sinus tali
Widzisz posty znalezione dla hasła: sinus tali
Temat: VA - Latina Beach (2006)

01 clan 537 - habia una vez... la caperuci 03:54
02 sexappeal - meniando la cola 04:05
03 sin talia - la mujer del pelotero 03:45
04 los monteros - dejala ir 03:22
05 puerto rican power - me tiene loco 04:23
06 monchy alexandra - dos locos 04:06
07 eddy herrera - pegame tu vicio 05:01
08 mala fe julia acosta - party in miami 04:04
09 o karaiva - xote das meninas ela so que 03:15
10 la luna - dando jan 04:28
11 domenic m - ven tu 04:50
12 frank reyes - quien eres tu 04:21
13 la makina - no me digas que no 03:47
14 barillas - andale 03:29
15 kinito mendez - lo motorita 04:42
16 rikarena - cuando el amore se dana 04:20
17 jose el calvo y su artilleria pesada - t 03:48
18 boris sos - dela la leche al ni o 03:18
Temat: Klinika talii - tu pomagamy je ulepszac i dyskutujemy o nich
Hmm, a po co w takich deckach w ogóle grać na Vultorous Zombie? Imo to umiarkowany crap... może i dobry do dobijania przeciwnika, ale do grzybów pasuje ledwie średnio, poza tym fallen ideal daje o niebo więcej niż zombie.
Po drugie na miejscu Ellesara włożyłbym 3-4 Putrefy. Assasinate to niebywały crap. SD jest potężne, osobiście mój ulubiony removal; świetny rysunek i kill zarówno dla psychola, jak i Kikkiego z T&N... Ale w T2 i grzybkach lepsze faktycznie putrefy.
Poza tym z talii Ellesara z miejsca wyrzuciłbym HL (crap, crap i jeszcze raz crap ), SiN (takie sobie... Fallen Ideal lepsze), CtG (kolejny crap), Dash Hopesy (mocne, ale nie w aggro i to jeszcze dwukolorowym), poza tym jeszcze jeden Deathspore Thallid musi dojść. Grzybki dające drawa tez mile widziane. Zamiast Germinatorów natomiast dwa Wall of Roots i właśnei jeden DT. Ze dwa Doubling Season i fundeck będzie całkiem ok.
Temat: PlatevsFP
lol powiedzia?em ?e bez Csa moge przytankowa? 2 wark?? i 2 sin??w a to wy si? oburzacie moja wina ?e nie ppotrzeba do tego CSa. LoL to Ulys ma ponad 1000AC w PLATE a super unikat??w nie ma i PLATY +7. 800 AC to ja tylko w Tali wyci?gne tears of heaven ma jakies hmmm z 870 w tali.
Ja nie wiem czy wy nie my?licie ale pamietajcie ?e jestem debuferem a na 60 istanieje taki skill jak masiv uuuu a wtedy warek bije mnie MAX 350.
1. Czy ja mowie ze jestem najelpszy lol m??wie ?e mog? przecie? nie pisze ze inni nie moga tylko ja.
2. A czy ja wspomnia?em w tych postach ?e mam du?o np.
Nie wierzysz spoko b?de mia? wolny czas <pi?tek sobota> mozemy isc na arene <jak bedzie odemnie buffer> i sprawdzimy. Tylko pamietaj ja ci?gle pisze z TARCZ?.
Temat: Sin czy Monk?
Witam. Zaczynając grać w Tali jako pierwszą postać zrobiłem sina, ponieważ polecił mi go kolega. Tym sinem mam już 30 lvl i uważam, że był to zły wybór, ponieważ wg mnie monk jest o wiele lepszą profesją, gdyż:
-ma więcej HP,
-większy dmg,
-większy def.
Dlatego chcę się zapytać bardziej ode mnie doświadczonych graczy czy opłaca mi się teraz robić nowego monka, czy może jest coś o czym nie wiem o sinie w czym jest on lepszy od monka?
Temat: Problem - karty
1.w tablicy talia maja znajdowac sie te wylosowane numerki ktore nastepnie mam przyporzadkowac do odpowiadajacych im kolorom i wartoscia w tych dwoch char-owskich tablicach.
generalnie,z tym przypisywaniem numerkow jest problem(dla mnie)
Nie umiem zbytnio operować na tablicach z charami, ale generalnie myślę, że chodzi mniej-więcej o to:
-zmienna i to indeks tablicy kolor a zmienna j to indeks tablicy wartosci
-numer karty (x) to i*j
Jeśli chcesz odzywskać numer karty, to takie coś powinno działać:
c++:Teoretycznie powinno działać, ale lepiej przetestuj.
Zrób też poprawki, o jakich mówił sinus.
~~~~~~~~~~~~>> ( bbooohhh !! )<<~~~~~~~~~~
Auee Manu Samoa Amiiiiii amio I love you desprately *shalabu homou nutu kotoa* wink @ Wonda hahaha..
<>Taxi womeni* ikai poto 'au he phucker lotoroto koe koloa mau ha lole ke misi misi 'ai ngaahi foih Sin-rau
mei he nu'u hahaha ( kafyy uu ) *kata.. luvluv.
Hoifua.. rr wwee ~>> STILL*.. hahahahaha lole 'atuuu ongo hibahh 'eeee.. me feel 4 ya DNA always..
<> Wonda my dearest Dahling *ikai toe fai mai ha mou loto* koe fo'i lupe ni 'e TALI KOAU <> IM COMMING HONEY* FAI MAI HA'O FEKAU*..ciiuuhhuu !!.. teu 'ofah tamasii'i ho fofonga faka havala loto* vi'i..alofah tele atu..*..kizz*.. ho bitoh ki loto 'eee hahaha..
Okk ikai 4'aa phucker lau mou fanga namez na to ha taha kae fiu hano tanaki.. hope all is well with y'rs there @ home..
<> Wang feinga'i ho fuu madara'i lose ke taa'aki mei he room 'aku 'eee.. ( loto arrow eni 'ia ) hoocyy..
Much ofahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lolomy 'atu kia uu moe fanga neli.. koe enah hira phucker batoh hake *hehehehe.. cc uu home
hey pepi.... teu tala koe kia tuluvota ho'o hola mai ki heni ehhh... nofo hena e hae koe 'a nai...... hehehehe...... fai mo ke lele hake ki he kae tuku ho'o fakapiko foki.....
Temat: AoE - pytanie
Ostatnio buszowałem sobie po forum gry Metin2 i zauważyłem że ktoś pisał o tali, pisał o AoE ..... jak sie nie myle to chyba są skille atakujące wiele moobów
Pytanie: czy Sin ma takie Aoe? jak tak to na jakim lvlu i z jakiego talismana

Temat: The Entry Class of 1961?
hehehe Tokiukamea koe ki'i siana fie masiva... koe 'ikai koe tamate'i koe anga pe si'i tukufua atu kia'i fefe atu e maketi Talamahu?..keu kai'i mai ha fo'i keke 'isite ngako pasika ee...hehehe. mana pe hena Uike Heilala na'u fakataataaupe va'e he fosoa 'o Tonga, iuvi'i tali mai hena fosoa ko kita 'eni 'e taataapate atu.
Kolohe mo Tokiukamea, mo tu'u malie he fepuna'aki he vaavaa ee..'ai mo tufa mai. Kolohe fanongo atu ke mei milionea mai koe 'i "sin city"...hehe sai ia ke fai ha 'eva atu ki ai. OOHBABE, 'oua teke puli fuoloa koe, ngali pe ia mo au koe ki'i finemotu'a femoekina he 'oku ai 'ae hoa moe fanau ko kita ko ee ne toki ma'u metali 'oua leva teke fu'u kai'iloa ee..ko ia ko aa niva mo lohe....hehehe 'eheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Ko ia foki Tokiukamea lotu'i atu ho'o kau "waiwai" ke nau ma'u ha manava fo'ou fu'u lahi 'enau uku-kele. "tahi mate ee" ..Teu toki 'a'ahi mai 'a nainai ange he ko hoa ee kuo ui mai...
mahal kita
Temat: "Perfect Nation has Perfect Political System"
Malo e lelei 'a Rio pea mo Blundell
'Ofa pe Rio ne fakafiemalie atu pe 'a hono tali 'a ho'o fehu'i. Teu ki'i tanaki si'i atu pe ki he fakamatala 'a Blundell.
666. This is the number of man for God created he on the sixth day. The 3 sixes represents the carnal man who knows the 66 books of the holy Bible and uses it to deceive himself and others. He is therefore unable to enter into the Rest/Sabbath of God which means to live by faith(become a seed of the promise to Abraham) and therefore become king of Israel(your own beastly nature) and through believing in the Lord Jesus Christ the Savior and Son of God, your miserable and wretched soul is saved from eternal damnation. Now your number 6 sinful nature that you inherited from Adam can be made perfect through the new covenant which is done with the blood of Christ. Without the blood of Christ, there is no remission of Sin.
Also look at John chapter 6:66.
Simply we need to sincerely and humbly ask this question. Who we are, where did we come from and where are we going from here. Somehow, someway a door will open up and you will get all the answers to all the things you ever wanted know about yourself, your family and the creation of this perfect universe.
To understand the creation of perfect beings, read the 9 chapters of Romans. If it is meant for you to understand God's plan, you will see it, but if it is not for you see and understand then I cannot help you.
I wish you well Rio. Thanks for asking.
Temat: Joseph Smith"s personal faults do not matter (Brigham Young)
Ko e fehuâi leva, âśâE hu nai ha taha âoku ne fai âa e ngaahi toâonga ko âeni kihe puleâanga âoe langi?â
Kapau ko e tali âoku âikai, pea taa ko e âśFAI-KAVAâ ko e toâonga/feohiâanga ia âa e Tevolo.
Our brother âAhoâeitu has also given us some of the excuses for wanting to still continue living in sin or âśFAI-KAVAâ.
Temat: where is da "uiha room??
erosss he kataa he vahe tu'unga ko 'eni e toko koeee
just a quick hello guys malo e tauhi mai e loki
kataki atu 'ikai fie 'alu au ki FOTAHA vakai atu Vix 'a FOTOLU ia keta muhumuhu ai taua...mahaki he kata
LADY tali e phone eee pea teu mai e LIMO SIN ke fakaha'ele atu ai e FAHU on the 19th
Hlkkl ke hao pe he ka neu 'i hena teu hu'i ho koloa , ta tau'aki hufanga pe hota huafa ....mate he kata. Ha vilovilo atu ongo fine'eiki ho'o maumau famili 'aki e huafa...hahaha
toki sio kautama pea 'oua hoha mai kia Tapu he ko 'eni kei fakasio 'ene topu moe tini moe taueli..kalofi e fu'u tolo 'a Tapu
Kolohe [/i]
Walks in hilehila kia Fanga ....tuku e tafulu ia ko 'ena koe me'a ia 'ae kakai feitama.........mate he kata.
Herro herro everyone ko 'eni kei makalo pe 'ikai ha me'a lahi koe mo'usioa pe he tauhamu 'ae kakai he shopping X-MAS pea mo'oni e lau 'ae matu'a me'a fakavaleheanga koe pakupaku eee.......mana pe hena nate win e jackpot .
Fuoloa tama e puli 'a JVD mo Unlucky sai 'a Unlucky mahino pe koe unuunu ka koe fo'i puli 'a JVD pea mo'oni e lau 'a Sione Visa ..'oku hu'uhu'i kihe haaa....lmaoo
JVD laku'i mai ha tau news kihe Senituli 'oe SAS uanoa ha'ane fakalata atu eee.
Fanga fefe atu mou feitu'u...Is it cold yet over in Sin City it's still nice and cool te'eki ha'aki e momoko kae ongo e mohe tohotaha ...hila @ Unlucky tuku e 'umisi mai he 'oku hange koe lau 'a Ox Star me'a ia ui koe fakakaunga'api kovi....hahaha
Well tau tali pe na'a ha'u 'a Santa Kolosi moha X-Mas lelei
tau toki sio and Have a great weekend guys
Temat: Fakakakai peepz click here!!
hey kau kiti....
malo e huohuo mai e mohuku ke musie lelei hotau motu!
Cracie lele hake mokosia ia kamo faikava moua mo Pualahi....hehehe malie mo'oni mo oma koe tuhu ia 'o pualahi he me'a koe mio'i hahahaha...."koe hako foki!"
'oua te tau hoha'asi 'a houmatefa he 'oku kei fai 'ene makafeke lol...pehe atu ai pe houmatefa ki pokotala 'o toli'i mai ha fo'i vii ke tau kai otai vii mo siosio he teetee hake 'a e limu 'ihe lalo fau ai pe......pea tasilisili atu ha taha kiha motu kehe ke 'omai ha tou'a na'a fai e anga e hako.... 'ae me'a koeee koe soo famili hahahahaha
kau tama ...tau kai 'umu ai leva ke tali 'aki 'a puatoka lahi mo sei kutupai kia puatoka na'a ko 'ene si'i neti fk'osi pe 'eni! uee oops....hahahahaha
'ofa atu choc, uso moe kau kiti......busy atu a koh ia he 'ai me'anoa'ia.....hehe great to see you good and don't sin....'inee koaa puatoka eeh?? hehehe..........puatoka ngali 'oku 'i ai ho'o mou ki'i blue blood eeh? ne'ine'i keke me'a eeh! lol
~~~~~~~~~~~~>> ( bbooohhh !! )<<~~~~~~~~~~
Auee Manu Samoa Amiiiiii amio I love you desprately *shalabu homou nutu kotoa* wink @ Wonda hahaha..
<>Taxi womeni* ikai poto 'au he phucker lotoroto koe koloa mau ha lole ke misi misi 'ai ngaahi foih Sin-rau
mei he nu'u hahaha ( kafyy uu ) *kata.. luvluv.
Hoifua.. rr wwee ~>> STILL*.. hahahahaha lole 'atuuu ongo hibahh 'eeee.. me feel 4 ya DNA always..
<> Wonda my dearest Dahling *ikai toe fai mai ha mou loto* koe fo'i lupe ni 'e TALI KOAU <> IM COMMING HONEY* FAI MAI HA'O FEKAU*..ciiuuhhuu !!.. teu 'ofah tamasii'i ho fofonga faka havala loto* vi'i..alofah tele atu..*..kizz*.. ho bitoh ki loto 'eee hahaha..
Okk ikai 4'aa phucker lau mou fanga namez na to ha taha kae fiu hano tanaki.. hope all is well with y'rs there @ home..
<> Wang feinga'i ho fuu madara'i lose ke taa'aki mei he room 'aku 'eee.. ( loto arrow eni 'ia ) hoocyy..
Much ofahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lolomy 'atu kia uu moe fanga neli.. koe enah hira phucker batoh hake *hehehehe.. cc uu home
Temat: AoE.
sin ma 25lvl zwykle aoe z glownej broni i inne co spowalnia na mniejszym lvlu (nie pamietam jakim) a z dodatkowego tali mam tak co unieruchamia tez

Temat: Senpai
level 1+
Moja 1 postac w tali kumpel mówił ze spoko gra no zobaczymy

Temat: God`s Creations
Malo mu'a Thinker,
Teu feinga pe ke tali ho'o ngaahi fehu'i.
1)`Oku ke pehe na`e sai pe me`a ia na`e fai `ehe tevolo kia `Ivi mo `Atama?.....or was it a sin?
Temat: ZAkPL
moja druga postac poniewaz zawalilem kilka spraw tak wiec
master jest
heh nowa postac i od razu drop z dzika small emerald

Link pobierania:
1. DELACROIX – Nah Touch It
>>> COMMIX – Electric
2. DRUMSOUND & BASSLINE – Live Another Day
3. SHIMON & DISASZT – Lightspeed
4. SIGMA – El Presidente VIP (rewind)
>>> TC – Pornstar
5. ICS & TREVELYAN – Battle Royale
6. LOMAX – Artisan VIP
8. DC BREAKS – Taken
9. ICICLE – Hang On
>>> SUBFOCUS – Timewarp
>>> BAR 9 – Coalescence
11. NOISIA – Stigma
12. KID CUDI vs CROOKERS – Day'N' Nite (TC remix)
13. CAMO & KROOKED – Close Ya Eyes
>>> SHY FX & T POWER – Feelings
14. ORIGINAL SIN – Colligula
15. CLIPZ – Push It Up (TC remix)
>>> ORIGINAL SIN – Cheata Cheata
16. DRUMSOUND & BASSLINE – Can You Feel It
17. LOMAX – Avon Calling
18. RAM TRILOGY – Asylum
>>> NOAH D Ft ANTONY B. - Good Sound (Benny Page Remix)
20. DIRTYPHONICS – The Secret Ft. TALI
21. XAMPLE – Keep Their Heads Ringing
23. SPINLINE – Backdoor
25. DZ – End Dub Remix
26. BOOT&LEG03 – Shoot Out (Dubstep mix)
27. JFB – Time Collapse
28. JAKES – Rock Da Bells
29. STENCHMAN – 2Muchket
30. SA BAT' MACHINES – Sylvia
31. ED SOLO – Watch Your Eyes
32. BAR 9 – Shaolin Styles (Nero Remix)
33. HORSE POWER – Kingstep
Temat: [b]Faikaume"a pe fili mali[/b]
Hey lalokasia...malo mu'a fefine e fakalotolahi ngali fakamuna pe 'eta ki'i potatala ka ko hono mo'oni ko e anga ia e fononga fiema'u ke tau fefakalotolahi'aki....
Pea ha ho kaungame'a...ta'u 'e 10? ta kuo na fu'u maheni'oni 'aupito ho'o lau tau fai ma'oni'oni pe kitautolu ki he 'Eiki ka ne toki fai mai 'e ia hotau fakaai....'Oku ai e lau 'a e Saame 'e taha...'E 'ikai te ne mamae'i ha lelei 'e taha meia tekinautolu 'oku laka haohaoa(Saame 84:11)...
Mo'oni e lau 'a RADICAL ko 'ene tali kiate kitautolu ko e 'IO, 'IKAI mo e TATALI pea 'oku mo'oni e lau ia 'a e Himi 'e taha 'oku tuai 'a e ngaue ia ko e 'ai ke fu'u lelei...'Oua pe fiu he tatali LALOKASIA kou tui 'oku kei sanipepa'i atu 'e he 'Otua e taha totonu ma'au.....hahahahaha...sanipepa'i atu ke tuku e mio'i mo e kakalahi kae tu'u ma'u 'ene tui...hahahaha....pea 'oku toe sanipepa'i pe mo kitautolu 'e he 'Otua ke tesi 'etau tui pe 'oku tau kei falala ange koa ki ai pe 'ikai...
Ko ia ai kainga 'oua fiu he tatali pea 'oua 'e fiu he failelei coz *those who hope in the Lord will not be disappointed (Isaiah 49:23)*...Amen!!!
Faka'osi 'atu 'aki pe ki'i fevahevahe'aki e 'aho ni e ki'i devotional ko eni neu fou mai ai he uike kuo maliu atu...fakatauange 'e hoko ko ha fakalotolahi kiate kimoutolu hono kotoa...
Adapted from God's Word Everyday
Friday March 18
"Everyone was trying to touch Him . . ." Luke 6:19
He Is Not Your Servant
Soon everybody was hearing about Jesus and His healing power. For many people He was like a magician - a man to work miracles and get them what they wanted. He would heal them and throw out the conquering Romans. He would be their king. He would bring them good fortune. He would give His people a comfortable life. Instead of wanting God's love and His pardon for sin, they only wanted a successful life and the chance to see some amazing miracles. Some people still see God that way - like some big magician. And they use prayer to try and get Him to do tricks for them.
God is not a magician - He is Lord of all the universe. God is not our servant to do what we want - He is our Master. Prayer is not a way of controlling God and getting Him to serve us - it is the way we place ourselves under His control and Lordship. If we only follow Jesus because we hope He'll make this life comfortable, we'll soon fall away when things don't work out like we wanted. Remember - faith is about much more than we can understand or have in this life "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." (1 Corinthians 2:9)
Teu ngata mei he kae toki fai ha hoko atu pea 'oku ou fakaafe'i atu ha taha pe 'oku fiekaungavahevahe mai he kaveinga ko eni pea mou tokoni mai...
'I he 'ofa mo e hufia,
Temat: Koe ngaahi motolo "ae kau feinga fakalelei pule"anga!!
Tongan Crusader malo e lafo mai.... pe na'aku enjoy e lau ho'o posts ko hono 'uhinga he 'oku hange kiate au ia 'oku kau hono tamate'i e kakai kapau he'ikai ke nau tafoki kia Sisuu he me'a 'oku ke tui 'oku fakakalisitiane...
Sai Crusader 'oku ke kei manatu'i Ko Sisuu e founder of Christianity ... kapau leva 'oku kei manatu'i ia talamai ange ha folofola 'a Sisuu kuo ne pehe ai mou o 'o fakamafolalotu pea kapau he'ikai ke nau tui mai kiate koe pea mou tamate'i kinautolu 'o fakamomoa he la'aa...
Koe me'a 'oku ou manatu'i 'e au koe "God is Love" pea moe fekau ke nau o 'o Paitaiso e kakai, pea 'ofa he fanga sipi... Na'e a'u pe 'a Sisuu 'o pekia he kolosi na'e 'ikai ke send mi 'ehe tamai ia ha kongatau mei hevani ke nau omi 'o 'ohofi holo e kakai ke nau tafoki 'o tui kia Sisuu...
Kapau leva kuo faka'aonga'i 'e ha taha ia ha founga kehe pea 'oku 'i ai e me'a 'oku fehalaaki... mahalo pe he fa'ahinga natula koee 'oe reasoning 'ae tokotaha ko ia... Koe lotu ia koe natula ia 'oe tangata... we are worshiping beings... koe 'uhinga ia na'e 'i ai ai pe lotu Tonga motu'a he na'e fa'u pe 'ehe 'otua ia e tangata ke tui 'Otua... koe toki ngaue kovi 'ae Original sin ia ( 'Atama mo "ivi na'e 'ikai ai ke tau toe lava 'o 'Ilo'i 'ae 'Otua ka tau toe tatali ki he revelation 'a e 'Otua 'i a Kalaisi....
1.Koe 'eku fehu'i Crusader 'Oku totonu nai ke tau tamate'i e kakai kapau he'ikai ke nau kalisitiane hange ko e tama ha'apai, Tupou 'Uluaki?
Kuo u tukulolo atu au heni. KO 'EKU TALI ATU 'IKAI. Ka na'e fe'unga ia mo e taimi 'o e DARK AGE. Oku ke 'ilo 'oku ke lama hala ke tautea'aki 'a e kakai. Ka kiate au oku hala mama'o ke tamate'i pea na'e 'ikai ke 'uhinga pehee 'a Tupou 'Uluaki ia ko ho'o 'ai pe 'e koe ke kovi e fo'i me'a ko ia. Na'e feinga pe ia ke fakatahataha'i 'a Tonga
2. 'Oku totonu nai ke tau lau e me'a kotoa pe koe will of God hange koe kau Crusader Knights of the Crusade wars?
Temat: Catholicism the longest cult ever exist!!!!
Viliami 'oua na'a toe angaua ha'o ha'u 'o fakaveve holo heni ee
Hello talogonga,
'Ai mu'a mo ki'i lii mai he 'isiu? Pe tali mai aa ha ki'i fehu'i?
Sio ki hee 'oku ngali maama ange 'a Lady Waimea. He 'oku ne 'ilo'i 'e ia 'a e TRUTH.
the TRUTH will forever stays to be the truth! and will not and never be and be changed.
'Oku 'ikai ke hange ko e TRUTH 'a talotonga (Mamonga), ke kehe 'a e 'aneafi mo e 'aho ni. Pea kehe 'a Siosefa Samita (had many wives WITHOUT SIN = HEAVEN) ia mei he si'i fa'ahinga e ni'ihi (had many wives and were SINFUL = HELL). ETC.
Summary of LDS TRUTHS (approved by talotonga)
1) God are two distinct beings with tangible body.
2) God has a heart and a mind.
3) God is unchangeable; God keep changing his mind.
4) God chooses when and who can practise polygamy
among his people.
5) God is one who doesn't keep his promise to his own apostles.
6) God invalidated his own covenant with his apostles as to
restore his teaching to Joseph Smith.
7) God is corporeal and embodied in a transfigured body.
8 ) There are three God but only one in heart, mind, purpose.
to worhip one is to worship all.
9) We ourselves will become just like God at the end.
1) The cross is the sign of the devil instead of the sign of life.
2) St. John transfigured into immortality without the natural
process of death.
3) Baptism of infant is abominable
4) The Mormon church is the restore church of Christ.
5) Polygamy was commanded by God upon Joseph Smith.
6) Polygamy was commanded by God later on to be stopped.
7) The Mormon Church is the only true church of God.
8 ) There are many secrets and JLO still has to bring it out.
9) To teach the doctrine is to only teach the basic.
10) Philosophy and the progress of education is to be denied.
11) Intellectual investigation has to be keep out as only to ponder
or become Mormons to know the truth.
TanganCrusader, I totally agree with your post, that Jesus is the ROCK, and not Peter nor Revelation.
Christianity (God's Church) is build on Jesus the ROCK.
God bless,
Brother in Christ.
Hi COCO... sorry atu kapau 'oku tau tonu atu kia koe...... kae hange koe lau 'ae folofola...... 'oku 'ikai ha taha ia e haohaoa.... 'oku tau fai angahala kotoa pe...... ka 'oku toe pehe mai pe folofola koe tautea 'oe angahala koe mate moe 'auha ta'engata. ka tau fakafeta'i 'oku 'iai e founga moe hala na'e fakafou he 'Otua 'i hono 'alo ketau hao ai...... ka ko kinautolu pe 'oku nau tali e hala ko ia tenau ma'u e mo'ui ta'engata.
Ko ia COCO 'oku 'ikai keu judge 'e au ha taha, ka koe me'a totonu pe ke tau fai ke lea 'aki e mo'oni moe totonu..... he 'oku toe lau pe kiaii 'ae aposetolo ko Paula kapau 'oku 'iai ha ngaue lelei 'oku tonu ketau fai ka 'oku 'ikai ke tau fai ko ha'atautolu ia angahala..... ko ia COCO kou tui koe mali koe me'a ia 'oku faka-Otua pe fakatohitapu.... pea moe ta'e mali pe ka 'oku 'ikai uhinga mai ia ketau nonofo kovi ai moha kakai kehekehe. Ko 'aposetolo ko Paula na'e 'ikai ke mali ia ka na'a ne pehe mai kapau 'oku 'ikai keke lava'i e nofo ta'emali, mali kae 'oua 'e 'ai ke nonofo kovi pehee he 'oku 'ikai ke faka-'Otua ia.... ko ia COCO 'oku 'ikai keu hanga o judge koe ka ko 'eku fie tokoni atu pe. pea kapau oku 'ikai keke tui ki he lau 'ae tohi tapu..... pea ta 'oku ke mo'oni pe koe..... ia lol
'ofa pe 'oku tokoni atu......!!
malo moe 'ofa lahi atu
Malo malo COCO si'i malie'ia tama au ho'o fo'i hu mai...... koe me'a pe ua koe 'ikai keke tapo'oupatele pe koho'o kau he nofo fakafisi..... pe ko hono fakalea e taha koe fokisi takai holo....... lol mate he kata koe fakaoli pe ia COCO........ lol
ouchhh that hurt kumaa down to my ahemmmmm eheee ok since you speak your mind out I wont judge you for it you entitle for you opinion .God knows i'm not a tapo'ou im not even near that righteous like I said before...
I'm a b%$@&* I'm a lover I'm a child I'm a sister I'm a sinner I'm a saint I do not feel ashamed I'm your hell I'm your dream I'm nothing in between You know you wouldn't want it any other way..
and if you believe fokisi is one of them ..well i can't change your opinion But I wonder.... how does it feel sitting up there on your glorious heaven full of virtuous with your goodie two shoes ,looking down on me as a sinner judging me for something you don't know about. Im glad that you say hello to me because i have never met someone like you before I thought you falesi suppose to love the sinner but contempt thier sin hmmm god knows im a sinner ..hoyyyy taimi keu lele fai ha ki'i kofesio ai kautama e since kumar cast the first stone eheeeeeeeee
Temat: where is da "uiha room??
HEHEHEEH malo e lelei 'ae fu'u loki ni...pea malo mu'a manager e lava toutou lava atu mei he bay ki he sin ange 'emau 'evaaaaa ko 'emau 'eva mo homau to'u totonu hila ki he lady from vailahi.... ko ho'o toe kau mai 'a'au ia ai manager pea hange ko 'eku hanu ki mu'aaa hela'ia leva e secretary ia he tali e cellfone 'ae manager kae parade holo e manager ia he 'anaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa e fangaaaa e kaila 'a jamess...helloooooooooooo halakakala is rite....koe kole nounou fakavavevave atu pe eni ia 'ae sekelitali kihe manager malooo ena keke toki me'a mai pe 'i oct kae hao ai leva 'ae fo'i dateeee laulotaha 'ae driver he uikeni....'eheeee...fola he kata...koe gaahi fo'i lea 'ofa ia 'ae mariner ko eni kou toe mei tata'o atu e uma fe'iloaki he telefone hange koe fakafe'iloaki ki hoku soon-2-b-bro-against-da law ko ena ko TAPU....fola he kata...tukuange kolohe ho'o loi koe vale pe 'e toe fakafoki 'ene fo'i huggie 'ia ko kolohee pe na'a ne ta'ofi keu fe'iloaki atu kiate koe he telfoni talamai 'e ia keu ponou au ki lalo 'o ha'i hono suuu kau toki ummaa pe tapuuu
malo e lelei 'a hone ishme mo queen moe kau ta'ahine kataki pe he kau fai ongoongo ko eni ka kemou 'ilo foki he'ikai kemau toe ongoogno kimau3 ia ha fononga 'a ha taha kehe ka ko 'emau feha'ele'aki pe 'e toutou
ko lade eni ishme toki pa'utu mai hoku tafa'aki kuo hange ha fbi hono tuli takai holo kita heee koaa kolohe ee kuo mei a'u ki he weekend kae 'ikai ke toe kumi holo kita kae pipiki holo he fu'u marinerrrr....loheeeee ko eni teu ako keu driver he kuo quit 'a lady ia kuo teke 'e ia au keu driver kae guest ia 'i mui moe hoa he falaite kou manavas'i na'a 'ikai ke hao 'a mom he kau 'alu he fu'u 'efi'efi e limo ia ki ongo me'a ko 'eni ...tapu pe ke fai ha lanitaaaa mo tolopato 'i mui na'a maumau 'eku ridee
hey kau tama tau toki sio he'e motu hoku lihiiii hono hapo 'e ladyyyy mou teuteu he'e kuo ne talamai 'e ha'u 'o fai atu 'ene fo'i loiiiii kaukaaa ka au ka ko koloheee koe mo'oniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hono kotoa pe ia.....sarome laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
halakakala [tokoni mai keu si'i mo'ui he weekend ko eni..mount diablooooo ha'aku lonely atu ai kae double 'a ladyyy...faka'ofa eee]
Temat: Tongans-What causes drug trafficking/dealing & pornograp
Blundell22,taufakisione,Samm,Abovegroundgirl and marry poppins, pea mo e kau 'aahi kotoa e loki ni.Malo mu'a ho'o mou lelei.
'Oku ou fakamalo atu kiate ko e blundell22 'i he langa'i mai e topiki ko eni he 'oku mahu'inga taha pe ke tau 'ilo fakapapau e Cause 'o e Drug dealing pea pehe foki ki he prostitution.'I he malava pe ke tau 'ilo e fo'i tupu 'anga 'o ha me'a pea 'e faingofua leva ke tau fa'u fa lao 'oku Just ke malu'i 'aki e mo'ui 'a e tangata talangata'a ka e 'oua leva kuo ne a'usia e mahino(understanding) pea tene toki lava leva ke tuku faka'aufuli 'a e drug dealing pea pehe pe foki ki he prostitution
Na'e 'i ai ha lea 'a e Tu'i 'iloa mo poto ko Solomone," Understanding is to depart from evil(sin)."Ko hono mahu'inga ia ketau 'ilo e tupu'anga 'oe fai e ngaahi 'ulungaanga ta'etaau mo ta'e feunga he'e malava leva ai ke fakaivia kitautolu 'e he mahino(understanding).
'Oku 'i ai ha kautaha fakapulipuli 'i 'Amelika,Kanata pea mo fe fua e ngaahi fonua 'i mamani 'oku 'i ai honau ngaahi va'a ai,kau ai pe mo Tonga.'Oku to e 'iloa kinautolu ko e kau Illuminati, pe ko e kau Luciferians.Ko kinautolu 'oku nau fai e me'a ko e witchcraft pea ko 'enau taumu'a ke drug ho'omou fanau he 'u 'apiako 'a e pule'anga pea pehe atu ai kihe siasi,ngaue 'aki e medias of communication,nusipepa,televisone,letio,initaneti, mo ha fua.He uo nau 'ilo ko 'ene ma'u pe taha 'e he drugs pea fangofua leva hono brainwash e tokotaha koia ke hoko ko e memipa fo'ou ia 'o e 'enau sosaieti.hange ko e tali malie 'a AbovegroundGirl he'ene pehe ko e Devil ko e tupu'nga ia.ko e mo'ono e mo'oni.'Oku tau faka'amu leva ke hu mai 'a babylion mo 'ene loholoho ke ngaahi 'aki e Devil mo e pau'u.
'I he mamaha fau 'etau mo'ui pea 'ikai ketau vete 'etau ngaahi angahala ki he 'Otau naa'ne fakatupu kitaua fakataha'i eni mo e talangata'a(pride) tupu ai 'ete 'alu 'o kumi mo'ui mei he me'a 'oku 'ikai sai kia kita.Na'e toe pehe mai 'e Solomone,"There is a way that looks good to a man but the end thereof is DEATH.Pea mo'oni 'a mary poppins tupu mei he 'etau angahala 'etau fakatau atu hotau sino ke ma'u ai ha me'i sipi.Hili ange koia 'e ala ma'u pe ha me'i sipi ia ha'ate kole ki he kaunga'api kete huo ha'anau ngoue pe tufi ha'anau veve.
Ko e kau drug dealer lalahi 'i Tonga 'oku nau mo'ui popula kinautolu ki he kakai 'i muli 'oku nau pule'i atu kinautolu pea supply atu mo 'enau drugs.Ko e taumu'a ke holoki e mo'ui 'a e tangata ke hange pe ha manu.
Ko 'etau fononga atu eni he ngaahi kuonga faingata'a 'aupito ki hono ohi mo malu'i e fanau mei he 'a takai 'o e drugs.
Kapau 'e fili au ki falaalea teu fokotu'u ha lao ke tautea tauatau e kau drug dealer pea 'mai e fatongia tautau kia Lualala kene fakakaungatamaki ai
Faka'osi te u lea fakataha mo hoku tokoua TC ko Paul,'God bless Tonga."
B/Man malo e kei kenu mei hena neongo lahi e
afaa moe 'ofa atu siana.
PEPI ko au eni toki foki mai mei 'aireki ke feinga'i
'eta pepe ke too mai ki tu'a....pango mahalo teu
tomui kae tomu'a atu ha taha e ongo tokoua ko
ena (fob1 & B/Man)'ofa atu hani pani.
taxi ke fk-langa mai pe ke tau kamata ta'u fo'ou
moe lele fk-tafa. me'a poto mo'oni ko koe he fk-
'esia e kape mai ee......lmaoooo. toki takai ange
ki maketi he teu nofo he ve'e toileti ke 'oatu ha'o
la'i pepa mo ha me'i maa ke fafanga 'aki e ki'i pato
'oku tautau he po kasuele....hehehe. lau mai pe kae
'ikai ;oatu ha'o la'i pepa fk-ma'a 'ilo ko au
kou pule toileti he maketi......haha.....'ofa atu hani pie.
hoihoi malo e lulu tava mei hena....lulu lelei pe na'a
maha ho'ofa atu suka hani.
s.king hange ho'o 'asi mai ha 'a'ahi tauhele....'asi pe pea
puli ai 'o nanahi paingani.....'ofa atu kia koe mo ena 'oku
ke fa'a huki ai.....'iuvi'ii....kuo lele hake fie huki ia.
fob1 kuikui ho mata kau ki'i ala he tou''ofa atu
salsa ke hange ha fo'i 'angelo he loki'i fk-sio atu a
sandygale na 'oku fihia ia he tangai fangota 'a b/
teu 'oatu ha fo'i hiva ma'ae kau faikava....kole atu kia taxi
ke fk-tonutonu mai 'ene 'utete pea pehe ki he fo'i selo ding
a ling a b/ mau entertain moutolu. PEPI ki'i hula mai
hena ke fk-holo e mamata 'ae kau faikava.
*Fola Osi He Katas* .. (( ))
Good to see were starting the new year off with a bang (( kei eroz pe he kataz )) Masi'i wang fai ai pe ho'o fklanga ketez ia a koe toko , tali mai hena can't wait till i get bak gonna take you out to lunch he fale kai koe ho'o mataman (( )) iuvi'i .. Wang kou fanongo kuo fkfoki 'e ta ki'i moa koe ko Laumomo ki tonga ? Ko ia ko a .. (( ))
Taxi amor amor Iuvi'i fai pe keu foki atu 'o faoa mai eku sieke 'e Eheeeeee !! Kona kovi siuhuuuuuu kamata pe 2004 moe ha'e ha'e vala (( HAHAHA )) Ko koe pe foki mo Ricky Martin !!
Love you Honey .. (( ))
Pepi hange kou sio atu na'e tau ha fuu uliuli ia koe oku ke matamata'i kovi mai (( )) HAHAHA Koe kai ia a sin city (( )) Ofa atu dear ..
Hoi tau sio mai ha'a mo tau toho , iuehe tau tohi na'e kei toe pe ink pe oku fuoloa ene si'i matuu (( )) lmfao !! Ofa atu hoi 'e.
S.King tuku ho'o ngaahi mea noa ia kake asi hake ke mau sio atu .. lol .. Much Love jean Paul G !!
FOB fefehake tokoua i hope your well n that the new year has started off well for ya !!
To the rest alot of ofaz to you all ...
Hugz N Kiss's .. !!
kontakt tel. 500766250 lub gg 8743126
1. Chase & Status - Take Me Away / Judgement - Ram Records
2. Future Prophecies Feat. Dynamite MC / Future Prophecies - The Roof Is On Fire / Dreadlock VIP - Breakbeat Kaos
3. Xample / Xample Feat. Lomax - Lowdown / The Latter - Ram Records
4. DJ Fresh - Gold Dust / The Field - Breakbeat Kaos
5. Matrix vs Futurebound - Universal Truth / Skyscraper - Metro vs Viper
6. DJ Zinc - Goblin / M Double O -Bingo Recordings
7. Original Sin [G Dub] - Dont Be Silly / Cheater Cheater - Ganja Recordings
8. Twisted Individual & APB - Hand Grenade [Clipz RMX] / [Original] - Grid Recordings
9. Kamanchi [Krust & Die] - Its A Trap / Never Can Tell - Full Cycle
10. M.I.S.T - Jam Hot / Outter Space - Soul:R Recordings
11. Original Sin [G Dub] Say / All I Want - Ganja Records
12. Ebony Dubsters [Shy FX & T Power] - Number 1 / The Ritual - Ebony Recordings
13. DJ Friction & Nu Balance - Robocop [Taxman RMX] / Slipstream [Logistics RMX] - Playaz
14. G Dub - Atomic / Freak Show - Reformed Recordings
15. Xample - Get Out Clause / Infamous - Ram Records
16. Calibre vs High Contrast - Mr.Majestik / The Other Side - Signature Recordings
17. G Dub - Forever [Original Sin VIP] / Beast City [Original Sin VIP] - Ganja Recordings
18. Kenny Ken - Everyman [Benny Page RMX] / [Modified Motion RMX] - Mix N Blen
19. Logistics - Together (wyciagniety z epki oryginal)
20. DJ Die & Clipz - Indian Summer / Back Inside - Clear Skyz
21. Drumsound & Bassline Smith Feat. Youngman MC / Drumsound & Bassline Smith- Everybody Pump / Welcome To The Jungle - Technique Recordings
22. DJ Hazard - Machete Bass EP - Playaz 2 x vinyl
23. DJ Clipz - Rubbish / Push It Up - Audio Zoo
24. Modified Motion & Faction - Magic Man / Steezin For No Reason - Dynamic Audio
25. DJ Escape / PA & Origin - Fear OF The Future / Krazy Ideas - Music Hertz
26. Taxman - Original Ninja / The Circle - Ganja Recordings
27. Clipz Feat. MC Tali - Sound Bwoy / Pitch Dem Up - Full Cycle
28. Chase & Status - Dumpling Riddim / Disco - Ram Records
29. DJ Clipz - Download / Get Down - Audio Zoo
30. Taxman - Scan Darker / Badboy Danger- Ganja Recordings
31. Taxman - Moonraker / The Rebate 2007 - Propaganda Recordings
32. Clipz Feat. Hollie G / Clipz - Ugly / Offline - Audio Zoo
33. TC - Wheres My Money [Clipz RMX] / Drink [Xample RMX]- D-Style Recordings
34. DJ Hazard [Dirty Harry] - Skankers / Western Riddim - Frontline Records
35. TC- Rockstar / Game Over - D-Style Recordings
36. DJ Die & Clipz - Good Old Days / Black Doves - Full Cycle
37. Zen - Hovercraft / Double Bobble - Grid Recordings
38. DJ Die & Clipz Feat. Jenna G / DJ Die & Clipz Feat. Ben Westbeech - Work It Out / Number 1 [RMX] - Audio Zoo
39. Sub Focus - Airplane / Flamenco - Ram Records
40. Ben Westbeech & DJ Die - Get Closer [Lovers Mix] / [Rockers Mix] - Brownswood Records
41. Contour - Moving Higher [Basic Operations RMX] / [Muffler RMX] - Cymbalism LTD Recordings
42. Jenna G - In Love (wyciagniete z epki)
43. DJ Die / DJ Die Feat. Ben Westbeech - Slow Burn / The Reason Why - Clear Skyz
44. Sub Focus - Special Place / Druggy - Ram Records
45. DJ Hazard - Busted / 0121 - [PICTURE DISC] PLAYAZ
46. Hazard - Ready 4 this (wyciagniete z epki)
47. J Majik & Gil Felix - Capoeira [Clipz RMX] / [Marky & XRS RMX] - Infrared Spectrum
48. Surge / Surge & Clipz - Shaolin Soul / Anything For You - Full Cycle
49. DJ Hazard & Distorted Minds - Mr Happy / Super Drunk - Playaz
50. TC - Wheres My Money? / Deep [Roni Size VIP] - D-Style Recordings
51. Jonny L - Back To Your Roots [DJ Friction & K Tee RMX] / [Instrumental Mix] - Shogun Audio
52. Clipz - Showtime EP - Cuban Links / Showtime / Voodoo Step / Calypso - Emcee Recordings
53. DJ Die & Clipz - Number 1 [Roni Size VIP] / Work It Out [Dub] - Full Cycle
54. DJ Die [Mono Man] - Dirty Games [Generation Dub RMX 1] / Dirty Games [Generation Dub RMX 2] - Chronic Recordings
55. Roni Size - Siren Sounds [Ray Keith RMX] / At The Movies [Drumsound & Bassline Smith RMX] - Full Cycle
56. TC - Jump / Flatline - DSR PROMO
57. Dr Octagon vs Sub Focus / Dr Octagon - Aliens [Sub Focus RMX] / [Original] / [Inst] - Casual
58. Chase & Status - Brazil (wyciagniety z epki)
59. Tommy Boy [TC] / Tommy Boy [TC] vs Distorted Minds - Love & Happiness / In The City - V Recordings
Temat: Joseph Smith"s personal faults do not matter (Brigham Young)
Malo mu'a 'Aho'etu...welcome back.
I am preparing my response to your latest posting but would like you to clarify something for me first.
Were you saying that Paul misinterpret the Scripture Or
Are you insinuating that when he quoted from the Scripture he was being dishonest for quoting someone else and/or recorded quotations that were not originally his?
Kapau pe teke tali mai ki'i fehu'i ko'ena teu lava leva ke faka'osi atu 'eku tali, malo aupito,
God bless,
Malo e lelei Makahunu;
I believe no doubt Ol Paul, evidently use of the scripture to prove his erroneous doctrine is uninspired at best, if not outright dishonest. He wants us to believe that no one can be righteous through the works of the âślawâ, but there are countless whom God called âśrighteousâ, included in which Noah is one of them. Christ said in Mathew 13:16-17; âśBut blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.â Many prophets? Yes, there are many prophets. Righteous men? Yes, there are righteous men. But not according to Ol Paul; "There is none righteous, no, not one.
Ol Paul explain his logic why God gave man the âślawâ in the first place;
- Romans 3:19-20; âśNow we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.â
- Deuteronomy 5:29; âOh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!â
Deuteronomy 6:24-25; âśAnd the LORD commanded us to observe all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our good always, that He might preserve us alive, as it is this day. Then it will be righteousness for us, if we are careful to observe all these commandments before the LORD our God, as He has commanded us.â
Malo Kavakava,
Let me deal with your second paragraph first, then your question last.
If Jesus Christ was mortal(incarnate, if you will), then he had 46 chromosones, just like the rest of us, and also like the rest of us, 23 did come from his father, and 23 from his mother.
Correction. You (Mormon) are wrong in assuming that Jesus Christ is just like the rest of us. Ko hai ki taua ke fakatatau ki a Sisu Kalaisi?
⢠Jesus Christ has no beginning nor ending, but you and I definitely have a beginning.
⢠Jesus Christ came down from heaven, but you and I have never been in heaven. (We are hoping to make it to heaven one day.)
⢠Jesus Christ is God, but you and I are not.
⢠Jesus Christ NEVER SIN, but you and I are great sinner.
Tokoua Kavakava, âikai âoku tupunga hoâo tui âoku tatau pe âa Sisu with the rest of us, koeâuhi ko e foâi tokateline âa e Mamonga âoku pehee tokua naâe fanauâi âa Sisu, fakataha mo Setane fakataha moe kakai Mamonga kotoa pe âi Hevani ki he Tamai (âOtua-God Father) mo e Faâee (âOtua-God Mother), kimuâa pea mou toki oomai ki Mamanii?
Ko e toe akonaki hala âe taha âa e Mamonga âoku tupunga ai hoâo hee, ko e pehee tokua ne hifo mai âa âAtama mei hevani mo e taha âa hono ngaahi malii (âIvi).
Kiâi fehuâi atu; Ko hai fua e fanga mali âo âAtama âi hevani kimuâa pea ne toki fakatuâuta âi mamani mo e mali pe âe taha (âIvi), âo fakatatau ki he tui âa e Mamonga?
Brother, read the Bible carefully, for ONLY JESUS was ever INCARNATED.
That the doctrine of INCARNATION ONLY apply to JESUS, and JESUS ALONE, not to Kavakava nor Viliami. I was never in heaven to start with.
Viliami, tali hangatonu mai muâa e fehuâi, Koe fanautama âa Mele kia hai?
âśAnd the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.â Luke 1:35
Did you get it? The Holy Ghost came upon Mary, and every christian denomination understand it this way, except Mormon who teaches that God the Father marry Mary and that Jesus was not born of a virgin. The Bible is very clear about these things, but you still are blind/been deceived?
Kavakava, kataki muâa ka ke tali mai muâa âeku fehuâi kimuâa? pea pehee ki he kiâi fehuâi ko ena âi âolunga, fekauâaki mo e fanga mali âo âAtama?
When did God the Father marry Mary?
The Fleshly body of Jesus required a Mother as well as a Father. Therefore, the Father and the Mother of Jesus, according to the flesh,must have been associated together in the capacity of Husband and Wife; hence the Virgin Mary must have been, for the time being, the lawful wife of God the Father: we use the term lawful Wife, because it would be blasphemous in the highest degree to say that He overshadowed her or begat the Savior unlawfully. Orson Pratt, The Seer, page 158
Temat: where is da "uiha room??
HELLOO si'i kainga oku mou fefe hake.....'ofa pe oku lelei pe e ngaahi tuliki kotoa oku mou me'a mai mei ai...koe fakalelea filo taha atu pe eni ia he ki'i 'ataa mai 'ae laineee he kuo mei pekia e laine ia he uike koee oku fai ai e me'a 'a 'uihaaaaaaaaaaaa...fola he kata...
malo e lava mai tapuuu pea 'oua e tuku ha ivi kake toutou lava ma'u mai pe kae'oua toe hala 'a kolohe ia mo vix he toutou 'ahia mai hotau loki'amu atu e feti ia ko hlkkl he ko 'ene sio ki ha shiana pea hange koee koe tafutefute 'ae keviki he taulanga fale'aki 'ene toi mai pe 'ae ta'ahine ko mana'iange moe ngahau kuo ne fika'i ke mafua he mui'ulu 'o hai koaa????? lol....loi pe ia...malo tapu e 'asi mai pea ke 'asi ma'u mai pe 'ai peau pehee au ia na'e MAHUA HA IPUKAVA Ia ho tupenu ke fa'a puli'ai ai foki koe fa'ahinga mamate ta'etokanga 'a hina ia mei he tano'a 'oku fa'a fai ai e tete moe alaala vale ki he ai pe moe dip over 'ae ipu ia 'o si'i puli ai 'asi ma'u mai pe he ko ho'o puliii pe kou 'ilo neke piponu ha ipukava...seukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....kou manatu ma'u pe tapu ho fa'a hoha'a mai he tu'a 4 moe nima am kou lave'i kuo 'osi matuku kotoa e kau faikava ia ko koe pe ena ia moe tama faka'uli 'ae tou'a 'oku mo ki'i compete pe ko hai 'e 'uluaki oku ke ilo koe driver ia kuo 'osi fiti ia ki he 'aa he ne 'ikai ngaue ia kae mohe 'aho kakato ia ki he'ene ngaue faka-faka'uli kia hina....hahahahahaha...loi pe siana...
hey kolohe malo mu'a si'i lelei pea malo e tau moe ta'etali mai ho'o foneeee..koe 'osi kotoa eni e fika mei sin city he'eku ring ki ai pea kuo tooo hoku loto na'a kuo ke toe foki ki ho'o 'alu ee kake foki mai kefai e fekauuuuu ki he union 'aluu ai pe koe.....kuo ke tele koe he talanoa fai fekau 'a pitaaa pau'u ki he tu'i...peheee atu ehe tu'i ..PITA 'alu ki he kuini mai e hamala pea ke fai ke vave kake ha'u ke 'ai e ngaue na'a po'uli...laka atu koe pita 'o po'upo' mai 'a pita he pasikala kuo toongaa mai pehee atu e tu'i kia pita.....pita kuo ke vela...tali mai e pita..vela pe kaneu heka...pehe atu e tu'i pita ke pakuu..pehe mai 'a pita paku pe ka neu a' gaahi fehu'i kehe pe,,,kaikehe lohee malo ena kuo ke 'asi mai te'eki fai atu e fehu'i...pea sai ai pe na'a tautonu pea te si'i lavelavea kita ho'o tali mai 'eku fehu'i...'eheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..anyways malo e fone mai pea ke fone mai koe ia oku te kei tanaki tikite kita he laine 'e loi pe vix...kolohe fola he kata he kee'i 'a mone...he'ikai kuo 'osi reserve 'e au ia 'a filimone ki he kaume'a 'a filimone pea kuo yes mai e ki'i fefine he'eku fakamatala nutu atu hoku kainga ofi 'aki hono soo ko mone...'ikai kene ilo koe tu'u 'a UIHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA koe nofo pe moe takanga 'ae oku fele 'ae pipi moe kahi ia
'ofa atu kainga ka tau tuku kae fai ha feinga ki he me'a 'a e lotuuuu he ko kolohe ena kuo fiu kumi ha faifekau ke fai e lotu moe ma'u atu pe kuo mahae e lipine pingikii ia e kau
'ofa atu
Temat: LUMEN LISTA Notowanie 100
No i kto by pomyślał! Wirtualna Lumen Lista ukazuje się po raz setny! Publikuję ją z podwójnym wzruszeniem, słuchając jednocześnie debiutanckiej audycji Marka Niedźwieckiego w Radio Złote Przeboje! Co za piękna sobota! A w dodatku dwie najbliższe soboty mają być jeszcze piękniejsze... Ale na razie sza! Na wszystko przyjdzie pora!
Tymczasem na szczyt zestawu powraca moja ukochana Anna Maria Jopek, która w notowaniu pojawia się aż czterokrotnie! Ale czy może być inaczej na Liście Jopkologa? Wśród nowości powraca w znakomitej formie brazylijska diva Eliane Elias. Przeszedł mi koło nosa jej ostatni koncert w Warszawie, na pocieszenie pozostaje jednak zapowiedź nowej płyty oraz niezwykle energetyczny utwór „Jammin’”, ciągle jeszcze z albumu „Around The City”. Na listę powraca także Talia, która jest takim moim małym odkryciem zasłyszanym w smooth jazzowym radio internetowym. Ta niepozorna nastolatka z Kalifornii nie jest na razie zbyt dobrze znana (np. na „wskakuje” w jej miejsce jakaś latynoska piosenkarka Thalía), tymczasem pod jej palcami fortepian staje się prawdziwym wulkanem! A utwór „Santa Barbara” w sam raz nadaje się na górnicze święto 4 grudnia ;))). Na koniec pojawia się także znakomita Paula Cole, której płyta dotarła do mnie trochę późno, ale co tam! Better late than never!
W radosnym nastroju przyklejam się zatem do audycji Niedźwiedzia, a już niebawem podsumowanie 100 notowań...
NOTOWANIE 100 z 1 grudnia 2007
01. 03 08 „Zrób, co możesz” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
02. 01 04 „Sea Dreamer” – ANOUSHKA SHANKAR & KARSH KALE feat. STING
03. 08 04 „Musisz wierzyć” – ANIA
04. 02 06 „Ingenting” – KENT
05. 12 05 „Daj mi chwilę” – JUSTYNA STECZKOWSKA
06. 16 03 „Night” – CHIARA CIVELLO
07. 04 07 „Boy With A Coin” – IRON AND WINE
08. 05 06 „Poniedziałek” – KATARZYNA GRONIEC
09. 06 08 „Over My Head (Cable Car)” – THE FRAY
10. 21 02 „On wszystko o nas wie” – JOPEK / NEVES / CINELU
11. 17 05 „If” – JONI MITCHELL
13. 10 06 „So Much To Say” – JERZY GRUNWALD
14. 07 07 „Into The Night” – SANTANA & CHAD KROEGER
15. 19 05 „Back In Time” – PAT METHENY
16. 09 08 „Illegal Attacks” – IAN BROWN & SINÉAD O’CONNOR
17. 13 12 „Gimme Shelter” – ANGÉLIQUE KIDJO & JOSS STONE
18. 14 04 „Hljómalind” – SIGUR RÓS
19. 25 03 „Lost” – MICHAEL BUBLÉ
20. 18 14 „1234” – FEIST
21. 26 02 „Song For Her” – MANU KATCHÉ
22. 22 05 „Amazing” – SEAL
23. 23 03 „Jeżozwierz” – LIPALI
24. 15 07 „My Eyes” – TRAVIS
25. 24 31 „Teraz i tu” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
26. NE 01 „Jammin’” – ELIANE ELIAS
27. 28 04 „If You Were A Sailboat” – KATIE MELUA
28. 27 16 „How To Save A Life” – THE FRAY
29. NE 01 „Santa Barbara” – TALIA
30. NE 01 „14” – PAULA COLE
31. 34 06 „Life Is Real” – AYO
32. 35 06 „The Heart Of Saturday Night” – DIANA KRALL
33. 37 05 „Court And Spark” – HERBIE HANCOCK & NORAH JONES
34. 36 05 „Nie jesteś sam” – TOMEK MAKOWIECKI
35. 41 03 „Wake Up (It’s Africa Calling)” – YOUSSOU N’DOUR & NENEH CHERRY
36. 38 03 „Nie ma mnie” – JACEK LACHOWICZ
37. 44 03 „Baby, Baby, Baby” – JOSS STONE
38. 39 04 „Nella stanza 26” – NEK
39. 45 02 „Love Me For The Cool” – MARK SHOLTEZ
41. 43 04 „After You’ve Gone” – JAMIE CULLUM
42. 47 02 „Matisse The Cat” – JESSE COOK
43. 46 03 „Fade Away” – YUNGCHEN LHAMO
44. 42 08 „Hands Open” – SNOW PATROL
45. 49 02 „Nie ma tego złego” – KAROLINA KOZAK
46. 48 03 „I Remember When” – ELDAR
47. NE 01 „Dreaming With A Broken Heart” – JOHN MAYER
48. NE 01 „Samba Saravah” – STACEY KENT
49. NE 01 „The World And You Tonight” – SIMPLY RED
50. NE 01 „Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On)” – ROBERT PLANT & ALISON KRAUSS
Temat: Catholicism the longest cult ever exist!!!!
Hi leuvein and talotonga - kou fkmalo atu ka moua he tali lelei au heni mo 'eku ki'i fkhoha'a ne fai atu. Kataki pe 'ae tuai mai ki heni, 'asinga kuo te femo'uekina he ngaue, lotu moe famili foki. Kau ki'i hoko atu mu'a - pea ke 'ofa pe mu'a talotonga 'o kataki'i 'ae fkhoha'a koeni 'oku fai atu - ka 'oku ou fie 'ilo 'aupito mo vahevahe mo koe kihe me'a koeni na'ake lave kiai 'i lalo - pea kou toe fkmalo atu ho'o tali mai 'ae konga 'o 'eku fehu'i kimu'a.
Malo e lava mai 'a Pilikimi,
Pilikimi if you read in john 21: 20-23: we have a clarification that John did not die, but has been allowed to remain on earth as a immortal being or ministering angel until the time of the lord's second coming.
In chapter 21 it tells of how Christ appeared to his apostles at the Sea of Tiberias, after he was risen while they were fishing, but they didn't recognize him. The apostle whom Jesus loved the most(John the Beloved) notice that it was Jesus and told peter. At night they all came together to dine, and Peter notice John was leaning on Jesus breast at supper. Then he asked the Lord, what shall this man (John) do? The Lord answered that if he will that John tarry till he comes. The Lord knows what John desire, Peter, on the other hand desireth to be united with the Lord in his kingdom
talotonga - thanks for this scripture - one thing that comes to mind for me in reading this, is how often is the Lord walking beside us too, like with the disciples on that day exhorting us to focus on Him and His purpose in our life - but we always want to jump ahead of Him, as if we can - no wonder Jesus told them "what is it to you" ee? lol
Anyway talotonga - I noticed in v23 it says "Then this saying went out among the brethren that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but, "If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?" NKJV This verse is telling me that it was the "brethren" that spread this rumor if you will, because the same verse is saying that Jesus did not say that John would not die - but that he was telling Peter - that, what IF He lets John remain/tarry until He comes back - koe ha 'ae kau ai 'a Pita. To my understanding, the Lord is not saying that John will tarry, but His point to Peter is, IF that's my will - what is it to you? You go and pay attention to what I have given you to do. Someone please correct me if I'm reading this wrong.
But let's say that John the beloved did remain and is still here on earth as alleged - how can the claim that there was an apostasy stick? I think you might of overlooked this portion of my question earlier - anyway, I mean, here is one of the original apostles of the Lord, on top of that he was known for his closeness to the Lord - how could God who sent His only son to die for us, leave His beloved apostle on the earth and allow an apostasy to happen? It makes no sense, and is very uncharacteristic of God. What was John doing while the church was livin' it up in sin? Why was the only spokesman for God, the most beloved apostle silent during those dark stone ages?
For me, the Lord endured so much on earth to restore you and me back to the Father so we can walk with Him again like in the days before the fall of man, His death and resurrection in my belief has enabled us to have that relatioship with Him again - and that is why, I can't see His redeeming power as a failure to the period allegedly known the apostasy. My belief is that this great apostasy the bible talks about is still an event yet to happen.
You might disagree and that's all good talotonga - we can respectfully disagree with one another. Thanks again ee.
God bless
âśIn definitiva, la Corte ritiene che sia ravvisabile il reato di partecipazione alla
associazione per delinquere nella condotta di un eminentissimo personaggio politico
nazionale, di spiccatissima influenza nella politica generale del Paese ed estraneo
allâambiente siciliano, il quale, nellâarco di un congruo lasso di tempo, anche al di fuori di
una esplicitata negoziazione di appoggi elettorali in cambio di propri interventi in favore di
una organizzazione mafiosa di rilevantissimo radicamento territoriale nellâIsola: a) chieda
ed ottenga, per conto di suoi sodali, ad esponenti di spicco della associazione interventi
para-legali, ancorchĂŠ per finalitĂ non riprovevoli; b) incontri ripetutamente esponenti di
vertice della stessa associazione; c) intrattenga con gli stessi relazioni amichevoli,
rafforzandone la influenza anche rispetto ad altre componenti dello stesso sodalizio tagliate
fuori da tali rapporti; d) palesi autentico interessamento in relazione a vicende
particolarmente delicate per la vita del sodalizio mafioso; e) indichi ai mafiosi, in relazione a
tali vicende, le strade da seguire e discuta con i medesimi anche di fatti criminali gravissimi
da loro perpetrati in connessione con le medesime vicende, senza destare in essi la
preoccupazione di venire denunciati; f) ometta di denunciare elementi utili a far luce su fatti
di particolarissima gravitĂ , di cui sia venuto a conoscenza in dipendenza di diretti contatti
con i mafiosi; g) dia, in buona sostanza, a detti esponenti mafiosi segni autentici â e non
meramente fittizi â di amichevole disponibilitĂ , idonei, anche al di fuori della messa in atto
di specifici ed effettivi interventi agevolativi, a contribuire al rafforzamento della
organizzazione criminale, inducendo negli affiliati, anche per la sua autorevolezza politica,
il sentimento di essere protetti al piĂą alto livello del potere legale.
Alla stregua dellâesposto convincimento, si deve concludere che ricorrono le condizioni
per ribaltare, sia pure nei limiti del periodo in considerazione, il giudizio negativo espresso
dal Tribunale in ordine alla sussistenza del reato e che, conseguentemente, siano nel
merito fondate le censure dei PM appellanti.
Non resta, allora, che confermare, anche sotto il profilo considerato, il giĂ precisato
orientamento ed emettere, pertanto, la statuizione di non luogo a procedere per essere il
reato concretamente ravvisabile a carico del sen. Andreotti estinto per prescrizione.
La Corte, visti gli artt. 416, 416bis, 157 e ss., c.p.; 531 e 605 c.p.p.; in parziale riforma
della sentenza resa il 23 ottobre 1999 dal Tribunale di Palermo nei confronti di Andreotti
Giulio ed appellata dal Procuratore della Repubblica e dal Procuratore Generale, dichiara
non doversi procedere nei confronti dello stesso Andreotti in ordine al reato di associazione
per delinquere a lui ascritto al capo A) della rubrica, commesso fino alla primavera deI
1980, per essere Io stesso reato estinto per prescrizione; conferma, nel resto, la appellata
Visto lâart. 544, comma 3, c.p.p.; indica in giorni novanta il termine entro il quale
verranno depositate le motivazioni della sentenza.
Palermo, lĂŹ 2 maggio 2003.
(Dr. Mario Fontana) (Dr. Salvatore Scaduti)
Temat: I"m saved I"m saved..........................
Well hello pt members and others, reading thru the threads that have been posted, everyone had there own views and beliefs and this is mine.
I don't believe that once ur saved, ur always saved. but that is an on going daily process that we have to prove that we are worthy of obtaining (eternal life). The only way the Atonement can be made effective ('aonga) in our lives, is if we repent daily of our shortcomings/sins which we do daily and is important that we utilize this tool (repentance) to cleans ourselves from sin, fore no unclean thing shall inherit the Kingdom of God.......................
I also believe that faith without works is dead! Illustration: If I am in a boat with 2 oars and wanna get to a certain area I will have to use boath oars to get to that point or place, now, if I use let's say the faith only oar and try to row myself more then likely I will go in circles and get nowhere, and if i use the works only the same story happens. But when I take both oars and row at the same time thus I progress forward. I believe that our works will show our faith (james 2:14-26) and if we believe that there is eternal life than we will work for it. We must not only be hearers of thy word but also doers (james 1:22-25)............
So u can say that I believe as Lopa and Viliami for the conditional..................... right Viliami ;=)
Thanks for clearing up those things. I now have a better understanding what you meant.
As for Work in connection to Grace in my life, I donât even think of doing good works. I only think of Godâs grace, have a great relationship with my Lord, and I just canât stop myself from doing good works.
I have noticed that I canât really stop myself doing good works, not because it will save me even in a minute way, but because of my healthy relationship with the Lord, it prompts me to work.
You must have heard something similar to this one. âśTalu ange âeku fai e ngaahi ngaue kehekehe âi he lotuu mo e âikai pe ke âiai haâaku tapuaki. Kou fua e ngaahi kavenga kehekehe âi he lotu, lii misinale/katoangaâofa/vahehongofulu/etc mo e kei masiva pakupaku pe, mahalo tama âoku taimi ke tuku aa âa e lotu moe fakapikoâ
The above narrative is an example of someone who thinks that their works will save them, ...........
Another narrative: âśMasiâi ko e fihaâi taâu eni mo hoâo fai e meâa ko e lotu, ngaue maâae siasi mo e âikai pe âiai hano ola (an assumption) âoâonaâ Tali atu leva âe he toko taha âe taha, âśKo âeku fai e ngaahi ngaue kehekehe ko âeni âi heâeku âofa âataâata pe kia Sisu Kalaisi âi heâene fuâu âofa lahi ne fai maâaku âo ne pekia âi he kolosi koeâuhi keu moâui ai.â
The second narrative is an indication of someone who does all sorts of good works because he loves the Lord so much.
âOfa pe âe âaonga e kiâi tala fakataataa vaivaii.
God Bless,
Brother in Christ
Temat: LUMEN LISTA Notowanie 99
Tygodniowy wyjazd w górskie okolice ponad Mediolanem sprawił, że notowanie listy pojawia się z niejakim opóźnieniem. Zestaw tym razem dość spokojny, bez gwałtowniejszych skoków czy spadków. Do tego pozycja lidera bez problemu obroniona i tylko niewielki wysyp nowości. Z pominięciem poczekalni wskakuje do notowania przepiękna piosenka „On wszystko o nas wie”. Anna Maria Jopek nagrała ją przed laty na płytę „Nienasycenie”, a później powstała także jej wersja anglojęzyczna dla potrzeb albumu „Secret”. W kolejnej już wersji utworu Annie Marii towarzyszą prawdziwi mistrzowie: Oscar Castro Neves oraz Mino Cinelu. I taka właśnie intymna, ciepła aranżacja, gdzie przenikają się różne kultury jest czymś, co w muzyce najciekawsze. To prawdziwa perełka na płycie „Siesta 3”. Jako drugi debiutuje dziś znakomity francuski perkusista Manu Katché w przepięknym utworze promującym nowy album „Playground”. Towarzyszący mu genialni muzycy z Polski, Stanów i Norwegii wyczarowali jeden z najpiękniejszych klimatów tej jesieni. Oby więcej takich płyt na sklepowych półkach i w naszych odtwarzaczach!
NOTOWANIE 99 z 24 listopada 2007
01. 01 03 „Sea Dreamer” – ANOUSHKA SHANKAR & KARSH KALE feat. STING
02. 03 05 „Ingenting” – KENT
03. 02 07 „Zrób, co możesz” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
04. 05 06 „Boy With A Coin” – IRON AND WINE
05. 07 05 „Poniedziałek” – KATARZYNA GRONIEC
06. 04 07 „Over My Head (Cable Car)” – THE FRAY
07. 06 06 „Into The Night” – SANTANA & CHAD KROEGER
08. 11 03 „Musisz wierzyć” – ANIA
09. 10 07 „Illegal Attacks” – IAN BROWN & SINÉAD O’CONNOR
10. 14 05 „So Much To Say” – JERZY GRUNWALD
12. 13 04 „Daj mi chwilę” – JUSTYNA STECZKOWSKA
13. 08 11 „Gimme Shelter” – ANGÉLIQUE KIDJO & JOSS STONE
14. 19 03 „Hljómalind” – SIGUR RÓS
15. 12 06 „My Eyes” – TRAVIS
16. 24 02 „Night” – CHIARA CIVELLO
17. 20 04 „If” – JONI MITCHELL
18. 16 13 „1234” – FEIST
19. 21 04 „Back In Time” – PAT METHENY
20. 18 12 „Nerwy i wiktoriańscy lekarze” – NOSOWSKA
21. NE 01 „On wszystko o nas wie” – JOPEK / NEVES / CINELU
22. 17 04 „Amazing” – SEAL
23. 26 02 „Jeżozwierz” – LIPALI
24. 23 30 „Teraz i tu” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
25. 28 02 „Lost” – MICHAEL BUBLÉ
26. NE 01 „Song For Her” – MANU KATCHÉ
27. 22 15 „How To Save A Life” – THE FRAY
28. 29 03 „If You Were A Sailboat” – KATIE MELUA
29. 25 22 „Goodbye Philadelphia” – PETER CINCOTTI
30. 15 07 „It Means Nothing” – STEREOPHONICS
31. 36 02 „Jammin’” – ELIANE ELIAS
32. 34 03 „Santa Barbara” – TALIA
33. 37 03 „14” – PAULA COLE
34. 35 05 „Life Is Real” – AYO
35. 33 05 „The Heart Of Saturday Night” – DIANA KRALL
36. 32 04 „Nie jesteś sam” – TOMEK MAKOWIECKI
37. 40 04 „Court And Spark” – HERBIE HANCOCK & NORAH JONES
38. 45 02 „Nie ma mnie” – JACEK LACHOWICZ
39. 39 03 „Nella stanza 26” – NEK
41. 46 02 „Wake Up (It’s Africa Calling)” – YOUSSOU N’DOUR & NENEH CHERRY
42. 38 07 „Hands Open” – SNOW PATROL
43. 44 03 „After You’ve Gone” – JAMIE CULLUM
44. 47 02 „Baby, Baby, Baby” – JOSS STONE
45. NE 01 „Love Me For The Cool” – MARK SHOLTEZ
46. 49 02 „Fade Away” – YUNGCHEN LHAMO
47. NE 01 „Matisse The Cat” – JESSE COOK
48. 50 02 „I Remember When” – ELDAR
49. NE 01 „Nie ma tego złego” – KAROLINA KOZAK
50. 43 06 „Italia” – CHRIS BOTTI & ANDREA BOCELLI
Temat: LUMEN LISTA Notowanie 104
Święta, Święta, Święta! W sercu, w powietrzu i w muzyce radosny powiew Świąt i wesołe dzwoneczków granie. Mały dobosz wielkim susem wskoczył na podium, zapewniając Joshowi Grobanowi tytuł ostatniego w tym roku kalendarzowym lidera Lumen Listy! Wśród nowości tego tygodnia jest jeszcze jedna świąteczna piosenka: wypromowany przez Niedźwiedzia James Taylor wchodzi do zestawu z pominięciem poczekalni. Tuż obok niego znakomita nowa Ewa Bem z przepięknej płyty „Kakadu” a także Jamie Cullum, na którego nowy album wciąż musimy jeszcze poczekać. Tymczasem na osłodę oczekiwania nowy utwór „After You’ve Gone”, który artysta zamieścił na promowanej przez siebie składance „In The Mind Of Jamie Cullum”. Dobre i to…
A ja tymczasem zamykam już muzyczny rok 2007 i zabieram się do sylwestrowych podsumowań. Ale o tym niebawem…
NOTOWANIE 104 z 29 grudnia 2007
01. 08 03 „Little Drummer Boy” – JOSH GROBAN
02. 02 06 „On wszystko o nas wie” – JOPEK / NEVES / CINELU
03. 01 07 „Night” – CHIARA CIVELLO
04. 06 07 „Lost” – MICHAEL BUBLÉ
05. 04 12 „Zrób, co możesz” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
06. 03 08 „Hljómalind” – SIGUR RÓS
07. 13 03 „Skłamałabym” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
08. 05 08 „Musisz wierzyć” – ANIA
09. 09 04 „Love Me For The Cool” – MARK SHOLTEZ
10. 07 08 „Sea Dreamer” – ANOUSHKA SHANKAR & KARSH KALE feat. STING
11. 09 10 „Ingenting” – KENT
12. 12 05 „Jammin’” – ELIANE ELIAS
13. 22 02 „Wicked Man’s Rest” – PASSENGER
14. 14 05 „Santa Barbara” – TALIA
15. 23 02 „Futerko” – BASIA STĘPNIAK-WILK
16. 18 05 „14” – PAULA COLE
17. 11 11 „Boy With A Coin” – IRON AND WINE
18. 16 09 „If” – JONI MITCHELL
19. 21 02 „Dreaming With A Broken Heart” – JOHN MAYER
20. 15 06 „Song For Her” – MANU KATCHÉ
21. 25 07 „Jeżozwierz” – LIPALI
22. NE 01 „Who Comes This Night” – JAMES TAYLOR
23. 27 03 „Baby, Baby, Baby” – JOSS STONE
24. 29 03 „Nie jesteś sam” – TOMEK MAKOWIECKI
25. 20 16 „Gimme Shelter” – ANGÉLIQUE KIDJO & JOSS STONE
26. 30 04 „The Heart Of Saturday Night” – DIANA KRALL
27. 24 10 „Poniedziałek” – KATARZYNA GRONIEC
28. 19 12 „Illegal Attacks” – IAN BROWN & SINÉAD O’CONNOR
29. NE 01 „Kocham i nie kocham Cię” – EWA BEM
30. NE 01 „After You’ve Gone” – JAMIE CULLUM
31. 32 06 „Matisse The Cat” – JESSE COOK
32. 36 03 „Make It Out Alive” – PETER CINCOTTI
33. 38 06 „Nie ma tego złego” – KAROLINA KOZAK
34. 34 10 „Life Is Real” – AYO
35. 37 07 „Nie ma mnie” – JACEK LACHOWICZ
36. 40 04 „I Want Love” – JEHRO
37. 35 07 „Wake Up (It’s Africa Calling)” – YOUSSOU N’DOUR & NENEH CHERRY
38. 42 06 „I Remember When” – ELDAR
39. 39 05 „Samba Saravah” – STACEY KENT
40. 47 02 „When Will I See Your Face Again” – JAMIE SCOTT & THE TOWN
41. 44 03 „L-O-V-E” – JOSS STONE
42. 43 04 „Hemoglobina” – L.U.C. & RAHIM feat. MARIA PESZEK
43. 45 03 „Listening To Levon” – MARK COHN
44. 48 02 „Blessed Feet” – TORD GUSTAVSEN TRIO
45. 41 05 „The World And You Tonight” – SIMPLY RED
46. 46 09 „Court And Spark” – HERBIE HANCOCK & NORAH JONES
47. NE 01 „Sortorello” – MOŻDŻER / DANIELSSON / FRESCO
48. 49 05 „Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On)” – R. PLANT & A. KRAUSS
49. NE 01 „Save My Love” – JERZY GRUNWALD
50. NE 01 „End Of The World” – BLACKFIELD
Temat: LUMEN LISTA Notowanie 101
Lumen Lista zaczyna odliczanie drugiej setki. Z tej też okazji pojawia się nowy, choć spodziewany numer jeden. Chiara Civello promuje właśnie w Italii swoją przepiękną nową płytę „The Space Between”, pełną delikatnych gitarowych brzmień. Dziś wieczorem zobaczę ją na żywo w rzymskim Auditorium Parco della Musica, stąd też - w oczekiwaniu na wrażenia koncertowe - na podium listy wspina się fantastyczny singiel „Night”. W zestawie nieśmiało pojawiają się także dwie premiery: jak zwykle dobra Diana Krall, której w końcu udało przebić sie prze poczekalnię oraz absolutnie genialnie swingujący Mark Sholtez, czyli „młodziak” podrzucony nam z Australii przez Marka Niedźwieckiego. W takich właśnie klimatach szykuję się już do miło zapowiadającego się wieczoru...
NOTOWANIE 101 z 8 grudnia 2007
01. 06 04 „Night” – CHIARA CIVELLO
02. 01 09 „Zrób, co możesz” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
03. 03 05 „Musisz wierzyć” – ANIA
04. 02 05 „Sea Dreamer” – ANOUSHKA SHANKAR & KARSH KALE feat. STING
05. 04 07 „Ingenting” – KENT
06. 10 03 „On wszystko o nas wie” – JOPEK / NEVES / CINELU
07. 07 08 „Boy With A Coin” – IRON AND WINE
08. 18 05 „Hljómalind” – SIGUR RÓS
09. 05 06 „Daj mi chwilę” – JUSTYNA STECZKOWSKA
10. 11 06 „If” – JONI MITCHELL
11. 08 07 „Poniedziałek” – KATARZYNA GRONIEC
12. 09 09 „Over My Head (Cable Car)” – THE FRAY
13. 13 07 „So Much To Say” – JERZY GRUNWALD
14. 19 04 „Lost” – MICHAEL BUBLÉ
16. 14 08 „Into The Night” – SANTANA & CHAD KROEGER
17. 16 09 „Illegal Attacks” – IAN BROWN & SINÉAD O’CONNOR
18. 21 03 „Song For Her” – MANU KATCHÉ
19. 17 13 „Gimme Shelter” – ANGÉLIQUE KIDJO & JOSS STONE
20. 23 04 „Jeżozwierz” – LIPALI
21. 26 02 „Jammin’” – ELIANE ELIAS
22. 22 06 „Amazing” – SEAL
23. 15 06 „Back In Time” – PAT METHENY
24. 29 02 „Santa Barbara” – TALIA
25. 20 15 „1234” – FEIST
26. 27 05 „If You Were A Sailboat” – KATIE MELUA
27. 25 32 „Teraz i tu” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
28. 30 02 „14” – PAULA COLE
29. NE 01 „Love Me For The Cool” – MARK SHOLTEZ
30. NE 01 „The Heart Of Saturday Night” – DIANA KRALL
31. 34 06 „Nie jesteś sam” – TOMEK MAKOWIECKI
32. 31 07 „Life Is Real” – AYO
33. 37 04 „Baby, Baby, Baby” – JOSS STONE
34. 42 03 „Matisse The Cat” – JESSE COOK
35. 35 04 „Wake Up (It’s Africa Calling)” – YOUSSOU N’DOUR & NENEH CHERRY
36. 41 05 „After You’ve Gone” – JAMIE CULLUM
37. 36 04 „Nie ma mnie” – JACEK LACHOWICZ
38. 33 06 „Court And Spark” – HERBIE HANCOCK & NORAH JONES
39. 38 05 „Nella stanza 26” – NEK
40. 43 04 „Fade Away” – YUNGCHEN LHAMO
41. 45 03 „Nie ma tego złego” – KAROLINA KOZAK
42. NE 01 „Kocham i nie kocham Cię” – EWA BEM
43. 47 02 „Dreaming With A Broken Heart” – JOHN MAYER
45. 48 02 „Samba Saravah” – STACEY KENT
46. NE 01 „I Want Love” – JEHRO
47. 49 02 „The World And You Tonight” – SIMPLY RED
48. 50 02 „Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On)” – ROBERT PLANT & ALISON KRAUSS
49. NE 01 „Wicked Man’s Rest” – PASSENGER
50. NE 01 „Hemoglobina” – L.U.C. & RAHIM feat. MARIA PESZEK

Temat: LUMEN LISTA Notowanie 103
Ależ to był tydzień! Powrót do Polski i niesłychane mnóstwo niezwykłych wrażeń. Także tych muzycznych! Ale po kolei. Na topie Listy po raz trzeci dzielnie broni się moja włoska muza Chiara Civello w urokliwym utworze „Night”, czyli coś w sam raz na długie zimowe wieczory. Największy skok w zestawie należy tym razem do świątecznego klasyku w wykonaniu Josha Grobana. „Mały dobosz” to jedna z najczęściej słuchanych przeze mnie ostatnio piosenek. I nic w tym dziwnego, wszak Boże Narodzenie już za pasem! Dyskretny zimowy urok wnoszą też do zestawu trzy nowości. John Mayer w romantycznej piosence o złamanym sercu brzmi tak jakoś zimowo. Podobnie jest z grupą Passenger. To nic, że „Wicked Man’s Rest” ukazała się na singlu w lutym. Ciepłe dźwięki pozytywki w tym utworze niosą z sobą jakiś świąteczny posmak. I choć ta piosenka osobiście bardzo mi się podoba, to umówmy się jednak, że jej debiut jest owocem bezpośredniej perswazji pewnego Kieferownika ;))) No i jeszcze jeden bardzo zimowy wątek, czyli dowcipne „Futerko” Basi Stępniak-Wilk. Singiel ten debiutuje z całkowitym pominięciem poczekalni. Jest to oczywiście owoc ubiegłotygodniowego spotkania oraz przemiłych kawiarnianych rozmów z Basią. Jak przypuszczam, Lumen Lista nie jest jedyną listą, na której „Futerko” w tym tygodniu debiutuje…
NOTOWANIE 103 z 22 grudnia 2007
01. 01 06 „Night” – CHIARA CIVELLO
02. 04 05 „On wszystko o nas wie” – JOPEK / NEVES / CINELU
03. 06 07 „Hljómalind” – SIGUR RÓS
04. 03 11 „Zrób, co możesz” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
05. 02 07 „Musisz wierzyć” – ANIA
06. 08 06 „Lost” – MICHAEL BUBLÉ
07. 05 07 „Sea Dreamer” – ANOUSHKA SHANKAR & KARSH KALE feat. STING
08. 23 02 „Little Drummer Boy” – JOSH GROBAN
09. 07 09 „Ingenting” – KENT
10. 15 03 „Love Me For The Cool” – MARK SHOLTEZ
11. 09 10 „Boy With A Coin” – IRON AND WINE
12. 12 04 „Jammin’” – ELIANE ELIAS
13. 24 02 „Skłamałabym” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
14. 19 04 „Santa Barbara” – TALIA
15. 10 05 „Song For Her” – MANU KATCHÉ
16. 11 08 „If” – JONI MITCHELL
17. 14 09 „So Much To Say” – JERZY GRUNWALD
18. 25 04 „14” – PAULA COLE
19. 17 11 „Illegal Attacks” – IAN BROWN & SINÉAD O’CONNOR
20. 20 15 „Gimme Shelter” – ANGÉLIQUE KIDJO & JOSS STONE
21. NE 01 „Dreaming With A Broken Heart” – JOHN MAYER
22. NE 01 „Wicked Man’s Rest” – PASSENGER
23. NE 01 „Futerko” – BASIA STĘPNIAK-WILK
24. 16 09 „Poniedziałek” – KATARZYNA GRONIEC
25. 26 06 „Jeżozwierz” – LIPALI
26. 13 08 „Daj mi chwilę” – JUSTYNA STECZKOWSKA
27. 30 02 „Baby, Baby, Baby” – JOSS STONE
28. 18 08 „Amazing” – SEAL
29. 29 02 „Nie jesteś sam” – TOMEK MAKOWIECKI
30. 27 03 „The Heart Of Saturday Night” – DIANA KRALL
31. 31 03 „Kocham i nie kocham Cię” – EWA BEM
32. 32 05 „Matisse The Cat” – JESSE COOK
33. 36 07 „After You’ve Gone” – JAMIE CULLUM
34. 33 09 „Life Is Real” – AYO
35. 35 06 „Wake Up (It’s Africa Calling)” – YOUSSOU N’DOUR & NENEH CHERRY
36. 46 02 „Make It Out Alive” – PETER CINCOTTI
37. 37 06 „Nie ma mnie” – JACEK LACHOWICZ
38. 39 05 „Nie ma tego złego” – KAROLINA KOZAK
39. 41 04 „Samba Saravah” – STACEY KENT
40. 44 03 „I Want Love” – JEHRO
41. 43 04 „The World And You Tonight” – SIMPLY RED
42. 42 05 „I Remember When” – ELDAR
43. 48 03 „Hemoglobina” – L.U.C. & RAHIM feat. MARIA PESZEK
44. 50 02 „L-O-V-E” – JOSS STONE
45. 49 02 „Listening To Levon” – MARK COHN
46. 40 08 „Court And Spark” – HERBIE HANCOCK & NORAH JONES
47. NE 01 „When Will I See Your Face Again” – JAMIE SCOTT & THE TOWN
48. NE 01 „Blessed Feet” – TORD GUSTAVSEN TRIO
49. 47 04 „Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On)” – ROBERT PLANT & ALISON KRAUSS
Temat: LUMEN LISTA Notowanie 102
Lumen Lista podsumowująca ubiegły tydzień pojawia się z niejakim opóźnieniem. Jest to jednak opóźnienie ze wszech miar usprawiedliwione. No bo cóż to była za sobota! Spotkania, niespodzianki i spełnienie marzeń o występie na żywo w Liście Przebojów Trójki! Na razie usiłuję ochłonąć z nadmiaru wrażeń w towarzystwie znakomitej muzyki…
Na topie Listy nadal króluje Chiara Civello, której podczas weekendu robiłem promocję w kręgach dziennikarskich. Znaczy – proszę uważnie słuchać najbliższych audycji Marka Niedźwieckiego i Marcina Kydryńskiego ;))). Wśród nowości zestawu aż dwie piosenki wskakują do TOP 30 z całkowitym pominięciem poczekalni. Śpiewający pięknym barytonem Josh Groban przypomina świąteczny przebój „Little Drummer Boy”, zaś Anna Maria Jopek startuje właśnie z kolejnym singlem płyty „ID”. Dalej Tomek Makowiecki wprost z nowego albumu, a także stara znajoma z niesamowitym głosem, czyli Joss Stone.
NOTOWANIE 102 z 15 grudnia 2007
01. 01 05 „Night” – CHIARA CIVELLO
02. 03 06 „Musisz wierzyć” – ANIA
03. 02 10 „Zrób, co możesz” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
04. 06 04 „On wszystko o nas wie” – JOPEK / NEVES / CINELU
05. 04 06 „Sea Dreamer” – A. SHANKAR & K. KALE feat. STING
06. 08 06 „Hljómalind” – SIGUR RÓS
07. 05 08 „Ingenting” – KENT
08. 14 05 „Lost” – MICHAEL BUBLÉ
09. 07 09 „Boy With A Coin” – IRON AND WINE
10. 18 04 „Song For Her” – MANU KATCHÉ
11. 10 07 „If” – JONI MITCHELL
12. 21 03 „Jammin’” – ELIANE ELIAS
13. 09 07 „Daj mi chwilę” – JUSTYNA STECZKOWSKA
14. 13 08 „So Much To Say” – JERZY GRUNWALD
15. 29 02 „Love Me For The Cool” – MARK SHOLTEZ
16. 11 08 „Poniedziałek” – KATARZYNA GRONIEC
17. 17 10 „Illegal Attacks” – IAN BROWN & SINÉAD O’CONNOR
18. 22 07 „Amazing” – SEAL
19. 24 03 „Santa Barbara” – TALIA
20. 19 14 „Gimme Shelter” – ANGÉLIQUE KIDJO & JOSS STONE
21. 12 10 „Over My Head (Cable Car)” – THE FRAY
22. 16 09 „Into The Night” – SANTANA & CHAD KROEGER
23. NE 01 „Little Drummer Boy” – JOSH GROBAN
24. NE 01 „Skłamałabym” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
25. 28 03 „14” – PAULA COLE
26. 20 05 „Jeżozwierz” – LIPALI
27. 30 02 „The Heart Of Saturday Night” – DIANA KRALL
28. 26 06 „If You Were A Sailboat” – KATIE MELUA
29. NE 01 „Nie jesteś sam” – TOMEK MAKOWIECKI
30. NE 01 „Baby, Baby, Baby” – JOSS STONE
31. 42 02 „Kocham i nie kocham Cię” – EWA BEM
32. 34 04 „Matisse The Cat” – JESSE COOK
33. 32 08 „Life Is Real” – AYO
34. 43 03 „Dreaming With A Broken Heart” – JOHN MAYER
35. 35 05 „Wake Up (It’s Africa Calling)” – YOUSSOU N’DOUR & NENEH CHERRY
36. 36 06 „After You’ve Gone” – JAMIE CULLUM
37. 37 05 „Nie ma mnie” – JACEK LACHOWICZ
38. 49 02 „Wicked Man’s Rest” – PASSENGER
39. 41 04 „Nie ma tego złego” – KAROLINA KOZAK
40. 38 07 „Court And Spark” – HERBIE HANCOCK & NORAH JONES
41. 45 03 „Samba Saravah” – STACEY KENT
42. RE 04 „I Remember When” – ELDAR
43. 47 03 „The World And You Tonight” – SIMPLY RED
44. 46 02 „I Want Love” – JEHRO
46. NE 01 „Make It Out Alive” – PETER CINCOTTI
47. 48 03 „Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On)” – R. PLANT & A. KRAUSS
48. 50 02 „Hemoglobina” – L.U.C. & RAHIM feat. MARIA PESZEK
49. NE 01 „Listening To Levon” – MARK COHN
50. NE 01 „L-O-V-E” – JOSS STONE
Hello All
The following information has highlighted the challenges of being members of the WTO.
'E kau lelei taha pe 'a e memipa 'a Tonga 'i he WTO ki he kau Siaina moe kau 'Initia 'i Tonga, he tenau huu tavale mai 'e kinautolu 'a e ngaahi koloa 'a Siaina mo 'Initia pea 'e toki 'a hake 'a Tonga kuo ma'ama'a ange pea lelei ange 'a e ngaahi koloa mei he ongo fonua ko ia, tautefito ki he kau Siaina.
'Oku totonu leva ke ako'i 'a e kakai 'o Tonga, tautefito ki he fai ha sio ki he ngaahi scholarship 'alu ako ki Tu'apule'anga ke 'ave ha fa'ahinga kenau ako ki he ngaahi trade hange koe moto mechanic, electrician, technicians (electronics), plumbing 'i he TAFE pe technical college, koe taha ia 'a e ngaahi founga 'e lava ke matu'uaki ai 'e Tonga 'a e fe'au'auhi 'e ha'u fakataha moe kau 'a Tonga ki he WTO. 'Oku 'ikai foki ke kovi ia 'oku pau 'oku 'iai ha ngaahi palani 'a e Pule'anga ke tali 'aki 'a e ngaahi challenges...
Koe kau foki ko ia 'a 'Aositelelia 'i he WTO na'e lava 'o mahino lelei ai 'a e hiki 'a e ngaahi falengaue (manufacturers) ki he ngaahi fonua 'o 'Esia koe ma'ama'a ange 'a e labour 'iai, kae tooo leva 'a e fakamamafa 'a 'Aositelelia ki hono ako'i 'a e kakai ki he ngaahi 'services' hange koe Information Technology, Construction and Engineering, Accounting, Tourism, Nursing, Education and so on. Pea kau 'a hono tokanga'i 'e 'Aositelelia 'a e farming (agricultures etc.)
PNG: Leaders Threaten WTO Action Against Fiji
Friday: February 17, 2006
Papua New Guinea (PNG) has threatened to take Fiji to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), as a last resort, if Fiji continues to put up stringent measures for its kava and tinned corned beef.
Speaking on Radio Australiaâs Pacific Beat programme, Trade Minister, Paul Tiensten said, âśThe last resort that we want to do is for the PNG government or me as the minister to invoke retaliatory action.â
âśIt's a long process and we don't want to go through that. That should be the last resort, Minister Tiensten said.
Both Papua New Guinea and Fiji are members of WTO, which has a disputes mechanism that can deal with the on-going trade impasse between the two Melanesian nations.
âśWe are disappointed in the manner in which Fiji is treating our bully beef and our Ox & Palm.â
âśIn the quarantine requirement of Fiji Government, the preference is that, and it's stipulated very clearly, that whatever meat that is processed and put into Ox & Palm tins must be of Australian and New Zealand origin.
âśThis requirement fits with the Melanesian Spearhead Group trade agreement but at the same time it is against the local industry. Why should we import Australian meat and New Zealand meat when we've got a local industry, which we should be promoting and creating jobs for our people and also adding value to our products,â Mr Tiensten argued. âśThat's why I'm saying it is unfair and it is creating a hindrance to trade.
âśOx & Palm is a product that we manufacture in PNG and Solomon Islands and Vanuatu and some of the other Micronesian countries have no problem with our Ox and Palm. In fact, Ox and Palm is selling in a big way in those countries compared to Fiji's Islands Beef," Minister Tiensten said.
âśWe know that Papua New Guinea is the biggest market for Fiji products, in terms of our selling our products, I mean there is very little market in Fiji for our products because the population is small. We have over 5 million people, and that's why it's easy for Fiji to dump its products here because there's a market for it.â
Minister Tiensten said Fiji has a lot of investments in PNG and trade between the two countries is in Fijiâs favour......Pacific Beat/Radio Australia/PNS Pacific Magazine
Temat: LUMEN LISTA Notowanie 98
No i mamy nowego lidera, a właściwie silną grupę liderów! Niektórzy obstawiali, że na pierwszym miejscu znajdzie się dziś Kent, inni twierdzili, że może Santana. Tymczasem Anoushka Shankar & Karsh Kale z gościnnym udziałem Stinga wykonali historyczny skok z miejsca 17 na 1, stając się jak najbardziej godnymi następcami Anny Marii Jopek. Awans jest rekordowy, ale ci, którzy wiedzą, że Jopkolog jest także Stingomaniakiem i zagorzałym „Siestowiczem”, raczej zdziwieni nie będą. Wielkich skoków w tegotygodniowym zestawie jest zresztą więcej, wystarczy spojrzeć na pozycje nowych singli Ani, Justyny Steczkowskiej i Sigur Rós. Do tego bardzo eklektyczny zestaw nowości: smooth jazzowa, gitarowa Chiara Civello łączy się z ostrymi brzmieniami Lipali. Tuż za nimi delikatny Michael Bublé oraz nostalgiczna PJ Harvey. Takie spotkania są możliwe tylko na liście przebojów! A co dopiero dzieje się w poczekalni! Debiutanci z Polski i Anglii spotykają się z kolegami z Brazylii, Senegalu, Kirgistanu i Tybetu... Znaczy, że doskonała muzyka nie zna granic!
NOTOWANIE 98 z 17 listopada 2007
01. 17 02 „Sea Dreamer” – ANOUSHKA SHANKAR & KARSH KALE feat. STING
02. 01 06 „Zrób, co możesz” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
03. 03 04 „Ingenting” – KENT
04. 05 06 „Over My Head (Cable Car)” – THE FRAY
05. 07 05 „Boy With A Coin” – IRON AND WINE
06. 02 05 „Into The Night” – SANTANA & CHAD KROEGER
07. 08 04 „Poniedziałek” – KATARZYNA GRONIEC
08. 04 10 „Gimme Shelter” – ANGÉLIQUE KIDJO & JOSS STONE
10. 06 06 „Illegal Attacks” – IAN BROWN & SINÉAD O’CONNOR
11. 23 02 „Musisz wierzyć” – ANIA
12. 12 05 „My Eyes” – TRAVIS
13. 26 03 „Daj mi chwilę” – JUSTYNA STECZKOWSKA
14. 14 04 „So Much To Say” – JERZY GRUNWALD
15. 10 06 „It Means Nothing” – STEREOPHONICS
16. 11 12 „1234” – FEIST
17. 19 03 „Amazing” – SEAL
18. 15 11 „Nerwy i wiktoriańscy lekarze” – NOSOWSKA
19. 29 02 „Hljómalind” – SIGUR RÓS
20. 21 03 „If” – JONI MITCHELL
21. 16 03 „Back In Time” – PAT METHENY
22. 18 14 „How To Save A Life” – THE FRAY
23. 20 29 „Teraz i tu” – ANNA MARIA JOPEK
24. NE 01 „Night” – CHIARA CIVELLO
25. 25 21 „Goodbye Philadelphia” – PETER CINCOTTI
26. NE 01 „Jeżozwierz” – LIPALI
27. 22 18 „Bouncing Off Clouds” – TORI AMOS
28. NE 01 „Lost” – MICHAEL BUBLÉ
29. 30 02 „If You Were A Sailboat” – KATIE MELUA
30. NE 01 „When Under Ether” – PJ HARVEY
31. 33 03 „Song For Her” – MANU KATCHÉ
32. 44 03 „Nie jesteś sam” – TOMEK MAKOWIECKI
33. 36 04 „The Heart Of Saturday Night” – DIANA KRALL
34. 45 02 „Santa Barbara” – TALIA
35. 39 04 „Life Is Real” – AYO
36. NE 01 „Jammin’” – ELIANE ELIAS
37. 48 02 „14” – PAULA COLE
38. 37 06 „Hands Open” – SNOW PATROL
39. 47 02 „Nella stanza 26” – NEK
40. 42 03 „Court And Spark” – HERBIE HANCOCK & NORAH JONES
42. 35 06 „Dogs” – DAMIEN RICE
43. 46 05 „Italia” – CHRIS BOTTI & ANDREA BOCELLI
44. 50 02 „After You’ve Gone” – JAMIE CULLUM
45. NE 01 „Nie ma mnie” – JACEK LACHOWICZ
46. NE 01 „Wake Up (It’s Africa Calling)” – YOUSSOU N’DOUR & NENEH CHERRY
47. NE 01 „Baby, Baby, Baby” – JOSS STONE
48. 40 04 „Back To You” – PLEASURE & BRETT ANDERSON
49. NE 01 „Fade Away” – YUNGCHEN LHAMO
50. NE 01 „I Remember When” – ELDAR
Strona 1 z 2 • Znaleziono 50 rezultatów • 1, 2