no matter which email program you use because Kaspersky Anti-Virus scans email traffic in real-time: POP3, IMAP and NNTP for outgoing mail and SMTP for incoming mail. Moreover, Kaspersky Anti-Virus comes with plug-ins and disinfection routines for email databases for popular email programs such as Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express.

Real-time Internet traffic scanning. Kaspersky Anti-Virus scans all HTTP Internet traffic in real-time no matter which browser you use. Malicious programs are detected before they are able to infect your computer. You can use the Internet for business or pleasure and still be secure.

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Rollback of malicious changes. Kaspersky Anti-Virus monitors system and application behavior for suspicious behavior. Once malicious behavior is detected, the process is blocked and all of the changes are rolled back, leaving you with a clean system and your original data intact.

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Minimal load on your system. A range of technologies ensures that you get the best out from your computer and stay secure: only new and changed files are scanned in real-time; scanning is paused if your other activities require additional resources; default settings for real-time monitoring ensure maximum performance.

Automatic hourly updates. Kaspersky Anti-Virus checks for updates on Kaspersky Lab servers regularly. In case of virus outbreaks the checks are more frequent. All updates are downloaded and installed automatically. You don�t need to worry about a thing. [/code]
[code]Seeders: [color=green]1[/color]
Leechers: [color=red]9[/color]

Pliki: 4
Rozmiar: 26.25 MiB (27529697 Bytes)
Załadowany: 2008-05-29 00:24:51 GMT
Przez: qitbuka6996
Aby prawidłowo otworzyć plik [b]Kaspersky AntiVirus v7.0.1.32. Final (NEW KEYS-25.05)[/b] powinieneś zainstalować klienta sieci p2p.

Temat: Protel 99 - pytanie

Jan Słupicki

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: Protel 99 - pytanie

| Wszystkie ścieżki mają być po obu stronach płytki. Jedyne ograniczenie
| jakie chcę uzyskać to takie aby połączenie ścieżki z padem odbywało się
| na spodniej stronie płytki. Powinno to wyglądać jakby pady były tylko
| po jednej stronie płytki. Jeśli ścieżka na górnej stronie miałaby się
| połączyć
| z padem to router powinien wstawić najpierw przelotkę.

Najlepiej będzie, jeśli zacytuję wiadomoś z listy dyskusyjnej PROTEL EDA
USERS MAILING LIST (zachęcam do subskrypcji - mnóstwo informacji)


| I am a newbie with protel and layouts in general. One thing that we do at
| place of work is quick and dirty prototypes on a board miller. Most of
| boards
| use thru hole connectors and such, which are a pain to thru hole plate by
| hand.
| What i want to do is figure out how to minimize the number of tracks that
| connect
| on both sides to a single pad. What is the easiest way to make this
| happen in protel?

The first boards I ever designed were for non-plated production. They were
etched in a makeshift lab, and I accomplished vias with wire and a
wire-cutter, which was easy. The assembled boards were then floated on
solder.... On other boards, for hand-soldering, where it was necessary for
the top pad to be connected, and it was not accessible with the inserted
part, I would tack-solder a thin piece of wire to the top and bottom pads.
Frequently these were square pins for connectors, just as Mr. Schulmeyer
has mentioned, I think.

Anyway, a simple rule would be to make most connections on the bottom. One
would attempt to confine top side connections to pads which are accessible
with the components inserted.

The simplest way to set a constraint is to allow routing only on the
of the board, and route as much of the board as possible with that
constraint. Top side connections can be accomplished with jumpers. If the
design can be realized on one side, then the PCB can be very easy to

Note that with single-sided design the annular ring (the radial difference
between the pad and the hole) should be larger than with plated-through
double-side design, because the adhesive holding the pad to the board is
fairly weak; a plated-through, solder-filled hole is like a rivet.
Non-plated through double-sided design might have similar requirements
where a lead is not present in the hole and soldered on both sides. An IDC
connector header, though, flush with the board on the top, would tend to
hold its pads in place.

Anyway, ideally, on a non-plated board, the leads will be soldered on both
sides wherever possible, in which case there is no reason to prefer
connections on one side only.

If a particular component has top side pads which are inaccessible, one
idea would be to make a top-side keep-out as part of the component,
guarding the inaccessible pads. This should prevent the auto-router, for
example, from using those pads. One would also want to prevent vias from
being placed under components. This can be done with a keep-out fill on an
inner layer. I haven't tried this....

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Trace Engineering
PCB Consulting and Training Services
Protel EDA brokering (facilitating license resale)
Sonoma, California, USA
(707) 939-7021

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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*  Use the "reply" command in your email program to
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*  email address you originally used to subscribe (do not
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Archiwum listy dyskusyjnej pl-misc-elektronika

Temat: Inzynier / Programista. Birmingham,UK
REF: TE/0021a

Test Systems Development Engineer x 1
(Graduate/Entry Level or Intermediate/Experienced level)

The Role
This is a role for an engineer to join a small fast growing company in the
A new project requires a engineer to join the existing team, initially on a
contract basis, but role will probably become permanent.
The role is to design and commission test complex systems for use in a
production environment, based on GPIB instrumentation and custom hardware.
This will includes software development in 'C'. Software development will
also use "National Instruments" products including LabView, and TestStand.
Hardware development will include prototyping designs, simple
analogue/digital and microcontroller circuit designs.
Problem solving and repair of complex equipment. There will be a step
learning curve, and training will be given.
Graduate/Entry level applicants should be able to show some knowledge and
ability in areas mentioned below an demonstrate the ability to learn
Intermediate/Experienced level applicants must be able to demonstrate that
they understand the principles and have experience in some of the areas

The role will suit somebody who wants a challenge and wants to become a
integral part of team.

Essential Skills
* Read/write/speak English, to at least 1st Certificate level.
* Good Degree in Electronics, Electrical Engineering, or Physics.
* Good C Language Programming skills(eg. GNU compliers, VisualC++,
BorlandBuilder), some C++ knowledge. Some knowledge of structured
programming techniques.
* Good practical electronic skills(Prototyping, soldering, design of simple
* Some knowledge/experience embedded systems (eg. PIC, 8051, 68HC12, DSP)
* Good working knowledge of Microsoft Windows(Installation, configuration)

Other Skill
The candidate must be able to demonstrate understanding of at least 2 these
at interview,
* 2 wire and 4 wire Resistance Measurements.
* Low Voltage(to 1uV) and High Voltage(500V) measurement techniques(eg
safety, awareness of  "Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC", coping with
electrical noise, importance of "earthing strategy" ect..)
* Thermocouples(eg K-type) theory, and operation.
* LVDT(Linear Variable Differential Transformers) measurement and
* Digital signals, pattern generation.

Instrumentation and communications standards
Knowledge or experience of using or programming for measurement and
instrumentation systems.
Candidates should be able to explain the essential elements of IEEE488.2 and
TCP/IP at interview.
* IEEE488.2 (GPIB)
* Ethernet (TCP/IP)
* RS232/422/485(error correction strategies, speed limitations).

Any experience of CVI, LabView, TestStand or "National Instruments" hardware
would be highly advantageous.

Personal Qualities:

* Flexible, ability to work with complex test systems on hardware and
software levels.
* Work on own initiative. As the company is small, the work is varied, and
deadlines tight. The ideal candidate will have the ability to solve problems
with both software and hardware approaches.
* Experience is not essential, but keen to learn and work hard, and
demonstrate they have the ability to learn quickly.

Initially Contract:   12 month(Will be extended to the end of the project,
18-24 months).
Based:     Birmingham, UK. Must have a valid passport.
Start:      July - September 2005
Deadline for applications:  3rd June 2005

Initial interviews will be by phone, within 1 week of application.
2nd Interviews will be face to face in Gdansk or Birmingham.
Interviews will be primarily in English.
Some relocation assistance will be available.
For further information or to apply (send CV and details of relevant
experience), to the following Email Address:
Please quote TE/0021a in subject field.

Temat: Celowanie&Strzał
może to cię zainteresuje:

// Created By Mr_Nickle
// My Email/MSN =
// My Xfire = MrNickle
// Please do not modify.

// Sniper Script
set JHsniper01 "toggleads; +holdbreath; set JHsniper vstr JHsniper02"
set JHsniper02 "toggleads; -holdbreath; set JHsniper vstr JHsniper01"
set JHsniper "vstr JHsniper01"

// To change the bind, replace the X with the button you want to use.
bind X "vstr JHsniper"

Readme File:
30th file on
Great for all you people who want to make the game more simple.


This script automaticly aims down your sniper scope and holds your breath whenever you press X.

-Default is X, can easily be changed.
-If you open the scope with X, you should also close it with X, or holdbreath will be stuck on. If this happens, simply press X twice.


Place JHsniper.cfg into your Call of Duty 4/Main folder.

-Launch CoD4 and open CONSOLE by pressing ~ .
-Now do /exec JHsniper
This must be done EVERY time to launch CoD4. If you are lazy like me and do not want to type it every time you launch CoD, continue reading below.


Editting your Shortcut
Follow these instructions on how to edit your CoD4 Shortcut!
- Right click on your CoD4 shortcut.
- It should say something like "C:Program FilesActivisionCall of Duty 4 - Modern Warfareiw3mp.exe"
- Add "exec JHsniper" WITHOUT the quotation marks.
- Now it should look something like this: "C:Program FilesActivisionCall of Duty 4 - Modern Warfareiw3mp.exe" exec JHsniper
- Click OK and then next time you launch CoD4 it will automatically exec the .cfg

If you want to add multiple scripts, simply do
"C:Program FilesActivisionCall of Duty 4 - Modern Warfareiw3mp.exe" exec script1; exec script2; exec script3; etc.
As long as you have it ; after the script name, you can add as many as you wish.


-Open JHsniper.cfg with Notepad.
-Find where it says X, and replace X with the bind you prefer!
-Save it.
-Then simply do /exec JHsniper again.

Some good binds are:
Z, 4, H, Mouse4 or if you always want it to hold your breath, Mouse2.


Here's some FAQ that I get... This should help some of you out.

Error: Couldn't exec...
To fix this problem, check to make sure that the script is in the Main folder, located the Call of Duty 4 folder. If it is in there, check to see if you are doing the correct file name. (Example: /exec JHtest.cfg not /exec JH test.cfg)

JH... doesn't exist
You didn't not exec the script again. Every time you launch CoD, you must exec it.

Is this script for Multiplayer or Singleplayer?
This script is made for Multiplayer and Singleplayer.

Is this script PB safe and will I get kicked for using it?
You will not get kicked for using this script, or any other of my scripts.

I no longer want this script, how do I get rid of it?
Simply go to your Main folder and delete the scripts you do not want.

I want to learn how to script, can you teach me?
I have already written a scripting tutorial. This can be found at http://callofduty.filefro...ipting_1_Nickle


Want to be famous? Give me an idea for a script, and you get your name in the Read-Me!
Simply contact me with the idea, and if it's made, it's submitted to CoDfiles!


Mr_Nickle [AT] hotmail [dot] com

Or add my Xfire username


to jest "Mr_Nickle's Sniper Script"
