Simple Things
Widzisz posty znalezione dla hasła: Simple Things
Temat: Fallout 3 won"t be Morrowind-with-guns
Actually, it's real time. Isometric is a type of third person, but is not the same as a chase cam like Morrowind's third person uses. Point and click works well in isometric, but not well at all with an over the shoulder chase cam. Fallout is point and click for many reasons.
Dear lord, son. Posting is a responsibility on the internet and should be treated as such. Before you make statements as if they're facts on very simple things like that, you really should take the 30 seconds to google up "SPECIAL system" to find out what it actually is. If you posted that tidbit about Morrowind using SPECIAL on most gaming forums other than RPG specific ones, you would have just made the entire world a little more ignorant, and that's irresponsible.
Actually, my ignorant friend, it may not be logical, but it is economical. They already have the Morrowind character system implimented in Morrowind. I'm not sure the name of the Morrowind character system, so I'll just refer to it as the SUCKSNUTS system.
Anyway, because they already have an implimentation of SUCKSNUTS in Morrowind, they can easily transfer it over to the Fallout code base, make a few tweaks, and run with it. They don't have to do all kinds of balancing and testing either, because SUCKSNUTS was play tested in Morrowind. The less time you have to impliment and test something, the higher the profits.
They can also put in the box, "Uses the SUCKSNUTS system as seen in the Award Winning Morrowind, which sold gazillions of copies world wide."
Like hell it did. The lack of dialogue trees alone presents a huge problem for diplomatic routes and as stated by others, the vast majority of Morrowind quests were Kill and/or fetch. That one story quest where you had to deal with the four thieves in the cave, the only option you have is to kill them, for example.
Look at my reply to DarkUnderlord for a fuller explanation to this, but in short if this is what you believe, play the game again because there ARE MULTIPLE PATHS TO MANY SITUATIONS. I will say not all but to many there are. AND EVEN IF Bethesda never made a game before with multiple paths, who is to say they can not do it now?
In a really short summery GIVE THEM A DAMN CHANCE, they have had this for less then a week. I am sorry that maybe Bethesda was not your first choice of a developer, but give them at least till E3 next year before you make a final judgement, otherwise you are being unrealistic and unreasonable.
Temat: Tlumaczenia tekstow
a to kolejna piosenka któa bardzo lubie - troszkę cieżko było ja prztłumaczyc- tak żeby oddać dobrze jej treśc! więc jezlei ktos ma jakies poprawki to czekam i poprawiamy
Coming Back To Love ..................................................Powracając do miłości
I was the earth covered in drifts of snow.....................Byłam ziemią pokrytą zaspami śniegu
Frozen in time a time I'd sooner not remember............Zamrożoną w czasie, czasie którego wkrótce nie będe pamiętać
You were the breathe of spring...................................Ty byłeś oddechem wiosny
Moving in..................................................................Osaczasz
Melting me down........................................................Roztapiając moje
To this forgotten heartbeat..........................................serce, które zapomniało jak bić
Waking with the rhythm of you....................................Czuwam przy twoim rytmie
I'm coming back to love, oh.......................................Powracam do miłości
Feel you unfold in me................................................Czuję jak mnie odkrywasz
I'm like a flower in your hands...................................Jestem jak kwiat w twoich dłoniach
Opening to the sun....................................................otwierający się do słońca
Coming back to love again.........................................Znowu powracam do miłości
Lying with you watching the day go down....................Leżenie z tobą i patrzenie jak mijają dni
These simple things have brought me to my senses.....te proste rzeczy przywracają mnie do mojego uczucia
Flowing inside my skin...............................................Przenikają w moją skórę
I breathe you in........................................................Oddycham tobą głeboko
Into my soul.............................................................W mojej duszy
Deep inside your heartbeat.........................................Głeboko w twoim bijącym sercu
I'm stronger with the rhythm of you............................Jestem śilniejsza dzięki twojemu rytmowi
Coming back coming back...........................................Powracam, powracam
... With you I remember..............................................Z tobą takim jakim cię pamiętam
How good this feels.....................................................Jak dobrze jest to czuć
Temat: Songs....
Happy Day everyone
Fotumaiafe, you like it? Me too I've heard Andrea Bocelli's rendition but not w/ Celine Dion. Must be awesome! Both have powerful voices. I like Charlotte Church's version with Josh Groban. It is such a beautiful song
Everytime I hear this song, I must look like Diane Keaton in "Somethings Got to Give" when she's all over the place! hahaha It's drives me crazy and to . And I feel so. . .so dumb! lmao
Hoobastank "The Reason"
[size=18]I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear
I've found a resaon for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is Youuuuuu
and the reason is Youuuuuu
and the reason is Youuuuuu
and the reason is Youuuuuuuu
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you[/size]
hey illumination, have you been going through my CD's again, lol, love that song!!!
here's mine, it's an old one, but I can totally connect sometimes...
Simple Kind of Life by No Doubt
For a long time I was in love
Not only in love I was obsessed
With a friendship that no one else could touch
It didn't work out, I'm covered in shells
And all I wanted was the simple things
A simple kind of life
And all I needed was a simple man
So I could be a wife
I'm so ashamed, I've been so mean
I don't know how it got to this point
I always was the one with all the love
You came along, I'm hunting you down
Like a sick domestic abuser looking for a fight
And all I wanted was the simple things
A simple kind of life
If we met tomorrow for the very first time
Would it start all over again?
Would I try to make you mine?
I always thought I'd be a mom
Sometimes I wish for a mistake
The longer that I wait the more selfish that I get
You seem like you'd be a good dad
Now all those simple things are simply too complicated for my life
How'd I get so faithful to my freedom?
A selfish kind of life
When all I ever wanted was the simple things
A simple kind of life
Temat: World Trade Center
Wlasnie znalazlem artykul od biegacza dla biegaczy. Chyba nic dodac nic ujac.
We Must Run - Life Goes On
Article by: Michael Selman
Reproduced with permission of the author
I'm a morning runner, but yesterday morning, I did not run. I was tired, and just couldn't get up. Then I came to work and watched as the world as we know it changed forever. I'm sure that 11th September 2001 will develop it's own recognizable label at some future date. The initial impact of yesterday's events has not set in yet, and the long term impact will no doubt be more far reaching than anyone can even fathom at this point.
Yesterday, very little work was done. I spent the day glued to the TV, talking to loved ones repeatedly, trying to get statuses of people I knew who were in the vicinity of ground zero. My boss was less than a mile away from the World Trade Center when the attack started, and she saw everything. It took until after 4 in the afternoon before contact was made with her. She is as okay as any eyewitness can be.
I called my wife Harriet at work at about 4 yesterday, and told her I was going home to run. She didn't sound surprised. Until the world changed, I had not planned to run yesterday at all. But sometimes, you have to run for people other than yourself, and I told her I needed to run, partly for me, but also for the memory of all of yesterday's victims, and because I was not going to allow terrorism to dictate the sacred things I still have control of. My running time yesterday was my symbolic gesture of continuity during a time of turmoil. When I need to pray, my running time is my prayer time, and I just plain needed to pray. If I am grieving, my running time is my grieving time, and yesterday, I needed to grieve. It's my time of self-intimacy, where I am most in touch with myself. My running time is my freedom, and yesterday, I needed to be free. My running time is mine, and yesterday, I needed to wrestle back ownership of myself.
Last night, we had our children over. We don't see them every day, but last night, it was important that we were in the same place at the same time. Harriet's daughter Jenny was already there when I got home from work. When I got back from my run, my daughter Monica was there, and soon afterwards, Jenny's boyfriend Joe came by too. Lissa, Harriet's youngest daughter, is in California, but she remained in contact with us all day. Suddenly, the family unit became exponentially important to us all.
By the time Harriet got home, Monica had already left, due to some personal things she needed to take care of. Even in the midst of world changing events, life goes on. Life goes on. Things have changed, but life goes on. Many things will be different from now forward. Some things will actually be different for the better. Other things will be different in an infamous way. But everything has changed.
Soon, airports will re-open, and many fewer people will be traveling. Soon, the stock markets will re-open, and the overall financial impact of what happened yesterday will become clear. Soon, the unity and generosity of the country and the world will uncover countless thousands of heroes, and will in some way help the collective healing process. Soon, the perpetrators of yesterday's horrendous crimes will be exposed, and definitive, swift, and complete retaliation will ensue. In the coming days and weeks, the world's and nation's mourning will filter down to individual mourning, as the dead are identified, and just about every single person in the country will either know somebody, or know somebody who knows somebody who lost their life yesterday.
Routine is of paramount importance at this point in time. Being thrown off of it gives the terrorists victory. We have to play baseball again, as soon as it is deemed to be safe. We have to open Disneyland, and Disney World again, as soon as it is deemed safe. We have to celebrate life again, as soon as we can respectfully do so. We have to first redefine normal, and then get to it, as soon as we can. And once again, reminiscent of our deepest despair, we must never, never forget. And we must run.
In this time of overwhelming grief, it's important to look for the small victories wherever we can. Simple things like extra long hugs, and never passing up an opportunity to tell someone you love that you love them are vital at this time. And yes, we must run. Running is part of our routine, and a strong foundation of who we are. And we have to find ways to return to who we are quickly. Returning to whatever routine we can as soon as we can is in a very small way a declaration of victory.
God bless you all.
Temat: Joseph Smith"s personal faults do not matter (Brigham Young)
Hey Megatron!!! Love the pic!!!!! I LOVED the Transformers as a kid!!
Ok, Maka, you make me chuckle. You're right JS is no Abraham. They both are prophets set at different times to do the Lords work, so YES we agree on that. I'm not one to question GOD. Please by all means you can do so as you feel the need.
Ding Ding Ding! Leuvien is back in the ring looking all pretty and hypocritical as usual! HOW DARE YOU say to a fellow daughter of GOD that she is ignorant!? Who do you think you are? Who made you her judge AND.... AND..... Does YOUR God only listen and love and protect only learned persons?!!I'd dislike to see how you would have treated Mary Magdaline. Since when does God care if we are smart? Since when does he belittle us and teach us to belittle each other. Your statment is out of line and I think you should appologise to Sensitive. You don't care what I say, I'm certian, but i refuse to sit back and just condon you smashing on her like that. Shame on you. Very very bad form my dear.
You love to make things personal in here don't you? Just like you did with JLo. Fain to deny it. Anywhooo....
Sensitive, girl, you keep goin... your testimony is solid and based on Faith which is more than I can say about some people who are sign seekers and proof seekers. HEavenly Father knows your heart and what you are trying to say. No worries girl. I appreciated what you said.
None of us on this earth have a perfect understanding of God and that is because we are Human and Gods way are not ours and His are higher than our ways and therefore we are all ok. JS was called of God I believe that too. He went through WAY TOO MUCH, he suffered both temporal and spiritual pain, if it were me I would have conseeded if it was a lie. But it was not a lie. No matter what happened to him and the Saints JS could not deny what he saw. He saw God and the Saviour and he was called. Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah....
Makahunu makes a perfect example of a person who is learned in the LDS faith, he must have really believe at one point to be so dedicated with some of the History of the church. BUT also that gives him prime opportunity to take small and simple things of the Lord and twist them and distrot them. I'm a learned individual, but you know what who cares! I....we...don't need to give anybody...anything "to chew on". They already have full much that they cannot even swallow what they have bitten off in the first place. NO WORRIES.
The Book of Mormon is true scripture as is the Doctrine and Covenants. God continues His work he has done in the past in the present and will do so in the future. It must be pretty scary to limit God the way people do in this thread. I cannot limit God. I am just His child, I can be a right brat at times and I'm not perfect, but I will not question Him. Who am I to do such a thing. I am no one.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints it the only true and living church on the earth that holds all the keys essential for the salvation of the sould of Men on the earth. I know this not by people "giving me things or proof to chew on" , not by being bullied or smashed on until I conseed, but by humble and fervent prayer. Just me and Father talking things over one to another, and he did tell me that what I was doing is right.
The Sun children ....... it sets in the west and rises in the East that is absolute truth. Directions of East and west will never change as it takes it's steady course, however north and south, if you go far enough north it become south, this is an absolute truth too Just like Christ he is True and so is His Church. Yep.... pretty bold statement....uhuh....pretty bold indeed.
People can try to twist what they will, you cannot disprove truth. And I will not question God. My faith is not a fad, it's not something I wear, it is who I am.
Temat: Różne Artykuły Z Gazet...
Lauri from The Rasmus
While the rest of The Rasmus are still working at the new album,
Break Out! was talking to the singer Lauri.
Check everything about the new album, their pimped tourbus and
the cool rocklife in Finland !!
I: "You came all alone to Holland to give interviews.
Don't you feel yourself very sad ?"
Lauri: "To be honest.. yeah a little. I am alone for three weeks. Tomorrow I'll fly to France for interviews and after that to Germany. And I can tell you: it is quite lonely to be alone in a hotelroom. But it so, and not better. The other guys are finishing the album, doing the last stuff."
I: "Your first single is just released. What's it all about ?"
Lauri: "No Fear is an interesting song, a little dark. When In The Shadows became such a big hit, we were a little afraid of the success. What the hell did we have to do to get the same effect? No Fear can get the same effect. I'm inspired by a car accident. The video is about a girl who dies and then she had to make a choice between heaven or hell."
I: "Is the rest of Hide From The Sun also that.. uhm... nice ?"
Lauri: "On the new album you'll find a lot of oppositions: beauty and the beast, light and dark, day and night. The melodies are very beautiful and the lyrics are almost like poison, so dark. It is more artistic than the last cd, we let our thoughts the free run."
I: "Are you already used to your life as a celebrity ?"
Lauri: "Hahahaha, my friends take good care of me becoming not arrogant. They keep me to the ground. That's why I can relative everything so good. But life is good in Finland anyway."
I: "But it's very cold there, right ?"
Lauri: "Sometimes. But it's also very trendy there. There has to happen a lot before I will ever leave Finland. The house where I live is too nice."
I: "Do you have a very hot sauna in your backyard ?"
Lauri: "Yeaaaaaaah, in the Scandinavian countries you can't live without one. Not that I am like one of that typical sauna-dudes, 'cause actually I am almost never in it. But when I am, I am there alone. And only to clean myself."
I: "Are you home a lot ?"
Lauri: "No. In a year we are 250 days in other countries for sure. Of the other 100 days that I need a month to come in my normal rythm again."
I: "What do you do when you are free than ?"
Lauri: "Hanging out with friends, walking near my house, cooking... simple things..."
I: "Are you recognized a lot on the streets ?"
Lauri: "In Finland yeah. Than I wear a sweater with sunglasses. But I don't mind. Finnish people are cool. They are very patient and also a little bit shy. They won't talk to you very soon. The more south you go, the sooner fans will come to you."
I: "Do you still like the touring ?"
Lauri: "Yeaaaaaaaaaah. We have a group of fans who are travelling behind us, when we are going to other countries. It's amazing when you think about it how much money they spend on flight-tickets and sleeping places. I love it !!"
I: "Do you have a big "pimpy" tourbus ?"
Lauri: "Haha, he's a little pimped. On tour we travel with a big tourbus, upstairs we have the sleeping places and in the front are two giant relaxing fauteuils. I sit in them a lot when we are driving. I love to float a few metres above the ground."
I: "How's the entertainment in the bus ?"
Lauri: "We have two big televisions on board. It's very relaxing to watch a movie like that. A bus like that has to be comfortable 'cause you are for such a long time away from home. You have to have a place where you can feel comfy."
I: "What do you eat on board ?"
Lauri: "We have a kitchen, but we never use it. The refrigerater is also there, there's a lot of water and alcohol in it. We also have a wine corner."
I: "Are there very stupidious things are your rider ?"
Lauri: "Not really, I think. Maybe it's crazy that we want green plants. Is that diva-behaviour? Haha, we just want them for the oxygen. And it makes everything more comfy."
I: "Any other interesting _ ?"
Lauri: "For the rest only water, beer, strong alcohol and toweld. And chocolate and things like that, for if we get hungry. That's isn't very weird, is it ?"
I: "What is going to happen to The Rasmus any further ?"
Lauri: "Well, first we are going on tour. In Oktober we start and we go on till December. Will you note that we are coming to Holland as well ? And for the rest... you know, some day, all of this will be over. That's why we want to enjoy these now as much as we can. There will come a day when you wake up and nobody will know anymore who you are, haha !!"
Ciekawy ten wywiad,ale wiecie zdanie:"In Oktober we start and we go on till December" skojarzylo mi sie z Keep you heart broken..Lauri tam spiewa:"I promised to try to be back 'til December "


Temat: KDE
| * zalozeniach lezacych u podstaw DRI.
czytalem, nie zgadzam sei.
No to nie mamy o czym rozmawiac, bo aksjomaty nie podlegaja dyskusji.
Skoro twoje zalozenia sa inne, niz tworcow DRI, to DRI po prostu
realizuje cos innego, niz ty bys chcial. Napisz wiec swoje, jesli to
ci nie odpowiada.
| ehhh, nie zrozumiales ani slowa...
zrozumialem. liczenie na nowszy hardware jest bledem. chyba, ze
architektura nie pozwala wykorzystac w pelni hardware'u; w tym
przypadku raczej to nie zachodzi.
no wlasnie, kompletnie nic nie zrozumiales.
| Wnioskuje stad, ze wiesz co to jest "Fitt's Law", swietnie znasz
w zyciu nie slyszalem. wszystko, co wiem o ui, wiem z wlasnego
No to w przypadku UI tez nie mamy o czym dyskutowac.
MacOS - owszem, przez kilka dni. cli jest szybsze.
ROTFL. Narysuj korzystajac z CLI obrazek szybciej niz z GUIowego
| [Hint: to _NIE_ jest kwestia gustu]
dla ciebie - mozliwe. dla mnie jest i zawsze bedzie.
Jestes statystycznie nieistotny.
uznalem, ze milo byloby, gdybys ustosunkowal sie do tego systemu;
innymi slowy #2 i #3.
#2 - Apple ma sklonnosc do ukrywania wszelkich szczegolow
implementacyjnych nieistotnych z punktu widzenia tworcy GUIowych
klikatorow, a SystemOverview.pdf z
jest zbyt lakoniczny, bym mogl na jego podstawie ustosunkowac sie do
pomyslow Apple'a. Jesli jest tak, jak sugeruja w tej publikacji i
plotki, ktore kraza po sieci sa prawdziwe, to jest to najlepszy
Windowing System jaki dotychczas powstal.
#3 - Nie rozumiem, przeciez to dokladne zaprzeczenie twoich pomyslow.
| Co w takim razie rozumiesz przez "funkcjonalnosc"?
spis widgetow plus lista wywolywanych procedur. 'u gory okienka po
lewej stronie widzimy przycisk, po nacisnieciu ktorego zostanie
wywolana 'blah_onclick()'.'.
ROTFL. O interfejsach uzytkownika sterowanych zdarzeniami tez nie masz
bladego pojecia? W sumie mnie to nie dziwi...
po pierwsze, dziala to takze w druga strone. po drugie - dtp i corel
sa rzadko potrzebne. 'simple things should be simple, more advanced
should be possible' czy jakos tak - zrob api, ktore bedzie
maksymalnie uzyteczne dla 90% zastosowan i zostaw 'obejscia' dla
bardziej skomplikowanych.
Toz do tego sluza toolkity - sprawiaja, ze proste rzeczy staja
sie proste. A skomplikowane rzeczy powinny byc dostepne dzieki
niskopoziomowemu api Window Servera (teraz nie sa).
wiekszosc programistow nie ma ochoty na definiowanie jak standardowy
widget ma sie odrysowac, kiedy odswiezyc okno i tym podobne pierdoly
Czy w qt, albo gtk+ musisz to robic???
przerzucenie tego na serwer spowodowaloby uproszczenie kodu aplikacji
Oczywiscie, wrzucenie servera WWW, newsowego, pocztowego, Oracle'a i
najlepiej wszystkiego co mozna znalezc w Debianie do jadra systemu
operacyjnego, albo serwera tez uprosci kod aplikacji. I to jak!!! I
tu trafilismy do punktu wyjscia - nie masz zielonego pojecia o
reuzywalnosci kodu (np. o komponentach), stad twoje "problemy" z
zaakceptowaniem tego, co dobre.
poza tym, nie odpowiedziales na moje pytanie - jak robi sie to
obecnie? jesli renderuje sie tekst, a potem blittuje w odpowiednie
miejsce okna, rownie dobrze mozna to zrealizowac w oparciu o serwer.
Odpowiedzialem zanim zadales to pytanie. Trzeba bylo uwaznie czytac.
Temat: 10.XII.2008 kIRk & RSP@OBIEKT ZNALEZIONY Warszawa
W ramach Festiwalu Re:wizje w środę odbędzie się koncert dwóch zespołów: kIRk i RSP. Będzie basowo, transowo, psychoaktywnie.
Start: 20.30
Wjazd: za darmo
RSP 20.30-21.30
DJ Set 21.30-22.30
kIRk 22.10-23.30
kIRk to przepastny kocioł wypełniony rozmaitymi miksturami. Nic, tylko chochlę chwycić i mieszać! Projekt powstał około 2000/2001. Punktem wyjścia była muzyka techno – wszystkie jej niepokorne nurty i artyści zorientowani na odkrywanie nowych obszarów. Ciągłe poszerzanie horyzontów, użyźnianie wyobraźni wszystkim tym, w czym pobrzmiewa „flow”, „groove” „feeling”, „czad” i „wykop” musiało przeformułować podejście do dźwięku. kIRk zobaczył siebie jako projekt w działaniu – proces bez końca, z ideami, ale bez doktrynerstwa. Bo w istocie kIRk to wehikuł, który zabrnąć może w najbardziej nieprawdopodobne obszary. Estetycznie zespół dawno zarzuciło techno-ortodoksję. Pozostało natomiast zamiłowanie do undergroundowego etosu i przekonanie o potrzebie bezkompromisowości.
Z czasem zespół wzbogacił się o nowych muzyków wywodzących się z różnych kręgów. Dało to nowy impuls do rozwoju. Dzięki nim surowy bit zostaje zrównoważony emocjonalnością trąbki, syntetyczny wykop zaczyna iść w parze z rapowym vibe’m, zaś abstrakcyjne kliki zderzają się z konkretem śpiewanej historii.
Jak dotąd numery kIRków znalazły się na pięciu winylach ( dla Neue Heimat, Noodles Institute of Technology czy ukraińskiego Ghettofuck). Zespół zanotował kilka sukcesów, koncert w berlińskim Tresorze, współpracę z Si Beggiem, czy emisje kawałków w audycji Mary Anne Hobbs w BBC Radio1).EP’ka „About Simple Things” powstała na bazie wcześniejszego albumu „Karton+”. Sam album nigdy nie ukazał się oficjalnie, gdyż jego cokolwiek amatorski sznyt na to nie pozwolił. Ale to właśnie tam, na „Karton+”, wyklarowała się nowa koncepcja grania kIRk. Muzycy postanowili jeszcze raz przestudiować pomysły z LP i wybrać te najbardziej intrygujące. Chodziło o to, by skondensować je i rozbudować – tak, by w konsekwencji sięgnąć jeszcze głębiej.
kIRk – poszerzanie formuły!
Wyrastający z płockiej sceny techno dj i producent w swoich utworach i setach nie zważa na gatunkowe czy geograficzne podziały. Na imprezach oprowadza zebranych po muzycznych zaułkach Detroit, Londynu czy Berlina. Za przewodnik służy mu minimalistyczne elektroniczne struktury, dubowe eksperymenty, a także alternatywny hip-hop i samplowe kolaŅe. W 2006 roku razem z min. An On Bast został laureatem konkursu organizowanego przez Nową Muzykę, a w 2008 brał udział w odbywającym się w Neustrelitz festiwalu Fusion. Jest członkiem kolektywu nn rec., a jego produkcje wyszły pod szyldami Sinergy Networks, Epynion czy S!ite. Nie dawno rozpoczął współpracę z wokalistką (Evel - kIRk) i trębaczem (OlG - kIRk, Gaamera, Daktari), co zwiastuje nowy etap na jego producenckiej drodze. Cały czas też nadstawia ucha co w niskich częstotliwościach piszczy, co - nie zważając na etykiety i panujące właśnie trendy - uzupełni jego starannie planowaną winylową kolekcję. Nie ograniczając się żadnymi stylistykami, tak w djíingu, jak i w produkcji muzycznej, stawia na klimat i emocje.
Temat: Co nowa płyta przyniesie ?
My tu możemy sobie pisać, że GOL czy Sessions są bardzo dobrymi płytami, gdy jednak stoją obok Equinoxe czy Zoolook, robią się takie malutkie [tu jman pokazuje jak malutkie się robią].
Szczerze powiedziawszy, to nie przepadam za takim odbiorem każdej płyty, czy to JMJ, czy to TD czy kogo tam innego. Jeślibym miał każdą kolejną płytę danego wykonawcy/kompozytora porównywać z jeo poprzednimi albumami, to ostatecznie słuchałbym po jednym albumie na wykonawcę. Bo by się w końcu okazało, że "to całkiem niezłe, ale poprzednie było genialne, więc to ostatecznie jest złe". I na koniec zostałby ten jeden jedyny album który już z niczym by nie był porównywalny. Zgroza (w każdym razie dla mnie).
Na każdy album patrzę pod kątem tego, czy mi się podoba, czy nie.
Sessions2k mi się podoba i gdzieś mam czy Zoolook był lepszy, bo tego nie stwierdzę. Te płyty są diametralnie różne. Nie da się powiedzieć "Scania to dobry samochód, ale Porche na pewno lepsze". Czasem lepsze, czasem gorsze. I jedno jeździ i drugie jeździ, ale na pewno jedno różni się od drugiego.
Podobnie rzecz się ma np z TD. "Rubycon świetny, ale Ricochet mmmm to było coś, więc Rubycona nie słucham". Bzdura.
To takie wpychanie danego wykonawcy/kompozytora na jedną linię twórczości.
"Dobrze mu wyszło Oxygene to niech nagrywa cały czas oxygenopodobne albumy, ku naszej uciesze". Moim zdaniem to nieco ogranicza muzyka i po jakimś czasie powoduje że zaczyna wiać nudą, cały czas to samo.
Nie porównujcie Sessions2k i Zoolooka, bo się najzwyczajniej nie da.
Jeśli chodzi o oczekiwania, to wolałbym album, który w niczym nie przypominałby żadnej z dotychczasowych płyt.
Znów się przyczepię
Cytat: Gdyby nowa płyta zawierała kompozycje w stylu "Miss Moon",to byłbym zachwycony.
To prawda, bardzo miły kawałek, choć może nieco za bardzo płynący na fali popularności takich kapel jak Deep Forest.
A co ma Deep Forest do "Miss moon"? Jakoś na żadnym ich albumie nie spotkałem utworu choćby podobnego do "Miss..". Nigdy mi się taki "link" w głowie nie pojawił
Jedynym ich albumem, na którym na siłe dało by się coś znaleźć, byłoby może "Music Detected", ale... to już bardzo na siłę.
Poza tym (dygresja ) Metamorphoses to rok 2000, czyli już grubo po czasach świetności Deep Forest Więc gdzie tu fala popularności?
co maja smyczki do elektroniki.
Oj duużo. Dobrze użyta sekcja smyczkowa, potrafi stworzyć lepszy klimat niż syntetyki W sumie niebardzo znam się na nomenklaturze gatunków, więc nie będę szastał nazwami, podnazwami i jeszcze innymi nalepkami na szufladki ale wpadła mi kiedyś w moje łapy płyta zespołu Zero7, bodaj było to When It Falls (lub Simple Things, nie pamiętam), w każdym razie był płytka przyjemna, ciekawa, ale był tam kawałek "End Theme" (ostatni jak nazwa wskazuje ). Polecam ten kawałek wszystkim, którzy nie wiedzą, co można zrobić w elektronice ze smyczkami. Ten utwór to miód.
Kroi się połączenie Metamorphoses [wokale] z Geometry [smyki], kroi się płyta spokojniejsza, być może całkiem ładna, dojrzała.
No i elegancko. Grunt żeby z serca szło.
żeby Jarre tylko nie przekombinował z tym albumem
oooooo tak!
Pozdrawiam ponownie
Temat: CD z Funk,House,Dance,Trance,Techno do sprzedania
do sprzedania nastepujace plytki:
Future Breeze - Cruel World
Virus - Forever in Love
John & Julie - Double Happiness
Giants - Color Me Badd Mix '92
KA-22 - Carnival Of Sounds
Paralyzer - Bip Bip Bop
The Outhere Brothers - Pass The Toilet Paper ('98 House Remixes)
Space Frog - X-Ray (Follow Me)
Artemis - Don't U Dare
Pan-O-Rama - I Want You Boy
Tribaldome 2 - The Wardance Megamixes
Mark Green - Funky Lick
Westbam - Bam Bam Bam
Pj & Duncan - Stuck On U
Paradise Raver - Conquest Of Paradise
Para Disco - Shine
SUperfox - I Love The Nightlife
Utah Saints - I Want You
Eskimos + Egypt - Home
Sunscreem - Secrets
New Atlantic U4EA - The Sunshine After The Rain
Winc - THoughts Of A Tranced Love
Striking Man - Da Lower You Go
RED feat. Phil Fearon - Ain't Nothing But A Houseparty
Electronic - Forbidden City
Atlantic Ocean - Music Is A Passion
Moonraker - Spaceman
Winx - Don't Laugh
Baze Control - Gotta Follow Me
Tensor - Push It / Ramba Zamba
Franky Jones - Trancomatic
L.A.P.D. - I'll be there
DJ ED - Addition
SPirit Animal - The Attractor
Dubstar - STars The Mixes
Express - Ich Tarzan Du Jane
PIzzaman - Hello Honkey Tonks (Rock Your Body)
Shaft - Roobarb & Custard
Palais O - The Groove Is Back
Alex Neri - Planet Funk / Funky Love
The PC Groove Sensation - Sweet Love - The Dance Mixes
Lil Louis - French Kiss
Underground Kingz - One Day
Dj Quicksilver - I Have A Dream / Bellissima
2 Brothers on The 4th Floor - Dreams (Will Come Alive)
Orange Juice - Never GOnna Lose
Planetois - Another World
Cut'n'Move - Give It Up
Marusha - Unique
Dj Quicksilver - Planet Love
Calvin Stones - Fonky Muzik . Party People . The Pool
Interactive - Gabber Gabber HO! (The '94 Rotterdam Megamixes)
Intermission - Miracle Of Love
Marusha - Secret
Dj Hooligan - Rave Nation
Intermission feat. Lori Glori - Six Days
Colour Climax - Ignorance Is BLiss
Dj Quicksilver presents Base Unique - Always On My Mind
Dionysos - Break On Through
Paradisco - Do It Again
D.J.F. - Trancit
DJ ED - Favorite
Pamela Fernandez - Kickin' In The BEat
House Pimps - Keep Goin Higher
Double Vision - Knockin - The Houseremixes
Alex Party - Simple Things
Headman - We Love You
Genlog - Airwalk
2 Brothers On The 4th Floor feat. Des'Ray & D-Rock - There's A Key
Mario Piu - Communication (Somebody Anwser The Phone)
The Purple Kings - Thats the Way You Do It
Hypertraxx - Paranoid
Hardsequencer - Pumpcore EP
Housemaid feat. kim - Fish - Remixes
wiekszosc w stanie prawie jak nowym, niektore opakowania nadlamane,
dodatkowe info co do poszczegolnych cd na zapytanie.
cena w okolicy 5zl za sztuke, wieksze zamowienia do uzgodnienia, za caly pakiet tym bardziej,
kontakt najlepiej na maila:
Temat: Armin Van Buuren
Armin van Buuren uważany za jednego z najlepszych DJ'ów świata. Holender jest autorem takich kompozycji jak "Sail", "This World Is Watching Me" czy "Serenity", która stała się hymnem Sensation White.
Już od najmłodszych lat Armin interesował się muzyką. Dzięki jednemu ze znajomych poznał świat muzyki trance, a jego inspiracją stały się dokonania Dutch DJ'a i Bena Liebranda. Zaczął występować będąc na studiach. Debiutancki singiel, "Blue Fear", wydał w 1995 roku. Wkrótce poznał Dave'a Lewisa, autora sukcesów takich artystów jak DJ Tiësto oraz Ferry Costen i założył własną wytwórnię płytową. Z Tiësto Armin spotkał się później przy projekcie "Eternity", który okazał się wielkim sukcesem.
W roku 2003 Armin wydał swój kolejny album "76", ustanowił rekord w zagraniu najdłuższego seta oraz skończył prawo. Za swoje muzyczne dokonania otrzymał wiele nagród ( za Najlepsze Show Radiowe, Najlepszą Kompilację State of Trance w 2005 i 205 roku, Najlepszy Teledysk Trance - "Shivers"), zaś według rankingu DJ Mag Top uznany został za najlepszego DJ'a na świecie, w 2006 roku tytuł ten otrzymał Paul van Dyk.
-Going Wrong (2008)
-In and Out Of Love (2008)
-Serenity (2005)
-Shivers (2005)
-Sound Of Goodbye (2008)
-This Worlds Is Watching Me (2007)
2008 - Imagine
1. Imagine
2. Going Wrong
3. Unforgiveable
4. Face to Face
5. ArmiHold On To Me
6. In and Out of Love (& Sharon Den Adel)
7. Never Say Never
8. Rain
9. What If
10. Fine Without You
11. Intricacy
2006 - 10 Years
1. Hymne
2. Sail
3. Love You More (feat. Racoon)
4. Communication Part 3
5. Yet Another Day (feat. Ray Wilson)
6. Burned With Desire (feat. Justine Suissa)
7. 4 Elements
8. Sound of Goodbye (Dark Matter Remix)
9. Clear Blue Moon
10. Blue Fear
11. Exhale (feat. System F)
12. Who is Watching (feat. Nadia Ali) (Tonedepth Remix)
13. Saturday Night (vs Herman Brood)
14. Zocalo (feat. Gabriel & Dresden)
15. This World is Watching Me (vs Rank 1 feat. Kush)
16. Sunspot (feat. Airwave)
17. Touch Me
18. Simple Things (feat. Justine Suissa)
19. Shivers (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Red Light Dub)
20. Wall of Sound (feat. Justine Suissa) (Airbase presents Parc Remix)
21. Intruder (feat. M.I.K.E.)
2005 - Shivers
1. Wall of Sound - Justine Suissa, Armin van Buuren
2. Empty State
3. Shivers
4. Golddigger
5. Zocalo - Dresden, Gabriel & Dresden, Armin van Buuren
6. Gypsy - Armin van Buuren, Ray Wilson
7. Who Is Watching - Nadia Ali, Armin van Buuren
8. Bounce Back - DJ Remy, Roland Klinkenberg, Armin van Buuren
9. Control Freak
10. Serenity
2003 - 76
1. Prodemium
2. Precious
3. Yet Another Day
4. Burned With Desire
5. Blue Fear 2003
6. From The Heart
7. Never Wanted This
8. Astronauts
9. Stay
10. Wait For You (Song For The Ocean)
11. Sunburn
12. Communication
13. Slipstream
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